Trustees approve $33 million in raises for teachers, support staff and central staff

The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees on Aug. 23 unanimously approved up to $33.3 million in salary increases for eligible teachers, campus leaders and non-instructional staff.

The district is able to fund the salary increases after receiving higher-than-expected revenue from property taxes.

The salary increases will go toward:

Employees that are eligible for salary modification TEI/Teachers: $16.1 million (includes benefits)

  • Eligible teachers at Progressing II and above based on their 2018-19 earned Effectiveness Level will receive the greater value of a 2-percent salary increase or any earned Effectiveness Level change
  • Performance Based Retention Increase – removed due to minimum of 2-percent increases for eligible groups.
  • A revised salary level for Progressing I from $51,000 to $52,000 to align with the Novice Teacher introductory rate
  • Eligible High School ROTC instructors will receive a salary increase of 2 percent
  • For teachers new to Dallas ISD, placement on the 2018-19 modified Teacher Introductory Compensation Schedule to ensure market competitiveness
  • All teacher salary changes will be reflected in the October 2018 paycheck

Principals and Assistant Principals: $3.9 million (includes benefits)

  • For eligible employees evaluated under the Principal and/or Assistant Principal Excellence Initiatives, the earned Effectiveness Level or the modified Effectiveness Levels based on market adjustment (if applicable)
  • Implementation of an APEI and PEI salary schedule for Magnet schools
  • All Principals/Assistant Principals will receive the new compensation in October 2018 check

All Eligible Non-Instructional, Operations, Counselors, Media Specialists, Central, Technical, Non- TEI Instructional Support and Support Staff: $13.3 million (includes benefits)

  • For other eligible employees, the Board approved salary increase for 2018-2019 of 3 percent
  • A revised hiring schedule for Media Specialist to align with updated Teacher Introductory Compensation Schedule
  • A revised salary schedule for Police Officers and Telecommunicators to align with the 3% increase
  • All Dallas ISD Transportation must be hired on or before August 23, 2018 to be eligible
  • All other staff must be hired prior to December 31, 2017 to be eligible for the increase
  • All eligible monthly staff in this category will receive the new compensation in September 15, 2018 paycheck
  • All eligible bi-weekly staff in this category will receive the new compensation in September 21, 2018 paycheck

Oracle iExpense Update for Local Mileage Reimbursement

Accounting Services has created a new Oracle iExpense expense type for Local Mileage Reimbursement. The new expense type is called District Mileage. The Monthly Mileage expense type will no longer be available in the dropdown menu.

Employees will no longer be required to track and enter odometer readings or attach the Travel Mileage Reimbursement Form.

For additional instructions and contact information, employees can go to the Application Training and Support website by clicking on, or from the Dallas ISD main page click on Departments and select Application Training & Support Select Oracle Resources and I-Expense.

Compliance training available for central staff

Compliance training for central staff for the 2018-2019 school year is now available through the district’s Cornerstone On-Demand site. The deadline to complete the compliance training is Sept. 30. This memo outlines the necessary training for central staff. For instructions on how to access the available training, click here. For questions about compliance training for central staff, contact Jennell Johnson-Polk at (972) 925-3379 or

New accountability ratings show tremendous gains in Dallas ISD

Accountability ratings released today by the Texas Education Agency show that Dallas ISD is making tremendous gains.

The new state accountability system known as “A through F” grades school districts on student achievement, school progress/growth, and closing the achievement gap. Dallas ISD received a “B” letter grade and is home to six of the 12 schools that achieved the highest-possible score on the 2018 STAAR test, according to the TEA.

“We are proud of our tremendous gains in Dallas ISD, and our families, teachers and staff should feel great accomplishment in what we have done together,” Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said. “But this is not the finish line, we have just started this race. We still have much more work to do.”

Recent data continues to prove Dallas ISD schools are trending upward in academic achievement across multiple measures, with 66 percent of its campuses scoring 80 percent or higher on the new grading system. The scores are another indication that Dallas ISD students continue to narrow the achievement gap between the district and the state. A steep turnaround of Improvement Required campuses— coupled with strong performances in both reading and math—are significant achievements that can be attributed to the district’s rise.

Other factors for the district’s growth include the expansion of the collegiate academies, schools of choice, early learning programs, and a strategic compensation initiative that rewards teacher excellence.

Rising Academic Achievement in Dallas ISD includes:

  • Dallas ISD is home to six out of 12 schools that received the highest possible score of 99 on the 2018 STAAR.
  • Dallas ISD achieved a steep decline in the number of Improvement Required campuses, from 43 in 2013-2014 to four in 2017-2018.
  • More Dallas ISD students are meeting state standard on the STAAR exam, narrowing the gap between the district and the state:
    • 2013-2014: 27% Dallas ISD; 39% State
    • 2017-2018: 40% Dallas ISD; 47% State

Multicultural leaders work to ensure all races are well represented in Dallas ISD

As a professor who has taught students about the African American experience for more than 40 years, Dr. W. Marvin Dulaney has seen first-hand how bringing a multicultural approach to history and social studies helps students see themselves in the curriculum.

ulaney’s distinguished background made him an ideal member for Dallas ISD’s new Multicultural Studies and History Advisory Council formed by the district’s Racial Equity Office. As an advisory council member, Dulaney joins leaders from many Dallas multicultural institutions in helping guide Dallas ISD to develop multicultural studies, experiences and opportunities for all students and staff.

“I’m encouraged to see that Dallas ISD is looking to make sure all of its students from different cultures and races are represented and empowered,” Dulaney said.

Dulaney was among the powerful voices at the Multicultural Studies and History Advisory Council meeting held Aug. 13 at the Pan African Connection, which is owned by Akwete Tyehimba, who is one of the advisory council members. At the meeting, the advisory council members discussed strategies for bringing a multicultural lens to a Dallas ISD History Hackathon—which was the brainchild of advisory council member Jerry Hawkins, executive director of Dallas Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation—as well as language for an African American History Class.

Jamila Thomas, director of the Dallas ISD Racial Equity Office, said the advisory council members bring invaluable resources and knowledge that can benefit Dallas ISD students.

“It’s important to have the community voice at the table and make sure they are a formative part of the whole process,” she said. “These multicultural leaders are living and breathing this on a daily basis, and they are eager to work together to bring out the various cultures we represent in Dallas ISD.”

Dallas ISD formed the Racial Equity Office last school year to manage, implement and develop projects that align with a Racial, Socio-Economic, and Educational Equity resolution adopted by the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees in December 2017.

“I am excited about all of the various efforts to bring Dallas ISD’s Racial Equity Office to life,” said Leslie Williams, deputy chief of the Racial Equity Office. “This is powerful.”

Special ceremony welcomes hundreds of bus drivers new to Dallas ISD

A special ceremony on Aug. 8 welcomed hundreds of bus drivers to Dallas ISD.

Dallas ISD is running its own transportation this school year after Dallas County residents voted Nov. 7 to dissolve Dallas County Schools (DCS). Previously, Dallas ISD contracted with DCS, a taxpayer-funded agency, to bus students.

Superintendent Michael Hinojosa thanked the bus drivers and mechanics—many of whom previously worked with DCS—for their professionalism and eagerness to safely transport students.

“Our school board, our district, and the entire City of Dallas is indebted to your service,” Hinojosa said.

The Dallas ISD Transportation Service is still hiring several more bus drivers. Go here to apply.

Districtwide program aims to boost consistency in teaching curriculum

About 1,500 Dallas ISD school employees convened on July 25 at Wilmer-Hutchins High School to officially kick off a districtwide program to foster best classroom practices by emphasizing teamwork.

Campus Instructional Leadership Teams (CILT) are made up of five people, including the principal and teachers, and will help guide a more effective and consistent implementation of curriculum across the district. The CILT program had previously existed, but had been shelved the past few years.

Superintendent Michael Hinojosa and members of his Executive Leadership Team touted the benefits of working together to help ensure the best results for students. After hearing from district officials, CILT members broke into smaller sessions based on grade level and subject to focus on specifics.

The kickoff will be followed by five additional CILT group meetings before each six-week grading period begins to pinpoint what aspects of the curriculum will be the focus.

Staff emerge as rising leaders

Dallas ISD’s Leadership Development Program took nearly 30 district staff and turned them into the next leaders to watch.

For 10 months, participants took part in leadership lessons that were held at UT Dallas Jindal School of Management and at 9400 NCX. Lessons included:

  • DiSC Profile, Self-Awareness, and Teamwork
  • Dallas ISD Governance, Structure, and Operations
  • Culture
  • Talent
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and Boundary Spanning Leadership
  • Impact
  • Stakeholders

The participants were required to increase their understanding of high-level issues that affect Dallas ISD, including: managerial, legal, educational, and community issues. They also had to become knowledgeable in governance processes, serve on key leadership committees, and complete coursework.

Not only did participants build leadership capacity, but they were required to work cross-functionally as they increased their leadership skills.

Educators invited to free online workshop promoting success of immigrant students

A free interactive, online workshop is open to Dallas ISD educators and administrators to promote the success of immigrant and refugee students.

Teachers, administrators, librarians and volunteers can go here to register for free. The workshop—Immigrant Student Success: Strategies and Tools for K-12 and Adult Educators—will be held July 10–11 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

The workshop will explore how to:

  • Integrate immigration into the curriculum;
  • Build relationships with immigrant students, families and communities in perilous times;
  • Use storytelling to educate all students on immigration;
  • Empower both teachers and students;
  • Create more welcoming classrooms, and more.

District’s new Multicultural Studies and History Advisory Council will ensure variety of cultures are celebrated

Dallas ISD Racial Equity Office established the Multicultural Studies and History Advisory Council.

This group will serve as an advocacy council for creating multicultural studies, experiences and opportunities for student and adult voices to be heard, engaged and expressed in education. This council will support the Racial Equity Office in its efforts to engage various sources from literature to oral history in an effort  to educate and celebrate a variety of cultures.

“This council marks a powerful moment in the history of Dallas ISD. We are excited to engage people from many different ethnic groups and cultures to empower all children,” said Leslie Williams, Deputy Chief of Racial Equity Office

Participates in this advisory council were from different educational entities from across the city of Dallas which included non-profits, local universities, Dallas County Community Colleges, arts community, film makers, artist,  faith-based organizations and more. Dallas ISD Racial Equity Office is creating a number of specific collective impact models that will serve as collaborative opportunities to engage Dallas ISD from a variety of different entry points.

“History comes from a variety of societal and cultural viewpoints. Therefore, it is critical to understand the historical context that has shaped the lived experiences of people of color,” said Jamila Thomas, Director of Racial Equity Office. “Equally important, is the opportunity to celebrate a variety of cultures that represent the beauty of diversity. If we can exemplify how students should value their individuality while celebrating those who may look, sound and experience life different, we can create a beautiful mosaic of educational spaces.”