National Library Week: The library goes virtual

Until mid March, the library at Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy was a hub for students looking for a quiet place to read, take a break or just think. When COVID-19 forced everyone to stay home, librarian Rose Badia decided that neither a global pandemic nor a statewide school closure was going to keep her from providing her students a version of that space.

“It’s important to keep that going,” said Badia, who has been a librarian at Dallas ISD since 2007, first at Skyline High School and now at Franklin Middle School. This year, she was one of five national finalists for the 2020 School Librarian of the Year, given by the School Library Journal in recognition of outstanding work in using 21st-century tools to engage children and teens in fostering multiple literacies.

Badia recalled the last days at the school this spring were spent issuing laptops to each Franklin Academy student in preparation for the possibility that Dallas ISD would be closed indefinitely to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in the community. She started planning right then and there.

“I talk to kids a lot. I make a connection with them,” she said. “I knew I needed to start planning to keep that going, to do the same with them that I do when they come to the library.”

Her routine on a normal week in the physical library involves hosting classes, teaching research techniques, and reserving Fridays to check out books. She figured remoteness was no excuse to keep the doors to the library shut.

On Badia’s first remote library visits, which she offers three days a week, she set up a cooking segment from her kitchen—jaunty beret and all—to take students through a cookie recipe and then discuss a book about cookies.

“I wanted something cool they could do at home with their families,” she said. “I found a book about cookies and a recipe for peanut butter cookies. I had about 27 students and teachers join in.”

Later in the week, she got emails from parents telling her that their children had made the cookies at home.

“That’s what I was looking for,” she said. “The library needs to be part of every family.”

Most recently, she taught participants how to tie-dye a T-shirt.

She dedicates Wednesdays to tech literacy to share online resources with students and their parents. On Fridays, the group reads stories, sometimes in Spanish. On Tuesdays, she works with the counselor The Family place—who used to visit the school—to share tips for life like time management and the best ways to effectively learn from home

“I want my library to be active and be part of the community, as all libraries should be,” she said.




Find free books at your fingertips

Students and staff can celebrate National Library Week by checking out an ebook from the Dallas ISD electronic library.

Although students might not have access to physical books, they can still check out reading material on a smart phone, tablet or computer. A wide selection of ebooks is accessible through Dallas ISD’s electronic library and the local public library simply by downloading the Sora app, available for iOS and Android devices.

Dallas ISD staff also have access to the district’s library with their employee ID by downloading the app. Users can access to the public library, whether in Dallas or other cities, through the app with a current library card, which can be obtained electronically in most cities. Dallas ISD staff who don’t live in Dallas can get a temporary Dallas Public Library card online with their district ID.


  • Download de Sora app
  • If school is not listed, click on the link at the bottom and type it in or type in Dallas ISD (staff can type in Dallas ISD and not a specific school)
  • Choose the selection that comes up
  • Enter your information
    • Students—student ID number as the username; the password is the last four digits.
    • Staff—the employee ID number (with a leading 10 or 100 to make seven digits if necessary) for the username; the password is the last four digits.
  • Repeat the process to find your public library and sign in with your library card information


Take advantage of additional benefits

In an effort to enhance services Dallas ISD provides employees, the Benefits Department in HCM has identified additional resources that can be helpful while staying safe at home.

Through the TRS-ActiveCare plan and CVS Caremark, the district’s carriers will provide the following additional health benefits to enrolled participants:

  • Waived costs for all diagnostic testing of COVID-19 for patients who meet CDC guidelines
  • Waived cost for all telemedicine visits
  • Free home delivery of all prescription medications.
  • Healing better care package. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 (and admitted to the hospital), Aetna will send you a care package containing items to help you recover at home. The packages include resources, personal care items, and household supplies to protect your loved ones from potential exposure in your home.
  • Refills for maintenance medications before a 30-day prescription is up (eligible 90-day refills strongly encouraged).
  • CVS Health has activated a process to allow for 10-14 day overrides when appropriate, for members in areas where a Declaration of Emergency has been issued.
  • Access to the following programs:
  • Crisis Response Lines for participants who may be experiencing anxiety related to COVID-19, call (833) 327-2386.
  • Expanded 24/7 access to the Aetna Nurse Medical Line by calling (800) 556-1555.
  • Resources for Living toolkit with materials specifically developed for members experiencing anxiety related to COVID-19. For more information, contact the Aetna Resources for Living at (833) 327-2386.

More resources and tools that members can use can be found through this link.


What you said: Working from home

Working from home has been the new normal for district staff for a few weeks, and many of you answered The Beat poll to share your thoughts and  tips to make it a successful experience.

“It’s been a major adjustment but we will make it work as best possible in order to support our students and communities!”

Separating work time from home time can be difficult when work takes place in the home, but establishing a routine was key to many. Make sure getting up and walking regularly is part of that routine.

“This week has been the best yet. I’m in a routine that is similar to my old routine, and I get up and move when my Fitbit tells me to do so.”

“Get up at the same time. Eat healthful/tasty meals. Take a brief walk every hour—Fitbit reminds me to get 250 steps every hour. Be careful: Read emails twice before sending, watch tone.”

“I created a schedule for myself to balance out all my weekly task. I include work, grad school, household responsibilities, and personal time. This helps me to stay focus and mentally healthy.”

“As you create your daily work schedule, schedule breaks and stick to that schedule. It brings balance to your workday and reduces your stress level.”

“I made a decision to maintain a school-going routine: eat well, shower, dress professionally, wear makeup and perfume, jewelry. It helps all of my senses and helps me stay focused and motivated.”

A routine is not the only way to effectively work from home. Establishing a work space that is comfortable and helps transition from work to life also provides a mental break and can help with stress.

“If possible, create a workspace at home that includes sufficient space, comfortable seating, sufficient lighting and a window. Step outside periodically to take in the sunshine.”

“Keep a dedicated work space that has a supportive chair. All work lives here.”

Having to stay inside all the time to help stop the spread of COVID-19—especially while having to homeschool children—can be stressful, so several staff members recommended spending time with a hobby or exploring new interests. Above all, a positive attitude is key.

“It has been better than I thought. No commute leaves more time for exercise and cooking meals. I am thankful we have this opportunity to work from home and stay safe when so many don’t.”

“I have to find a time to turn everything off and move away from work. Pick up a hobby.”

“Positive thinking is very important and getting eight hours of sleep, exercising for at least 250 minutes a week, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water.”

“Make a schedule of activities apart from work. Take a walk. Create your own exercise routine. If you have a hobby, this is the time to take some time for it.”

Definitely, the best remedy for keeping cabin fever, anxiety and stress at bay is to stay in touch with others through the many technology options!

“This is me now: upbeat with a smile. Four weeks ago, I was feeling down and depressed, definitely cabin fever, but thanks to resources and communication with my family, students and coworkers, I am upbeat!”




Principals introduce changes in South Dallas schools

An expanded all-day early learning center and a new state-of-the-art STEAM academy are just the latest building blocks in an effort to grow Dallas ISD’s South Dallas initiative, providing more and better services.

In addition to continuing to serve kindergarten through fifth-grade students, J.J. Rhoads Learning Center is expanding to become an all-day early learning center and will begin serving 3- and 4-year-old in prekindergarten in 2020-21. With extended hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accommodate working parents, Rhoads will offer music and art as part of its after-school programming. Renovations are planned for the building, but Rhoads will remain open and will continue to serve its students.

In the 2021-22 school year, the neighborhood is gaining a new state-of-the-art STEAM academy to serve 675 students when the rebuilt H.S. Thompson Elementary reopens. The new school will be large enough to accommodate all the students now at Rhoads and will focus on preparing students for success in the 21st  century.

Once the higher grades move to Thompson, Rhoads will have room to offer wraparound services as well as community partnerships and resources. Meetings will be held to gather community input.

Rhoads will have two principals on site in the coming school year, the current Rhoads principal, Chaundra Macklin, and the newly named H.S. Thompson principal, Crystal Owens.

Coping with cabin fever while sheltering in place

Sheltering in place can be challenging, but coping with it isn’t impossible. As many of us enter our fifth week of staying safe at home, we might be feeling that restless, irritable, trapped, disconnected feeling that’s known as cabin fever.

If you’re somewhere on the spectrum of “did my spouse always breathe this loudly?” and “I’m about to shave my whole head if I can’t get a haircut,” you might need some cabin fever relief. Because self-isolation and social distancing is still the best way to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s more critical than ever to not let cabin fever jeopardize our health and that of our communities.

With those parameters in mind, here are some tips for surviving sheltering in place without succumbing to cabin fever.

Connect with nature

  • Open all of your windows
  • Invest in some houseplants
  • Immerse yourself in a nature documentary
  • Get some ambient noise going

Get your body moving

  • Download a fitness app
  • Take an online dance class
  • Do low-impact cardio exercise
  • Yoga, and more

Carve out some quiet time

  • Use noise canceling headphones or earplugs
  • Do nothing for 4 minutes

Re-decorate and/or rearrange your space

  • Prioritize spaciousness
  • Experiment with lighting
  • Declutter
  • Create a vision board

If all else fails, remember that cabin fever isn’t forever. And more importantly, it means that you’re taking necessary precautions to protect yourself and your community.

Brought to you by Core 4…. Because you matter!

Dallas ISD urges families and staff to participate in the 2020 Census count

North Texans households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census online or by phone should be receiving a paper form that was sent our starting April 8. The paper questionnaire includes a prepaid postage envelope to return it by mail.

All individuals living in the United States are required by law to fill out a census form online, by phone or on paper, and all answers are confidential. The census questionnaire asks each household to answer a few basic questions about everyone living in the home, including young children.

Because census data helps provide vital community services to residents of Dallas County and beyond, Dallas ISD urges families to respond to the census questionnaire. Here are a few reasons why everyone’s participation is essential:

  • The census is important because the data is used to allocate more than $675 billion in federal funds to states and communities each year for the next 10 years.
  • The funding includes money for school programs and services such as special education, free and reduced-price lunches, class size reduction, technology purchases, teacher training, and afterschool activities.
  • The funds are also used for services that prepare students to learn, such as child health programs and assistance with housing, heating, and food costs.

In past years, census takers visited homes that failed to respond to the questionnaire. Because of the coronavirus, it’s uncertain whether census takers will visit homes this year. The current shelter in place order makes it more essential than ever that everyone responds to the census questionnaire online, via the mail or telephone. To learn more, visit the Census Bureau FAQs page at

Stay fit from home

Social distancing and working from home has us sitting more than normal. Gyms are closed, but you can still have an amazing and challenging workout at home without equipment.

A favorite go-to exercise of Dimitrius Glenn, NCSF-CPT certified personal/athletic trainer, is bodyweight exercises. They are very effective for strength building and fitness.

The following body weight exercises should take no more than 30 minutes to complete at home, with a special focus on working your full body. Complete two to three rounds of every exercise spending one minute on each. Remember to rest briefly after each exercise and each round.

Ab In/Outs: Look up as you come up; bring knees to chest


Reverse Fly Cobra: Look at mat at all times; bring arms, shoulders and legs up at same time


Plyometric Pushup or any pushup variation: Gaze out in front of mat; hands outside of mat; push


Body weight Squat: Toes up; heels down; back straight; chest out; sit; legs 90 degrees as you sit


Squat Jumps: Sit; legs 90 degrees; touch ground if possible; jump; land in same way as started; repeat


Reverse Lunge: Take a big step back and keep back foot heel straight up toward ceiling; knees are behind toes on front leg; keep back straight; chin and neck neutral; *1 minute per leg*


This is an excellent workout routine you can do whenever you have 30 minutes to spare to get your body moving. Even though it can be done anywhere, there’s no place like home.

Get moving with free online classes

Working from home doesn’t mean leaving exercise behind. Starting next week, HCM Benefits is bringing health-boosting workouts to you with free, online fitness, stretch and meditation classes each week. Classes are hosted by certified personal trainers and streamed live through Skype so staff can participate using a computer, tablet or phone in the comfort and safety of your home. For more information about the classes, download the flyer.


Cardio strength and high intensity interval training—Jump start your week with an energizing workout.

Class lasts an hour from noon to 1 p.m.


Stretch and meditation lunch break—Revive your energy and learn ways to stretch and release tension to take care of your well-being. Learn how to stretch and relax.

Class lasts 30 minutes from noon to 12:30 p.m.

To join a class, visit to find the link to the online session before class begins.

  • Allow at least 5 minutes before class time to access the link to get started.
  • Each class will have a unique online link that will be posted before each class begins.