Celebrando a los profesionales de tecnología informática en Dallas ISD

El día nacional de los profesionales de tecnología informática (TI) reconoce a los expertos técnicos de todo el país que aseguran que los sistemas informáticos funcionen sin problemas. Dallas ISD quiere celebrar a los 261 miembros del departamento de tecnología informática que se aseguran de que los dispositivos de los estudiantes y maestros funcionen, que la información se mantenga segura y que los estudiantes y el personal tengan las conexiones que necesitan para tener éxito.

Antonio Ervin, supervisor de apoyo de área en TI, ha trabajado en el distrito durante 23 años, y no pasó mucho tiempo después de que comenzó a disfrutar de su trabajo y la misión de Dallas ISD.

“Casi en mis primeros días de trabajo, visité una escuela donde tenían un problema y lo recuerdo muy vívidamente”, dijo. “Las computadoras todavía eran escasas en ese momento, y el maestro estaba un poco frustrado porque esta era la única computadora que los estudiantes podían usar. Me tomó menos de cinco minutos solucionar el problema, y cuando me estaba preparando para salir por la puerta, los estudiantes comenzaron a cantarme agradeciéndome. Y pensé, ‘OK, ya estoy convencido.”.

Ervin disfruta preparar a otras personas para el éxito. Ya sea que le alegra el día a un estudiante al facilitarle el acceso al internet, que trabaje en la reunión de la Junta Escolar del distrito o al ayudar a un departamento a cumplir con una fecha límite, le apasiona ser “la persona a la que se puede acudir para resolver un problema”.

Pero no podría hacerlo sin su increíble equipo de tecnología informática.

“No puedes ser un líder exitoso a menos que tengas un gran equipo que puedas liderar”, dijo Ervin. “No se trata de mí, se trata de ellos. Si puedo hacerlos más exitosos, eso me haría exitoso”.

Su actitud de equipo es parte de por qué el superintendente adjunto de tecnología, Marlon Harrison, describió a Ervin como el “epítome de la excelencia en TI”.

Ervin ha prosperado en Dallas ISD en el aspecto personal y profesional. Ha incorporado a la perfección los principios de la cultura Core 4 en todo lo que hace, y alienta a sus técnicos a hacer lo mismo.

“Siempre le pregunto a mi equipo: ‘¿Cómo quieres que te traten cuando estás fuera de casa?’ Ser rápido, flexible, enfocado y amigable: una vez que comienzas con uno, el resto encaja”, dijo Ervin. “En otras palabras, me guío por lo único que siempre me han enseñado: sigue la regla de oro y trata a las personas como quieres que te traten a ti”.

Los equipos de tecnología de la información trabajan arduamente todos los días para apoyar a los padres, estudiantes, maestros, líderes del campus y personal, y se aprecia el trabajo que realizan en segundo plano para asegurarse de que los estudiantes estén preparados para el éxito. Tómese un tiempo para agradecer a un miembro del personal de tecnología de la información y reconozca la asistencia vital que brinda.

“Para nosotros, un problema puede parecer simple, pero para un maestro o director, puede ser enorme”, dijo Ervin. “Amo a mi equipo. Son pensadores libres y saben cómo resolver problemas, lo que emociona a nuestros clientes”.

Park celebration at San Jacinto 

After a year-long process of community meetings, teacher-lead green teams, and student and parent input, the hard work of the collaborators at San Jacinto Elementary has come to fruition. 

Staff, parents, students and community members recently came together to celebrate the opening of San Jacinto Elementary School’s Cool School Neighborhood Park. The park, which includes a loop trail, a new playground, native plants, a community entrance, an outdoor classroom and a community-inspired mural  is a collaboration with Dallas ISD, Trust for Public Land, Texas Trees Foundation, and Dallas Park and Recreation.

Sarah Mendoza, principal at San Jacinto believes that this project  has strengthened the school’s connection to what was already a united community.   

“This community is so tight and giving, just like a family,” she said. “We created a green team, which was voluntary. It included staff, community, and PTO members. Everyone was welcome. They would go to the meetings and they would see the blueprints or hear about the phases of the plan. They were thrilled to be a part of it and give input.” 

One of the teachers who played an instrumental role as a member of the green team was second-grade teacher Ashley Combs. Combs was one of the grade-level chairs that met once a week to discuss everything from the playground to what options they had for the park. 

“The efforts were definitely worth it. It’s been a life-changing experience for the kids. It’s brought a lot of joy to them during recess. I know that they are extremely grateful,” Combs said. 

During the process, Comb’s classroom was the winner of two pizza parties because they had the full participation of parents in filling out the community surveys, which played an important role in designing the park. To Combs, all of these efforts have paid off. 

“Seeing all the families here is rewarding,” she said. “The fact that we have this as an asset to our campus, and we’re able to bring in the community is important to us. At the end of the day, we’re here to teach, we’re here for the kids, and if we can bring the families in to make it an even tighter family then that’s a win for us.

The process of participation for all stakeholders, who included community and staff at San Jacinto Elementary, participated in two online meetings, one community in-person meeting, surveys, and teacher-lead meetings with members of the school’s green team. These efforts were instrumental in the design and the planning of the park. The intent of the work that was done, extended beyond serving the needs of the school. It included the surrounding community as well.  

“One of our goals was to have a park within a ten minute walk, and one the easiest ways to do that was to transform school campuses like San Jacinto Elementary School into neighborhood parks afterschool and on the weekends,” said Sofia Hernandez, community conservation leader for Trust For Public Land. 

San Jacinto’s park is one of the latest, but not the only Cool School Neighborhood Park in the district—Dallas ISD has 19. 

These schools were chosen as Cool Schools to help build healthier and happier communities by creating a neighborhood greenspace that will serve as a place to gather, learn, play, and help increase park access throughout Dallas,” Hernandez said. 

One of the elements of the park included the participation of students, who planted all of the trees, alongside the guidance of members of the Texas Trees Foundation. 

“It’s the greatest joy to see the kids interacting with the space and to imagine how the trees are going to grow in a few years and provide shade for the students, as well as provide a space where community members can come use while surrounded by nature,” said Samantha Bradley, Program Manager for Texas Trees Foundation. 

Creative elements are also featured at the park, such as the  mural designed by artist Stephanie Sanz. Sanz drew inspiration from student art work supplied by art teachers as well as from community feedback about neighborhood identity.  “We asked people about what plants and things reminded them of the Pleasant Grove community, which has a strong connection to nature,” Hernandez said. 

To find your nearest Cool School Neighborhood Park in Dallas ISD, visit: Cool School Neighborhood Parks 



Family time and delicious food

Spending time with family and enjoying some much-needed rest are traditions that Dallas ISD staff enjoy during the Thanksgiving break. Thank you for sharing your traditions and plans for the break with all of us.

These are some of the comments you shared:

  • I am looking forward to being with my family. It’s the time to make more memories with my family especially my grandkids. We love to bake desserts for Thanksgiving.
  • I just love spending time with family because life is short and eating cornbread dressing, turkey, ham, collard greens, hot water cornbread, whole cranberry sauce (lol) and a host of other dishes. We have plenty of desserts! Yummy Happy Thanksgiving, all!
  • I look forward to spending time with family and friends most years. This year we don’t have plans to travel to visit family, but I look forward to a simplified day and meal for my husband and myself. It is a day not only for gratitude but also for rejuvenation of the soul.
  • Thanksgiving week is an American tradition but even though I was born and raised in Mexico, my family adopted this beautiful tradition to reflect on the many blessings we have and are thankful for. If we couldn’t find turkey in our hometown, someone would get us one from across the border. Thanksgiving week also overlaps with my birthday and my brother’s birthday, so we always have turkey on the table for a triple celebration!
  • I can’t wait to enjoy cooking with my kids and football!
  • Looking forward to the rest, break, cooking, time with family—otherwise, let’s wrap up a great semester.
  • Thanksgiving is the favorite holiday in my family since I don’t celebrate most other major holidays. Love the food, fellowship, being blessed in this country, and having a supreme being to give thanks to.
  • Excited to have family in town and eat all the yummy food, go shopping and just be relaxing away from work!
  • On Thanksgiving, I’m looking forward to eating, of course, cuddling on the couch with my family and watching football as well as putting up our Christmas tree later that night. I am GRATEFUL for the small things!
  • I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving because my co-workers from Boude Storey, Henry B. Gonzalez, Thomas J. Rusk, Dr. Fredrick Todd, and Jimmie Tyler Brashear work together to feed our friends who are between homes. This year we will be feeding twice, on Tuesday, November 22, and again on Thanksgiving morning. It’s so refreshing to know that we still united as a collective group to serve those in need.
  • Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday to spend with family. The time off is spent at home, baking our favorite dishes with grandkids. and watching holiday movies.
  • A time to rest and enjoy the days with my family and friends. Sleep in late, enjoy a cup of coffee and my outdoors walks. That’s what I am looking forward too!
  • No more turkey! We travel to the ocean and eat really fresh seafood. And we fly our kites.

You are not alone

While the district may be closed for fall break, staff can still get assistance with benefits.

District schools and administrative offices will be closed Monday, Nov. 21, through Friday, Nov. 25. Still, the benefits call center will be open regular hours during that time to assist, with the following exceptions when it will be closed:

  • Thanksgiving, Nov. 24  
  • Day After Thanksgiving, Nov. 25 

For those non-emergency health concerns such as cold and flu, TRS ActiveCare participants can utilize Teladoc at a reduced cost.  Call 1-855-Teladoc (835-2362) or visit their main page.

If you have questions regarding your HSA/ FSA, you can contact Optum at 877-528-9876 or visit www.optum.com.  Optum is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You may reach the benefits call center at 972-925-4000 or email benefits@dallasisd.org.  For questions regarding leaves of absence, email benefitsleaves@dallasisd.org.  During the periods in which the district is closed, the email boxes will be monitored periodically to ensure any critical issues are resolved in a timely manner.

Discover Dallas ISD goes virtual

Dallas ISD offers families more than 100 specialty programs and schools in addition to great neighborhood schools. The time to decide which one is the best fit for your child is now, and we are here to help.

Dallas ISD will hold a virtual Discover event on Dec. 3 to help parents understand the application process for choice schools and explore the variety of programs available at each grade level. Experts from each of the different programs will be available to answer questions. They will be joined by experts who can discuss transfers and special services, such as dyslexia accommodations that are available in these choice schools and programs.

We will have three virtual meetings, one for each grade level—elementary, middle, high school. Register for one or more of them at www.dallasisd.org/discover.

Native American Heritage Month profile: Arthur Ybarra shares his journey to teaching 

Arthur Ybarra is a proud product of Dallas ISD and a third grade math and science teacher at Winnetka Elementary School, but his path to success has not been easy. 

“I sit here all the time and look at this classroom and say, ‘I really shouldn’t be a teacher. I really shouldn’t be in this room,’” Ybarra said. “But my family really pushed me to succeed. Everything I do is for them—every single thing for my wife, my four kids, my house.”

Ybarra, who is Comanche, struggled to make it through school as a teenager. He dropped out twice, once in 10th grade and once in 12th grade, before his mother, Sonia L. Pahcheka, encouraged him to earn his final credit. 

When he graduated in December 1998, he told himself that he would never go back to school. For the next decade, he worked a variety of jobs, met his wife and had his first two children. But then the recession of 2008 hit, and Ybarra was laid off. He said he promised himself and his children that he would “never be in a position like that again” and enrolled at Dallas College’s El Centro Campus to earn his associate’s degree in teacher preparation. 

He worked and parented his way through school, dropping out once due to financial difficulties, but he made it to the finish line in 2016. From there, he entered Texas Tech’s one-year accelerated Tech Teach program and became a math teacher at Winnetka, where he has been teaching ever since. 

“I tell this story to my students every year,” Ybarra said. “When I was younger, I never believed that saying that you can be whatever you want to be, but you really can. I am here to show my students that no matter where you come from or who you are, you can make it.” 

He is certainly accomplishing that goal. In his five years as a teacher, he has formed meaningful connections with his students, including a fourth grade student Ybarra first met while he was proctoring a State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test. 

Before the test, Ybarra was told that the student might not try, and then Ybarra watched the student sit with his head down on a desk, only answering four questions before the test was over. That might have been the end of their interactions, but that same student ended up in Ybarra’s math class in fifth grade. 

“We built such a relationship that by the end of the year when he took the STAAR test, he ended up getting ‘meets’ in math,” Ybarra said. “That right there told me I was doing something right by encouraging him to achieve like that, especially because he had never done that before. That story always comes to mind when I think about why I do this and the relationships that I have built.” 

In addition to educating his students for success, Ybarra makes it a point to celebrate his Comanche culture each and every day. Growing up, he said he sometimes felt “embarrassed to be singled out as Native American” because there was so little representation, but now he is proud of his heritage, which includes his great-great-great grandfather Quanah Parker—known as the last Comanche chief. 

“The history behind my family goes back years and years and years in this exact area,” Ybarra said. “Many people don’t understand our geographical area. For instance, we have Comanche County in Texas because this was the Comanche area. It makes me very proud to know that’s part of my lineage.” 

While Ybarra said his personal journey has been difficult at times, he is grateful for all the support he has received along the way from his family, community and previous educators. He is determined to pay it forward by using his experiences and talents to transform student lives and make memorable moments every day. 

“I tell my students this all the time: ‘Once you enter my class, you are my student for the rest of your life. If you need somebody to push you, come back to my room, and I will push you to the moon,’” Ybarra said. “A lot of kids growing up in this area don’t have that backing, so I want to let them know that I am here for them if they need me.” 

Put self-care into practice

The state of our mental health and well-being fluctuates from day to day and from week to week as we process the events unfolding around us. While we cannot control the obstacles we face, we can put simple practices in place to care for ourselves and cope with daily stressors. 

Review the following self-care practices, and consider which ideas could benefit your outlook and well-being. 

  • Boost your self-confidence by completing a task that plays to your strengths. Then move on to something more difficult once you have shown yourself that you can take the first step. 
  • Practice thankfulness with a gratitude journal. Write three to five things you are grateful for each day. 
  • Make room for creativity by testing out a new recipe, project or hobby. Creativity has been positively linked to well-being. 
  • Laugh out loud to decrease stress and produce joy. You can do this by spending time with friends, watching your favorite comedy or telling someone your favorite joke.  
  • Get ahead by meal prepping or selecting your work outfits in advance. Not only will you save yourself some brain space in the morning, but you will also feel more in control of your day.
  • Explore your home. You do not have to wait for an official vacation to make wonderful memories. Make a Dallas bucket list and become an at-home tourist to appreciate what is around you. 
  • Prioritize your loved ones by scheduling a game night or planning a dinner. Research has shown that people are more likely to feel happy when they spend time with friends and family. 
  • Spend time in nature to increase your energy and boost your health. Whether you take a 30-minute walk through your neighborhood park or explore a new trail, the fresh air will help you feel healthier.
  • Hang out with a pet. Spending time with animals can lower your cortisol levels and increase your oxytocin levels, leaving you feeling happier and less stressed. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep by turning your thermostat to a cooler temperature, avoiding screens right before bed and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. 

Start small and challenge yourself to turn one or two of these practices into daily habits. If you need support, ask a friend, family member or co-worker to join you and help keep you accountable. 

You can also take advantage of Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program by LifeWorks. This confidential, secure platform has counselors on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as countless other resources and mental health tips that are available to staff at no cost. Reach out to LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000 or visit www.dallasisd.org/benefits and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information.

*Source: Mental Health America

Channeling speech therapy through music

Rees Davies never would have guessed that he would become a speech-language pathologist at Charles A. Gill Elementary School when he was starting his career, but now he would not have it any other way. With his trusty speech therapy guitar, Nadine, in hand, Davies is passionate about transforming student lives every day. 

“In grad school they told me, ‘An SLP can take a paperclip and make an activity out of it,’ and that is definitely true with Nadine,” Davies said. “Everything is an activity, and it’s motivating for my students because it’s musical. They want to keep the beat and be a part of it.”

Nadine—who was named after a Chuck Berry song—has her own language, with chords representing everything from basic emotions to colors and phrases. Many of the students Davies encounters struggle with conversations and turn taking, so Davies often “talks” with Nadine to model communication, asking her questions and having her respond with different notes. 

While Nadine is a constant in Davies’ practice now, he never could have predicted where he would end up when he graduated from Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in 1996 with a speciality in guitar. After several years of teaching music and playing in theaters and bands, the recession of 2008 hit, and Davies started looking for alternative paths. His wife suggested speech-language pathology, and Davies decided to apply for an SLP program with a goal of working in a public school district. 

By 2015, Davies completed his SLP program, found a new home campus at Gill and began doing traditional speech therapy. Still, he said he felt like something was missing… until he picked up his guitar again and realized he could incorporate music more heavily into his therapy practice. 

Davies found that his traditional guitar was too large to carry around, so he began bringing his smaller “backpacker” guitar instead. That’s how Nadine became a staple of his work. 

Today, his students get the opportunity to practice articulating, following instructions, making auditory associations and recognizing emotions in fun ways—all by listening to Nadine’s instructions and following Davies’ cues during activities. 

Davies meets with anywhere from three to six groups of up to six students a day, and he said the impact of their time together is “inestimable.” Not only has he cheered on countless students as they pronounced their names correctly for the first time, but he has also helped students go from speaking one word in first grade to putting full sentences together and doing well in classroom settings by fourth grade. 

While there is always more work to be done, Davies said he loves what he does and cannot see himself working anywhere else. After all, the need for student support is great, yet the impact is even greater. 

“Every student has something important to say, and other people have important things to say back to them,” Davies said. “I always try to get students to buy into that idea—you can change your world by just opening your mouth and saying things. It’s not just for other people; it’s for you.” 

Take a step toward school leadership

Did you know that Dallas ISD is partnered with four universities across Texas, with each university allowing participants to earn their master’s degree in educational leadership while obtaining a principal certification?

Dallas ISD is invested in developing future leaders to meet the needs of our diverse community. Aligned with the district’s beliefs and School Leadership’s commitment to cultivating leadership to inspire an unwavering commitment to equity and excellence so all students become career- and college-strong, Dallas ISD is proud to offer outstanding university partnerships as individuals begin their journey toward school leadership. 

University partners include Southern Methodist University, University of North Texas at Dallas, Texas A&M University-Commerce and Texas Tech University. These programs offer curricula tailored specifically to the district, and partial tuition reimbursement is offered for qualifying participants as additional support from Dallas ISD. 

Dallas ISD’s strategic partnership and collaboration with these universities uniquely position the programs to develop leaders whose learning experiences will effectively prepare them to lead Dallas ISD schools.

Minimum eligibility requirements: 

  • Bachelor’s degree 
  • Two years of successful teaching experience 
  • Current Dallas ISD employee in good standing 
  • Endorsed by principal 
  • Additional eligibility requirements by each university, such but not limited to completion of GRE and minimum GPA.

If you are interested in starting your journey toward school leadership, apply today! University program overviews and applications can be found here.

For more information, please contact the Leader Excellence, Advancement and Development (LEAD) team at lead@dallasisd.org or follow the department on Twitter, @LEAD_DallasISD

Leading with benefits

Diedrae Bell-Hunter is described by her colleagues as a leader, a visionary and someone who is innovative and supportive. So it was no surprise when Employee Benefit News (EBN) recently recognized Bell-Hunter, executive director for Benefits in HCM, with one of its Excellence in Benefits Awards for 2022. 

In her role with the district’s Human Capital Management Department she leads teams which support health benefits, leaves, wellness programs, employee relations and other resources as well such as policy and compliance. She has led her team through many challenges. None like the pandemic. 

“What benefits departments hopefully have become on the other side of the pandemic is a people servicing department,” said Bell-Hunter, who has worked in HCM for 17 years and in Benefits for 6. “For us, it’s how we responded to the needs of the employees of this district. We are much more people-focused, and there’s much more concern for the condition of the employee and how we can help the employee and their families.” 

The Benefits Department’s 11 staff who serve approximately 23,000 employees had to quickly adapt and respond to changing circumstances due to the pandemic and find not only new ways to offer the usual services and resources, but creative ways in which to deal with new challenges, such as serving employees working remotely. 

Her leadership was recognized by EBN, a prestigious online publication that serves over 300,000 leaders in the areas of employee benefits, human resources and workplace culture. Although Bell Hunter is grateful for the award,  she attributes her success and this notable recognition to her team. 

“I would not have been able to have been recognized without the work that they do,” she said. “We made sure we put the health and wellness of staff and students first in the district. They came through, they listened, they worked hard 24-hours a day, seven days a week. There was never a time when they said no, or that it was too much.” 

Not only is Bell-Hunter the only African American woman to be recognized with this award—something she hopes will change in the future—but Dallas ISD is the only school district in the country to receive the Excellence in Benefits Award. Her wish is that the district leads other school districts in doing this work. 

“That’s our goal–to make Dallas ISD shine,” she said. “I would like to see us be the number one school district in the country for teaching people self-care, health and wellness, wellness programs, benefits and rewards that we offer to our employees.”