The Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center is offering a limited-time membership promotion for district staff. The summer break enrollment special features discounted sign-up and monthly rates for employees who join by the June 30 deadline. Go here to download a flyer with full details, or call 214-820-7872 for more information or a complimentary tour.
Translation Services urges administrators to avoid the back-to-school rush for translation by submitting documents now. These may include summer school communications, back-to-school brochures, handbooks, compacts, letters, and vaccination requirements. This service is FREE of charge and available to all Dallas ISD schools and departments.
Documents submitted for translation will be processed in the order received. To request the service, download the Translation Request Form, attach the document to be translated, and email to
For information, call Translation Services at 972-925-5892.
Dallas ISD is turning up the heat on learning opportunities this summer by rolling out a brand new type of professional development experience called Learning Academies.
Teachers will have it made in the shade for the 2019-2020 school year after they attend one of these conference-style learning academies this June. Attendees will hear from nationally-recognized keynote speakers, engage in a wide variety of breakout sessions, explore thought-provoking demonstration areas, and enjoy multiple types of interactive, hands-on learning experiences.
Keitha Shelby of the Dallas ISD Professional and Digital Learning Department called the summer learning opportunities a big upgrade. Next generation learning experiences have been designed for teachers to become content and technology integration ninjas, to collaborate with colleagues to generate new ideas and innovative solutions for universal educational challenges, and to expand their understanding of how to differentiate instruction to create culturally responsive classrooms for students.
“The district is not just looking to support the whole child, we are looking at how we can support the whole teacher,” Shelby said.
Learning Academies will be hosted at D. A. Hulcy Middle School, 9339 S. Polk St. Sessions and accompanying topics are scheduled for:
- Whole Child Development (June 10–13)
- STEAM & Technology Integration (June 17–20)
- Meeting the Needs of All Students (June 24–27)
Teachers view the 2019 Future of Learning Summer Learning Guide Catalog and Summer Professional Learning Agreement at
On Thursday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., district employees will receive an additional 20 percent discount on regular priced items and 10 percent on clearance items at any DSW. Employees must present the official flyer and a Dallas ISD employee ID to receive the discount. The first five employees to make a purchase at the DSW located at The Shops of Park Lane, 8160 Park Lane, will also receive a backpack when they present this flyer while supplies last.
After many calorie guesses during Munch Madness, Luis Rosado of Procurement Services emerged the champion. In addition to the admiration of the other participants, Rosado also won a $25 gift card when his guess came close to the 780 calories for Texas Tech—pork rib patties, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies and brownie meal. Munch Madness is a fundraiser by the district’s Core 4 Team on behalf of the United Negro College Fund. Contributions made during the Munch Madness events benefit the scholarship fund, and money raised by Dallas ISD will go to graduating seniors from district schools.

Find out by joining the Core 4 Team at 2 p.m. in Suite 910 of the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building to close out Munch Madness, share more tasty treats and announce the champion, who will receive a $25 gift card. The winners of the Munch Madness stages correctly guessed and ranked the caloric content of several elite desserts. Munch Madness is a fundraiser by the district’s Core 4 Team on behalf of the United Negro College Fund. Contributions made during the Munch Madness events benefit the scholarship fund, and money raised by Dallas ISD will go to graduating seniors from district schools.
The Flexible Final 4 of Munch Madness have been unveiled:
- Tonya Mayberry Davis
- Luis Rosado
- Velina Smith
- Denise Donelan
The winners correctly guessed and ranked the caloric content of several elite desserts. The dessert with the highest caloric content in this round was Purdue’s pumpkin cheesecake with whipped cream and sprinkles coming in at 514 calories.
Munch Madness is a fundraiser by the district’s Core 4 Team on behalf of the United Negro College Fund. Contributions made during the Munch Madness events benefit the scholarship fund, and money raised by Dallas ISD will go to graduating seniors from district schools. With a donation to UNCF, staff will have the opportunity to participate in Munch Madness, starting at 11 a.m. Friday, April 5, in Suite 910 of the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building.
Several central employees moved up to the Fast Elite 8 bracket of Munch Madness last Friday by ranking especially selected sweets based on caloric count.
The winners are:
- Gonzalo Reyes
- Luis Rosado
- Denise Donelan
- Jenine Smith
- Zavier Waters
- Eva Macias
- Velia Lara
- Rachel Villanueva
These savvy winners will receive a prize and recognition for their keen knowledge of sweets and their generous contribution to scholarships for district students. Munch Madness is a fundraiser by the district’s Core 4 Team on behalf of the United Negro College Fund. Contributions made during the Munch Madness events benefit the scholarship fund, and money raised by Dallas ISD will go to graduating seniors from district schools.
There are more chances to win during Munch Madness. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, central staff will have the opportunity to rank assorted treats to become the Flexible Final 4 winners. The names of those who come closest to the actual caloric count will be announced on the staff page on April 4 and will receive a $5 gift card from Starbucks. Munch Madness takes place in Suite 910 of the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building.
The Munch Madness challenge will continue on Friday, April 5, for a chance to win one of two, $10 Subway gift cards in the Focused Championship battle. The winners will be announced during a special Munch Madness ceremony at 2 p.m., where they will receive a $25 gift card each.
Participating in the brackets is not required to enjoy additional treats during Munch Madness, only a small donation to the UNCF.
Teachers, counselors, and campus administrators are encouraged to participate in an April 3 Twitter chat hosted by Teaching and Learning highlighting best practices for instruction, intervention strategies and information supporting Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at each campus. A new initiative being implemented throughout the district, the MTSS framework is aimed at providing support for students in the areas of reading, mathematics, language, and engagement. The Twitter chat is set for 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 3, @DallasISDMTSS. For more information, contact Teaching and Learning at 972.925.8804.
District staff members are reminded that all Dallas ISD facility and school names and name changes require approval by the district’s Board of Trustees. Board policy spells out the naming process and requires that proposed names of new facilities and changes to names of existing facilities be submitted to Board Services on the approved nomination form by April 1 of each year for consideration by trustees in June. Community members and employees are urged to go here to review the policy on facility/school namings. The site links to the required nomination form with guidelines for names and instructions to submit proposed names. Nominations should be submitted by 5 p.m., Friday, March 29, to meet the April 1 deadline. Questions about the process should be directed to Board Services at 972-925-3720.