Get your cards here
It’s time for seasonal holiday cards, and the Graphics Department can print yours for $1 each. You can choose from any design, folded or flat. White boxes indicate the number of photos included in the card design. your order by Dec. 14 to guarantee completion before winter break. And for the perfect gift for loved ones, Graphics can print a personalized calendar.
Personalized calendars
Back by popular demand, the graphics department photo calendars are a hot ticket item this season. Send your family and friends a custom personalized calendar and you will win the “best gift award” this holiday season.
12 month flip calendar
Allows for one large photo for each month, and one cover photo. Spiral bound and top punched for easy wall hanging. Don’t forget to include your photo on your birthday month! Name the photos as the month for placement (March.jpg, April.jpg). For best quality, please send high quality photos.
Desk Calendar
18 x 24 laminated desk calendar, room for one large center photo or a collage of up to four photos.
Wall Calendar
Printed on 13 x 19 Gloss cover with a top punch for easy wall hanging. Room for one large center photo or a collage of up to four photos.
Order process and Payment info:
Send completed form with photos to graphicsinfo@dallasisd.org place your order. You will be called upon completion to schedule pick-up or delivery. You may pay at any time over the phone or at pick up. We accept exact cash, card, or personal check.
District Greeting Card Order Form
Calendar Order Form