Know who to call

Annual benefits enrollment, leaves of absence, alternative work arrangements , qualifying life events, and other benefits topics may be on your mind. Do you know who to call to get the information you need?

The Benefits department has many resources available to help employees navigate the benefits system. The information below should help.

Call: 972-925-4300 or email when you need to:

  • Discuss your benefit options, including
    • Benefit plans, costs, eligibility
  • Request an ADA Accommodation
  • Discuss alternative options in lieu of an Alternative Work Arrangement
  • Discuss retirement options
  • Get information on the Employee Assistance Program
  • Get information about fitness, mindful meditation and stretch classes
  • Submit a bereavement leave form

Call: 972-925-4000, when you need to:

  • Enroll or make changes to your benefits (annual enrollment or qualifying life event)
  • Apply for a leave of absence, including Expanded COVID-19 Leaves)
    • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    • General Medical
    • Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML-COVID childcare leave)
    • Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act
  • Apply for a hardship leave (first 20 days)
  • Enroll in Sick Leave Bank
  • Contact the LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program

  • Inquire or submit completed ADA Accommodation forms and requests
  • Submit completed Sick Leave Bank requests
  • Submit local leave requests (professional, emergency, hardship extensions)

Last chance to complete annual training by Oct. 31

In compliance with state and federal laws, Dallas ISD requires that all employees complete an annual policy acknowledgement and compliance training every school year. The window for both the annual policy acknowledgement and compliance training closes Oct. 31.

Annual Policy Acknowledgement

Using their EAD, employees will log into the annual policy acknowledgement web-based application at The system can be accessed from work or home. 

Compliance Training Videos

Online compliance training will be available to all District employees in Cornerstone at Employees will need to use their EAD username and password to log into Cornerstone. The compliance training assignment will be in the “Training in Progress” or the “Your Assigned Training” box located on the “Welcome” page. If the assignment is not listed, employees can hover over the “Learning” tab and select “View Your Transcript.” The compliance training curriculum will be listed on your transcript.

For questions or concerns regarding the annual policy acknowledgement and compliance training, please contact Policy and Compliance at or (972) 794-7858.





New steps simplify PO process

A change in the workflow process when submitting requisitions will  shorten the turnaround time to issue purchase orders.

Currently, once a department or school submits a requisition so that a purchase order can be issued, if additional information is needed by the buyer in the Procurement Department, the requisition would be rejected and the process would have to be repeated.

To enable this process, requisitions should be submitted as a Non-Catalog Request in iProcurement. Before submitting, the Simplified PO box should be checked. Once this is done, if the buyer has any questions, the process is halted. When the information is received, the process is activated again and the purchase order can be issued without having to resubmit the request. Requisitions will only go through the approval process once, even if returned for additional information.

Application and Training is conducting Oracle training and will be able to provide guidance on how to submit Non-Catalog Request in iProcurement. Please reach out to that department if there are questions.

“It’s a smoother process and a quicker turnaround time because Procurement is involved only once,” said Candace Yarbough, contracts director in Procurement Services.

Superintendente anuncia que las clases en el distrito comenzarán el 8 de septiembre y serán 100% virtuales

El Superintendente Michael Hinojosa decidió hoy, después de consultar al liderazgo del distrito y el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos del Condado de Dallas, que el distrito abrirá con clases 100% a distancia cuando las clases se reanuden el 8 de septiembre y continuará con el aprendizaje a distancia hasta por lo menos el 6 de octubre. Además, todas las actividades extracurriculares continuarán a distancia, incluyendo fuerza y acondicionamiento, banda y equipos de baile, todas las actividades de UIL y de artes escénicas.

El superintendente hizo un anuncio público esta tarde acerca de la decisión durante una conferencia de prensa.

En este momento, para poder satisfacer las necesidades del distrito y asegurar que las escuelas estén listas para recibir a los estudiantes, el proceso de reingreso para el personal se diferenciará basándose en las necesidades del distrito y del departamento.


Todos los maestros deberán notificar a su director de escuela a más tardar el 25 de agosto si participarán en el aprendizaje a distancia desde la escuela o si impartirán las clases virtualmente desde sus casas.

El 17 de septiembre, todos los maestros deberán reportarse en persona a sus respectivas escuelas para prepararse y continuar impartiendo las clases a distancia a menos que tengan un AWA (Arreglo Alternativo de Trabajo), acomodaciones relacionadas con el ADA, o licencia laboral, y conforme esté permitido por el departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos del Condado de Dallas, para aclimatarse a los procedimientos y prepararse para las clases.

Personal basado en la escuela que no participa en la instrucción

Las fechas de comienzo de contrato para el personal en las escuelas que trabajan más de 185 días permanecerán igual que las que se anunciaron en el documento de fechas de comienzo y final del 2020-2021 que se diseminó este verano. El salario de emergencia y esencial para este grupo finalizó el 21 de julio.

Otro personal no involucrado en la instrucción (días de trabajo 185, 187, 191, 193, 195) deberá reportarse basando en las fechas de comienzo y final para el 2020-2021. El salario de emergencia y esencial para este grupo de empleados a partir del día en que re reporten a su puesto.

Todo el otro personal escolar de contrato extendido / que se reporta anticipadamente se reportará a sus sitios de trabajo basándose en el calendario de fechas de comienzo y final del 2020-2021.

Personal de administración central

Los empleados de administración central cuyas obligaciones laborales no se pueden realizar de manera virtual regresaron en persona el 3 de agosto para ayudar a preparar las instalaciones del distrito para el comienzo del año escolar 2020-2021. Estos grupos incluye a Policía y Seguridad, Mantenimiento e Instalaciones, y a algunos empleados de Tecnología, Servicios de Comida y Nutrición Infantil y Transporte Estudiantil.

Todos los empleados de Transporte Estudiantil y FCNS, por sus siglas en inglés, que trabajan 185 días se presentarán en persona a partir del 28 de agosto. Mientras que la instrucción en el distrito tiene lugar de manera virtual, este personal se reportará a sus lugares de trabajo como es costumbre, y se les asignarán tareas de apoyo para satisfacer las necesidades del distrito.

Estos empleados que trabajan 185 días podrán continuar trabajando los 10 adicionales si optaron participar en esta oportunidad a través del 27 de agosto realizando tareas de apoyo, incluyendo instalar anuncios, organizar material de protección, y asistencia con organizar materiales para las escuelas

El proceso de reingreso para otro personal de administración central variará debido a la capacidad de los edificios y elementos estructurales, dificultad para mantener distanciamiento social, el mayor uso de los elevadores para desplazarse, acceso limitado a las escaleras, el uso más amplio de los espacios comunes para mayor número de empleados, y depender más de o tener más densidad de cubículos en los espacios laborales.

Todo el personal que puede completar sus tareas remotamente puede, con la aprobación de su supervisor, continuar trabajando remotamente hasta el 6 de octubre. Cualquier miembro del personal que no pueda realizar sus funciones laborales remotamente debe reportarse al trabajo en un horario A y B dependiendo de las necesidades del departamento y las instrucciones de su supervisor.

Todo el personal central debe reportarse a su lugar de trabajo el 7 de octubre. Cualquier persona que no se pueda reportar en su fecha asignada deberá pedir un Arreglo Alternativo de Trabajo a su supervisor, pedir una acomodación relacionada con el ADA o solicitar una licencia laboral conforme se aplique para cualquiera de estos procesos. El salario extendido de emergencia para estos empleados cesará el 4 de octubre.

Para preguntas acerca de quién puede solicitar un AWA, acomodaciones o licencia laboral, deben ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Beneficios mandando un correo electrónico a, visitando, o viendo la AWA Request Form Guidance Document. 

Superintendent announces district classes will open Sept. 8 with 100% distance learning

Superintendent Michael Hinojosa decided today, after consulting with his senior leadership team and the Dallas County Health and Human Services staff, that the district will open with 100% distance learning when school starts Sept. 8 and will continue with distance learning through at least Oct. 6. In addition, all extracurricular activities will remain in a distance setting, including strength and conditioning, band and drill team, all UIL and visual and performing arts activities.

The superintendent is expected to make a public announcement of the decision at a late afternoon news conference today.

At this time, to meet the needs of the district and ensure schools are ready to receive students, the reentry process for staff will be differentiated based on district and department needs.


All classroom teachers will notify their campus principal by Aug. 25 if they will participate in distance learning from the campus or deliver instruction virtually from home.

On Sept. 17, all classroom teachers will report in person to their respective schools to prepare to continue teaching classes via distance learning unless they have an approved AWA, ADA accommodation, or benefits leave, and as allowed by the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department, to get acclimated to procedures and prepare for instruction.

Non-teacher campus-based staff

Contract start dates for campus staff who work more than 185 days will remain as stated in the 2020-2021 start and end dates document shared earlier this summer. Emergency pay and essential pay ceased for this employee group on July 21.

Other non-teacher campus employees (workdays 185, 187, 191, 193, 195) should report to the worksite based on the revised 2020-21 start and end dates. Emergency and essential pay will cease for this employee group starting on the established start date for their position.

All other extended contract/early reports campus-based staff will report to the work site based on the revised 2020-21 start and end date work calendar.

Central Staff Employees

Central staff whose duties cannot be performed virtually returned to work on-site starting Aug. 3 to help prepare district facilities for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. These groups include the Police and Security Department, Maintenance and Facility Services and some employees in Information technology, Food and Child Nutrition Services, and Transportation.

All 185-day Student Transportation and Food and Child Nutrition Services employees will work on site starting Aug. 28, 2020. While districtwide distance learning is in effect and bus services are not needed, staff will report to their work site as usual and be assigned to perform other duties to support the needs of the district.

These 185-day bi-weekly employees will continue to be able to opt-in to work up to 10 days through Aug. 27 in miscellaneous support, including installing signage, organization of PPE, and assistance with shipments of materials to campuses.

The reentry process for other central staff will vary due to building capacity/structural elements, greater difficulty in social distancing, high elevator dependency for mobility, limited stair wells, wide use of common spaces for large numbers of employees, and high dependency/density of cubicles in office spaces.

All staff who can complete all work required for their position remotely may, with supervisor’s written approval, continue working remotely through Oct. 6, 2020.  Any staff who cannot complete all work duties remotely will be required to report to work on an A day-B day type schedule depending on department needs and supervisor guidance.

All central staff will return to the work site on Oct. 7.  Anyone who cannot report to the work site on their designated date can request an Alternate Work Arrangement with their supervisor, request an ADA Accommodation or file for a benefit leave as applicable through those established processes. Extended Emergency pay for all employees in this group will cease on Oct. 4.

For questions related to what may qualify for an AWA, accommodation or an approved leave, contact the Benefits department at, visit, or reference the AWA Request Form Guidance Document.

For more details about the reentry dates, please download this document.

Get help with funding classroom projects

District employees can use the online platform Donors Choose to get help from friends, family and even strangers in funding classroom projects and equipment. When teachers create a project, they are creating a shopping list from the organization’s list of vendors that offer special pricing and outstanding service. Setting up a project is easy.

  1. Visit and create a project
  2. The project is reviewed and posted
  3. Spread the word
  4. Get email notifications when project funded
  5. Equipment and materials arrive (consumable supplies to teachers’ homes and technology and larger supplies to the schools)
  6. Equipment received must be tagged, a decal applied and the donation logged
  7. Don’t forget to thank your donors!

Just remember that all district policies for donations apply and that the donation must be properly reported. Some other things to remember:

  • Applicant must be a full time Dallas ISD employee who spends 75% of their time with students.
  • Registration from principals, administrators, PTAs, teacher assistants, student teachers, substitutes and part-time teachers will not be accepted.
  • Pursuant to CDC policy, donations must be documented and logged online by school designee.
  • Materials/equipment that is delivered to the school is the property of the school and will primarily remain at that school if the teacher leaves.
  • A point system gives teachers the opportunity to create projects with higher monetary values.

For more information on how to get started on Donors Choose, visit


District dress code to remain business casual

To make it easier for staff to stay safe as the reentry process continues, Dallas ISD will observe a business casual dress code that includes scrubs, starting Sept. 8.

In response to feedback from employees concerning the challenges of aligning work attire with safety protocols, the district will follow a business casual dress code. This dress code will allow employees to feel more at ease and comfortable while implementing safety and cleaning protocols as they perform their work duties.

In accordance with district policy, please remember that the business casual dress code does not mean unkempt and does not allow for inappropriate apparel. To guide you in determining what is business casual clothing, the dress code guidelines can be found below. During specific occasions and for formal meetings, employees will be expected to wear standard business attire. Please consult with your supervisor to determine appropriate attire for your job and the various business needs of the department.

The dress code will be reevaluated every quarter and may be subject to change.


2020-2021 Dress Code Guidelines

Business Casual


  • Business casual includes clothing that is comfortable and neatly put together while communicating professionalism.
  • Business casual may differ based on the various business needs of the department. Please consult with your department supervisor to determine appropriate attire for your job.
  • Certain events on the District’s calendar may require employees in a specific department or location to wear business attire instead of the business casual look.
  • Take your workday schedule into account when considering your attire for the day. If you have a meeting scheduled with the public or vendors, you may need to wear business attire.
  • Administrators will have the discretion to make exceptions to appropriateness of attire as it relates to culture, religious beliefs, vocational courses, physical education, maintenance, medical necessities, events, and spirit days.
  • Employees required to wear District-issued uniforms are expected to wear the assigned uniform.


Acceptable Attire

  • Clothing should be clean, pressed and wrinkle-free, without holes or frayed areas.
  • All attire should fit appropriately (not excessively tight or excessively loose).
  • Footwear – Loafers, boots, flats, sandals, and leather deck shoes are acceptable.
  • Slacks – Nice pants or cotton slacks.
  • Shirts – Blouses, casual shirts, and golf shirts are acceptable.
  • Dresses and skirts – Casual dresses and skirts appropriate for an office environment are acceptable.


Unacceptable Attire

  • Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to, form-fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing.
  • Excessively worn, faded, or tight clothing is not acceptable.
  • Revealing or provocative attire is not acceptable.
  • Slippers, flip-flops, house shoes, sneakers, and athletic shoes are not acceptable.
  • Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, and lycra are not acceptable.
  • Tank tops and shirts or t-shirts with inappropriate messages/graphics are not acceptable.
  • Dresses and skirts shorter than three inches above the bend of the knee are not acceptable.
  • Gym clothes and beach wear are not acceptable.

Download Dallas ISD’s mobile app

Download the district’s mobile app to have easy access to news, calendars and other information via mobile devices. The district and schools can also send informational and emergency notifications to parents and staff who have downloaded the app and chosen to receive notifications.

Through the Dallas ISD app, staff have direct access to email, PowerSchool, staff news and more. Parents have access to school information, transportation, school menus, and district sports events. The app is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Burmese, French, and Swahili.

For more information about the app and direct links to download it, visit

Longtime district leaders appointed to new roles

Sherry Christian has been named deputy chief of Staff. She will supervise many departments that were previously under School Leadership where she was assistant superintendent for seven years. As deputy chief of staff, she will oversee health services, psychological services, safety initiatives, student discipline, and demographics. She will also lead the development of the district calendar, high-needs facilities and bond projects, and partnerships with local entities. Most recently, Christian had been deputy chief of Operations, and prior to that, she served in Student Services, providing oversight to various departments, including Athletics, Child Abuse Services, Youth and Family Centers and student discipline.



Deno Harris has been appointed deputy chief of Operations. With more than 30 years of experience in customer service and project management, workflow automation and business planning, Harris will oversee various aspects of district operations. Most recently, Harris has served as executive director of Administrative and Board Services where he coordinated activities of the Administrative Services office through the development and implementation of policies, programs and practices in support of the initiatives of the district and the Board of Trustees. Prior to this, Harris managed and coordinated Business Services activities related to the planning, development and implementation of policies, programs and practices in support of Financial Services, Support Services, Project Management, Construction Services and Auxiliary Services. He also served as director of Community and Administrative Services and as manager of the district’s Customer Service department. Prior to Dallas ISD, Harris was assistant director of Communication and Information Services for the City of Dallas, where he was responsible for Desktop Support, Mainframe, Account Management, Customer Service, Maintenance Contracts, Hardware/Software standards and Call Center/Help Desk.

Shantell Grant has been appointed executive director of Board Services. Most recently, Grant has served as project manager in Human Capital Management, where she has coordinated and implemented leadership development programs for central staff employees in collaboration with university partners, administered the HireVue, OnDemand and Live interview systems, created and monitored the departmental contract tracking system, managed summer internships districtwide, and led the districtwide reentry plan preparations for HCM for the COVID 19 pandemic. Grant began working in Dallas ISD in 2007 in the superintendent’s office, became a board coordinator in 2013, and was named special assistant to the deputy superintendent of Academic Improvement and Accountability in 2016 where she coordinated leadership team projects, including the implementation of the district’s Strategic Improvement Plan, established a baseline framework for tracking progress with the Lone Star Governance Model, and Coordinated and managed the timeline and workflow for the District of Innovation Committee for the creation of a Local Innovation Plan among other duties. Grant worked as director of Board Services for Houston ISD for a year before returning to Dallas ISD in 2018.





Complete the training for reentry

Dallas ISD has implemented new safety measures in the work environment to help minimize the spread of communicable diseases. District employees are required to complete the Dallas ISD Reentry Employee Safety Training course that provides employees information on social distancing, the proper use of face masks and other safety protocols.

Employees can also access the training by going to Cornerstone at and use their EAD username and password to log in. For problems logging into Cornerstone, such as resetting your password, contact the IT Service Desk at (972) 925-5630.

The training assignment will be in the “Required Training” section of Cornerstone located on the “Welcome” page. If the assignment is not listed, employees can hover over the “Learning” tab, select “Learner Home” to access training offerings, and scroll down to the “Required” section to choose the Dallas ISD Reentry Employee Safety Training. The Spanish version is listed under the “Featured” section.

Employees are required to complete the training within two days of their reentry but may do it in advance of their return to work in district facilities.

Supervisors will receive reports so they can ensure all employees complete the required training.

For questions or concerns regarding the training, please contact Human Capital Management’s Policy and Compliance department at or (972) 794-7858.