Only one day left
In compliance with state and federal laws, Dallas ISD requires that all employees complete the policy acknowledgement and compliance training by Friday, Sept. 29.
Step 1: Complete Policy Acknowledgement
Using their email address and password, employees will log into the policy acknowledgement website at https://PolicyAcknowledgement.dallasisd.org to acknowledge the Employee Handbook, Annual Employee Notification of District Policies, Family Relationship Disclosure, and Confidentiality Requirements.
Step 2: Complete Compliance Training (Cornerstone)
Employees will use their email address and password to log into Cornerstone at https://dallasisd.csod.com. The compliance training assignment will be in the “My Assigned Training” section located on the “Welcome” page or on the “Learning” tab under “View Your Transcript.”
Training includes the following: Child Abuse Awareness, Educators’ Code of Ethics, Copyright and Licensing, Dress Code Standards, Employment Concerns and Employee Rights, FERPA, Sexual Harassment, and Workplace Bullying. Training for campus staff will also include Anaphylaxis and Auto-Injectors, Bloodborne Pathogens, What is Bullying, and Section 504.
For assistance with technical issues in Cornerstone, go to the Live User Support tab in Cornerstone to access the live support team.
Substitutes only
Both the policy acknowledgement and compliance training are available in the Compliance Learning Portal. Substitute employees will use their employee ID, last name (as listed in Oracle), and date of birth to log into the portal.
Links to the policy acknowledgement, Cornerstone, and the substitute portal can also be accessed on the Policy and Compliance website at https://www.dallasisd.org/hcmpolicy.
For additional questions or assistance, please contact Human Capital Management’s Policy and Compliance team at HCMcompliance@dallasisd.org.