Don’t let the holiday blues get you down

Is the prospect of the holidays getting you down? Unfortunately, stress and depression don’t take a holiday. In fact, the periods leading up to and during the winter holidays can bring additional stress, anxiety, loneliness and depression. With the ongoing pandemic complicating plans, this holiday season may be especially difficult. The district’s Employee Assistance program, administered by LifeWorks is here to help.

The EAP is a confidential service that offers help with personal and work-related issues.

Professionally trained advisors are available to help with family problems, marital concerns, financial and legal matters, stress, depression, and other issues affecting life at work or at home. The service where advisers are available 24/7 the 365 days of the year is free and confidential.

The EAP encourages employees and those close to them to seek help early, before a minor problem becomes more serious and is designed to address short-term issues and to identify resources and referrals for emergency and long-term issues. When in doubt, contact the EAP for help or support.

While the EAP is free, it’s important to understand that accepting a referral to services outside the EAP, might incur charges for which you may responsible.  For example, if the EAP adviser refers you to a counselor for ongoing (long-term) counseling and the referral is through your medical benefits, co-pays or deductibles may apply; if the referral is not covered by your medical benefits, you would be responsible for fees charged by the specialist or counselor. The EAP advisor will work with you to find the most appropriate and cost-effective help to address your needs.

Download the brochure to see how the EAP works.



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