Molina teacher pursues culinary excellence

Chef Rosilind Coleman has spent the past seven years preparing students in Dallas ISD for opportunities in the hospitality industry and beyond, and now, she is celebrating a new accomplishment: receiving the Jim Howard Hospitality Educator Scholarship from the Hotel Association of North Texas.  

“Coming off the two years we’ve faced with COVID, the hospitality industry has really taken a hard hit,” Coleman said. “People don’t really realize how much these people give in their day-to-day jobs just to provide a pleasant experience for the guests. You need a servant’s heart to pursue this type of work, so it was really exciting to attend the awards ceremony.”

Coleman plans to use her scholarship to take the Texas Hotel Lodging Association’s weeklong intensive training course at the University of Houston, where she will learn about the different aspects of hospitality leadership from front office and marketing, to food and beverage, staffing and accounting. 

She is looking forward to bringing her enhanced skill set back to her students at Moisés E. Molina High School. As a culinary arts teacher, Coleman primarily focuses on advanced baking and pastry classes, but she also supports Molina’s in-house restaurant and catering fundraising for the programs, which give students hands-on experiences that can lead to higher level roles in the workforce. 

“All I’ve ever really wanted to do was share my joy and interest in hospitality with others,” Coleman said. “As I do that, I keep growing and evolving to help my students be better as well and give them new opportunities.”

Those opportunities are already presenting themselves thanks to Coleman’s Jim Howard Hospitality Educator Scholarship. She was able to network with industry professionals at the awards ceremony and is in the process of developing an advisory board of hospitality leaders to work closely with her students and open new doors. 

While Coleman is excelling in her work thanks to her decade of culinary experience, her passion started early. She said she has loved baking and cooking for as long as she can remember. While she did not always want to be a teacher, she comes from a family of educators and eventually “caught the bug.” She decided to merge her two passions, and now she would not have it any other way. 

“It’s really a blessing and an opportunity,” Coleman said. “I get to enhance my knowledge in education while networking to give my students better opportunities for the future. If I can in any way show my desire to be better trained and more well-rounded in my craft, then I feel I can give my students an idea of what it takes to be the best at what they want to do.”  

Sticking to your resolutions

When it comes to resolutions for the new year, Dallas ISD staff list work-life balance, exercise, eating better and being healthier as their top choices. But it’s not always easy to stick to resolutions throughout the year.

“I am still trying to catch up and repair the goals from the last 2 years,” said one staff member who responded to The Beat survey.

There is no need to despair. Experts from Texas A&M University recently shared some tips on how to stick to those beginning-of-the-year goals in an article for Texas A&M Today.

“Three reasons people fail at keeping their New Year’s resolutions are that what they hope to do is unreasonable, the person expects an unrealistic benefit or the person wasn’t physically or emotionally prepared to make a change,” said Jenna Anding, a registered dietitian nutritionist and  a professor and AgriLife Extension specialist in the Department of Nutrition at Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Most older adults tend to shy away from resolutions, while those who take up the challenge for the upcoming year are more likely to be younger or middle-aged, Anding said.

Anding said we make resolutions because the New Year serves as a marker or reminder for us to step back and reevaluate our lives, then identify any changes needed to improve them. She said some of the top New Year’s resolutions include:

  • Eating healthier/losing weight
  • Getting more exercise
  • Spending less and saving more
  • Being more organized
  • Dedicating more time with friends and family
  • Finding more “me” time
  • Quitting smoking or drinking

When thinking about the resolutions you want to keep, it’s a good idea to look at your health multidimensionally to achieve optimal health and well-being, said Miquela Smith, AgriLife Extension program specialist – health.

“Most people know the basics of maintaining their physical health, including physical activity and well-balanced nutrition,” she said. “However, there are other aspects of your life to consider, such as emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social and occupational wellness.”

When setting resolutions to achieve optimal health, people may focus on two or three dimensions but lose sight of the others, Smith said.

“You may be eating well, but are you fostering meaningful social connections and maintaining adequate boundaries between your job and the rest of your life?” Smith said. “Developing a well-balanced life is vital for personal wellness, but can differ depending on environment, culture, circumstance, resources and other factors.”

Consider Life Balance

Smith said New Year’s resolutions should take into consideration a balance of work, recreation and relaxation, interaction with family and friends, community engagement and being physically and spiritually active.

When setting resolutions with the goal of improving overall well-being, you must be aware of habits or behaviors that influence your health and wellness and be able to identify which are working for you and which aren’t, Smith said.

“This balance will vary with a person’s needs, wants, expectations, preferences and capabilities as well as what stage or season of life a person is in,” she said. “This awareness and understanding are foundational to where you must focus in order to build a healthy lifestyle.”

Smith said if you are not sure exactly where to focus in making your resolutions, some things you might try to improve your overall well-being may include:

  • Becoming involved in social or community activities that have a purpose
  • Making changes in social interactions that might be interfering with aspects of your overall life balance
  • Keeping a calendar to help remember what, when or how often you need to get things done
  • Repeating a desired positive behavior until it becomes a habit

Set Attainable ‘Mini-Goals’

Anding said one way to approach successful resolution-making is to first list the three behaviors or habits you most want to change.

“Look at the behaviors you have identified and choose the one you most want to concentrate on improving,” she said. “Then take a close and realistic look at the behavior you have chosen and think of a specific goal that would reflect where you would like to be through modifying that behavior. Write down that final goal, making sure it is both realistic and achievable.”

The next step is to make a plan and come up with a series of smaller, attainable goals leading toward the final goal, she said.

“For example, if the goal is to run a marathon, but right now you can’t run to the end of the block, consider starting with a more realistic goal of walking for 30 minutes a day three to five days a week,” she said. “Once that is a regular habit, set another goal to run a 5K within three to six months and then a 10K, gradually working up to a half-marathon and then a full marathon.”

It’s also helpful to write down and commit to a specific date to begin the desired behavior change, Anding said.

“Pick an important, significant or memorable date and put it on your calendar,” she said. “It doesn’t have to be the exact start of a new year. Once you pick your date, plan how you will accomplish your goal. In other words, identify and write down those specific actions you will need to take to be successful.”

Dallas ISD chess tournaments hit record-breaking participation numbers

Two tournaments, two Saturdays, and one school filled with excitement and suspense as almost 2,000 Dallas ISD elementary and secondary students competed against each other in the fall chess tournaments hosted recently by the Student Activities Department at the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at A. Maceo Smith. 

The secondary chess tournament in October kicked off the first of two Saturday tournaments with 665 students from 72 middle and high school campuses ready to play the strategy game of chess.

Students were able to play multiple rounds of chess, paired with different opponents, based on their wins and losses after each game. Different strategies were used throughout the tournament, and the winners came home with a gold, silver, or bronze medal.

Even though the king’s pawn is the most popular opening move in chess, Christian de Santiago from H. Grady Spruce High School said he prefers the second most popular opening move. “I like to use the queen’s pawn opening to get most of my pieces free,” the bronze medal winner said about his strategy. “This lets me get a lot of my pieces out on the board and control the game.”

On the other hand, Diego Galvan from Trinity Heights Talented and Gifted said playing fast is his strategy. “I like to play a fast-paced game, predicting future moves and not giving my opponent time to think too much before their next move,” said the gold medal winner.

“Students came ready to use what they have learned from previous years as they played each game,” said Tyne Thompson, coach at South Oak Cliff High. “My students are eager to compete and learn from their opponents, while also sharing their knowledge and love for the game,” Thompson added.

Following the secondary tournament, students in kindergarten through fifth grade had the opportunity to compete in the elementary chess tournament, held in early November. This was the first year that kindergarten through second grade students were invited to compete in the districtwide chess program. Shattering attendance records, 1,265 students from 103 schools attended the elementary chess tournament at Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at A. Maceo Smith. 

For many, it was their first time participating in an in-person competition. “It was cool to see all the chess boards set up to play in one room,” said Lucie Tims, a fifth grader from Alex Sanger Preparatory School. More than 600 chess boards had been set up the previous night, spread across two gyms and the cafeteria, to be able to accommodate all the students who competed in the tournament.  

At the end of the secondary tournament, 30 gold medals, 10 silver medals, and 87 bronze medals were awarded to the sixth through twelfth grade students who competed that day.

At the end of the elementary tournament, 103 gold medals, 80 silver medals, and 300 bronze medals were awarded to the kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Each school participating in the districtwide chess program receives chess boards and pieces as well as gold memberships, allowing students to play with peers at their campuses. The Spring chess tournaments for secondary and elementary schools are scheduled for April 15, 2023, and May 6, 2023.

You can start looking ahead

Even if you are not planning to retire soon, it’s always a good idea to know what to expect and how to prepare so your retirement years can be all that you hoped for. Dallas ISD is here to help with a series of webinars hosted by the Benefits Department and the Dallas Retired Teachers Association.

The webinars will take place virtually on designated Tuesdays and last about an hour. They will include updates, information on steps to take to prepare, resources, and tips on topics like medical insurance. Representatives from both groups will answer questions. 

Click on your preferred date and time to register to attend. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join.

Jan. 10 • 5 p.m. 

Jan. 17 • noon

Feb. 14 • 5 p.m. 

Feb. 21 • noon

March 7 • 5 p.m. 

Project-based learning leads to community service

When Vicky Ramirez, a fourth grade bilingual teacher at Hogg New Tech Center, is not busy mentoring two fellow teachers, leading a UIL chess club during lunch or supporting fourth- and fifth-grade robotics teams, she can be found instilling real-world lessons that will last her students a lifetime. 

Hogg New Tech Center is a project-based learning school, so Ramirez is always looking for new ways to help her students make connections to themselves and to the world around them. So when her class began a unit on reducing, reusing and recycling last spring, she encouraged her students to dig deeper into the material. 

They realized they could easily reuse their clothes and hosted a fashion show, and then Ramirez challenged them further with a simple question. 

“The conversation got started, and I know at the time, I was seeing some students who did not have the right uniforms,” Ramirez said. “Twice a year at home, I go through my kids’ closets, and we take out bags. My mom is from Mexico, so we send those clothes to Mexico to people who really need them. I thought about it and told my students, ‘We see that students don’t have uniforms. What can we do?’” 

Together, they started a collection drive for uniforms, giving students across campus the incentive of a free dress pass. By May of 2022, they had collected five giant trash bags of clothes in a variety of sizes, and a group of students had approached Ramirez to ask if they could form a club dedicated to helping their school community. 

Of course, Ramirez said yes. She and her family members took the clothes to a laundromat over the summer, sorted them by size and added everything to Hogg’s uniform closet. They were ready to go by “meet the teacher” night in August, just in time for a new family to ask for the uniforms their student needed. 

“They came up to me as I was in the middle of greeting parents,” Ramirez said. “That moment brought me immense joy. We were able to help a family! Knowing they had one less thing to worry about made the extra work worth it.

Her students have been just as excited to contribute. The members of the new club are helping Ramirez keep the uniform closet running and plan to go around asking if anyone needs a new uniform once a month. 

“At first, I worried that students might be embarrassed to ask for a uniform, but Hogg has created a positive environment where we teach our students to ask for help,” Ramirez said. “Our students were also excited to extend our PBL into a real-life application, as reusing items in good condition will leave a positive footprint for generations ahead. The best part is that we are reducing the amount of waste in landfills.”

Moving forward, Ramirez said she hopes to do everything she can to improve her skills and continue transforming student lives. With 13 years of teaching under her belt, she is currently working on her master’s degree in curriculum and mathematics, which she will earn in May.

Her ultimate goal is clear: “I want to create opportunities that empower our students to be the positive change they want to see in the world.”

Supporting parents for student success

Families are a key component in educating all students for success, and Dallas ISD is dedicated to equipping them with the tools they need to help their students thrive. The Parents Advocating for Student Excellence (PASE) program was designed to do just that by giving families the opportunity to participate in a nine-week course that teaches parents how to take an active role in the academic success of their children. 

Campuses around the district have used the PASE program before, but Leslie Swann, director in the Graduation, Recovery, Attendance, Advocacy and Dropout Intervention, said PASE expanded during the 2021-2022 school year thanks to federal dollars from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund to support families involved in Phoenix 2.0—a new accelerated graduation program that prepares high school-aged middle school students to enter high school. 

ESSER funds were allocated for two years to provide PASE to families participating in the Phoenix 2.0 Program. Final approval was granted for participation again during the 2022-2023 school year with a virtual edition as well as in-person sessions hosted at Phoenix 2.0-Spruce. The ESSER funds will go to The Concilio, the outside vendor that conducts the PASE program on behalf of Dallas ISD. 

The Concilio has been an ally and champion for the Latino community in North Texas since its founding in 1981, serving over 80,000 individuals with its education and health programming and over 220,000 via its community outreach campaigns. The Concilio’s mission is to provide families equitable access to resources and opportunities to break the cycle of poverty through resources like the PASE program. 

In 2021 alone, The Concilio reported that its parent engagement programming served 1,228 individuals, with 75 percent of parent graduates increasing their comfort level in talking to their children about their expectations for their education and 77 percent of parent graduates increasing their confidence that their children will attend college.  

“We feel that parents in Dallas ISD have been able to learn some of the skills and feel very comfortable asking questions,” Swann said. “At the eighth grade level, there are several options for high school, so they need to be comfortable asking those questions. Our goal is to build capacity with our families; we want to make sure they understand that we are here for them.” 

Some parents believe that if they do not know how to help their child with homework, they cannot be helpful, but PASE teaches them several other ways to get involved. Checking in with their students and monitoring their progress on various assignments can make a world of difference. Parents are also encouraged to attend parent-teacher conferences, understand and advocate for their children’s needs and be their future graduates’ biggest cheerleaders. 

“Student success is a partnership between home and school,” Swann said. “If students see that, it’s a win, because they know that we’re all on the same page trying to support them and push them toward that ultimate finish line of earning their high school diploma.” 

Swann said about 10-15 percent of Phoenix 2.0 families are participating in PASE so far. The goal moving forward is to increase that number, expanding the overall impact of the program through PASE itself and through its graduates. 

The families who graduate from PASE are empowered to share their newfound knowledge with their social networks, organically augmenting parents’ confidence and skills across the district. 

“There is strength in numbers,” Swann said. “Together, we can advance the district’s mission of educating all students for success. We want the parents to feel that way, too. It’s a joint effort.” 

Recognizing Core 4 performance

Dallas ISD has many unsung team members working behind the scenes to make sure that district facilities are safe. Edgar Chavez, a pest control technician in the Environment, Health, and Safety Department is among them. 

“Making sure that schools are safe is the priority,“ said Chavez. 

Taking care of pests in district facilities provides Chavez and his coworkers with a variety of experiences. They can be found treating grounds for ants and wasps and other unwanted insects, removing wild animals from underneath the schools, or saving kittens stuck inside a wall, Chavez said. 

Chavez, who has worked six years for the district, believes in catering to the needs of his clients while always observing regulations and safety standards. It was his customer service that has led to Chavez being recognized as Employee of the Month by his department twice this year. 

“Mr. Chavez exemplifies many of the traits that make the Environmental Health and Safety Department great,” said Gregory Shortes, a department manager. “With the Core 4 in mind, Mr. Chavez is always customer focused and willing to help. What won him team member of the month was his willingness to go above and beyond. Whenever his assigned work orders are complete, he is quick to offer his assistance to his fellow team members.” 

Chavez admits that helping others is one of the most rewarding things about his job, as he has the opportunity to work with custodians and maintenance staff from the thirty or so schools he serves. The friendships and camaraderie that he has developed are invaluable to him. 

Another aspect of his job that he enjoys is the science of it, such as learning about animals and insects in order to learn how to treat them effectively.

“For example, there’s a type of feral ant, that if you spray it, you can make the problem bigger. You have to know what you’re doing to come up with a good solution for it,” Chavez said.

Maintenance Supervisor Michael Downum recognizes the initiative Chavez takes to learn new things: “Edgar is a hard worker. He strives to learn new things and helps people when he can. I’m glad he is on our team!” 

Outside of work, Chavez counts bike riding and reading among his passions. He is currently taking software classes to design apps and enjoys anything that challenges him. 

Kick off the new year with words of wisdom

Happy New Year to all! After what should have been a restful winter break, we are excited for the spring semester and for continuing to educate all students for success.

For anyone still needing inspiration, these words of wisdom and encouragement might help: 

  • “Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.” —Unknown 
  • “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called ‘Opportunity’ and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” —Edith Lovejoy Pierce
  • “In order to be successful in the new year, stay focused, develop a positive attitude and be passionate with your dreams.” —Bamigboye Olurotimi
  • “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “New year is the glittering light to brighten the dream-lined pathway of future.” —Munia Khan
  • “Any new beginning is forged from the shards of the past, not from the abandonment of the past.” —Craig D. Lounsbrough
  • “You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” —Hillary DePiano
  • “I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” —Juansen Dizon
  • “Enter this new year with a gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams.” —Avina Celeste
  • “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

If you or anyone you know is struggling, help is available through Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program by LifeWorks. The confidential, secure online platform has on-call counselors available 24 hours a day, as well as practical tips on subjects like setting social media boundaries for your kids, finding happiness, avoiding family conflict and more. 

Reach out to LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000, or visit and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information. 

Making learning hip

When Monique Jackson was preparing to teach her third-grade math students at Stevens Park Elementary School about division, she wanted them not only to learn division, but also to understand what division was. Knowing her students were into music, specifically tik tok, Jackson wasted no time writing a song about division to engage her students. 

“On the first day that I taught them division, I told them that I wrote a song for them,” Jackson said. “I literally wrote it from scratch. I used the instrumental to the song ‘I’m Different’ by 2 Chainz and they were super pumped. The reason I did it was because I wanted to engage them with something that was cool, fun and would hype them up for a new unit of learning, which was division.” 

The results went above and beyond Jackson’s expectations.  

“Because of the song, if you go up to any of my students and you ask them what division is, they will answer the problem with the total given. They rap the lyrics,” she said. 

Omar Feliciano, principal at Stevens Park Elementary, acknowledges the great work that Jackson is doing. 

“Who doesn’t want to learn math in an exciting way, with a teacher who is creative, caring and innovating?! Our third graders have a great time in Mrs. Jackson’s math class every day because she consistently thinks about how they feel, what they like and what they need to know in order to gain their trust, engagement and ownership of their learning,” he said. 

The impact of Jackson’s work has extended beyond her classroom as her rap song about division has gained popularity with students of different great levels. 

“Fifth graders to Pre-K students will see me in the hallway and say ‘hey Mrs. Jackson, I heard you’ve been rapping.’ Parents have come up to me and have told me they play it on the way to school,” Jackson said. 

Jackson doesn’t plan to stop with the rap song about division. She has become a Dallas ISD celebrity and is often asked when her next single will drop. She already has another math rap song about fractions. To see Jackson’s video on division, click here.

As far as what Jackson hopes for her students, she often uses words like college bound to instill those expectations at an early age. “I’m very passionate about growing future leaders and I look beyond the classroom and look at my students as a whole. I want them to grow to be genuine, confident, kind human beings in life. I try to not only teach them math, but teach them things like respect for oneself and others,” said Jackson. 

“Mrs. Jackson’s original rap song is just a small part of how she leads her classroom, it is an absolute joy and blessing to have teachers like her at Stevens Park Elementary. Her third graders are going places, and so is she,” said Feliciano.

Tips to build positive family connections

The holidays are a great time to bring friends and family together to practice gratitude, enjoy favorite traditions and strengthen bonds. While developing positive relationships can be complicated, having them has also proven to contribute to decreased stress and enhanced healing. Strong relationships can also promote healthier behaviors and give people a stronger sense of purpose. 

Positive relationships are ones where any two (or more) people encourage and support one another, both practically and emotionally. While family relationships can be complicated, you can put intentional practices in place to strengthen those ties this holiday season. 

Identify what gives you meaning

Even within one family unit, people may have different values and belief systems, so take some time to identify what your loved ones find most important during the holiday season. You can do this by having everyone write down their favorite traditions or talk about why certain rituals or practices make them feel valued or loved. 

A tradition can be as simple as baking a favorite dessert or singing a specific song. If you get stuck, ask yourself what makes you feel connected, how you like to express your love for family and how you would prefer to have fun as a group.

Spend meaningful time together

It can be easy to get caught up in the busyness of the holiday season, whether it’s going to the grocery store one more time or working hard to find a great gift, so make it a goal to schedule quality time with your loved ones. Some ideas include: 

  • Going for a walk in your neighborhood or enjoying another outdoor activity. 
  • Cooking or baking a holiday staple as a group, with someone different choosing the recipe, heading to the store, preparing the ingredients and putting everything together. 
  • Form your own caroling group and sing along to your favorite songs in a park or in the comfort of your living room. 
  • Participate in a clothing, toy or food drive to give back to your community and honor some of the values you share. 
  • Call an animal shelter and see how you can volunteer, especially if you have children who love animals. 
  • Attend a holiday concert, tree lighting or recital, taking care to review the options as a family and trying one that sounds most interesting to everyone. 
  • Gather around a fireplace or the dinner table to share your favorite memories with each other.

Show how you feel  

Make it a point to express your love for your family, whether it is through meaningful gifts, words or acts of service. By doing so, you will remind your loved ones that they are what is most important to you and that you can enjoy time together whether your holiday budget is large or small. 

If you find yourself in need of additional support over winter break, help is available through Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program by LifeWorks. The confidential, secure platform has countless resources online for free. From 24/7 on-call counselors to practical tips on subjects like relaxation tips and mindfulness exercises to help manage stress, employees can find what they need, when they need it. 

Reach out to LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000, or visit and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information. 

Sources: Northwestern Medicine and Lifeworks