Special discounts for district employees at DSW

On Thursday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., district employees will receive an additional 20 percent discount on regular priced items and 10 percent on clearance items at any DSW. Employees must present the official flyer and a Dallas ISD employee ID to receive the discount. The first five employees to make a purchase at the DSW located at The Shops of Park Lane, 8160 Park Lane, will also receive a backpack when they present this flyer while supplies last.

April 3 MTSS Twitter chat to focus on best practices for student support

Teachers, counselors, and campus administrators are encouraged to participate in an April 3 Twitter chat hosted by Teaching and Learning highlighting best practices for instruction, intervention strategies and information supporting Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at each campus. A new initiative being implemented throughout the district, the MTSS framework is aimed at providing support for students in the areas of reading, mathematics, language, and engagement. The Twitter chat is set for 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 3, @DallasISDMTSS. For more information, contact Teaching and Learning at 972.925.8804.

Junior League webinar set to help teachers win grants for classroom projects

Teachers looking for funding for classroom projects should mark their calendars for 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 5, for the Junior League of Dallas’ live webinar designed to help teachers craft winning proposals. The webinar aims to help teachers prepare to submit grant proposals by the March 18 deadline and will feature tips and answers to common questions about creating effective grant proposals. Interested teachers can go here to download a flyer with instructions to access the webinar, which will also be available for later viewing.

Grants for Innovative Teaching is the Junior League of Dallas’ signature project. The grants provide up to $2,000 for special classroom projects. In 2018, the grants were awarded to 50 Dallas ISD teachers to fund projects ranging from large-scale art sculptures and educational videos to Lego robots and games designed to promote literacy and social skills.

Dallas ISD Toastmasters sponsor Feb. 27 open house

Dallas ISD Talk It Up! Toastmasters Club is recruiting employees who want to improve their leadership and communication skills. The club is hosting an open house at 6 p.m., Wed, Feb. 27, at the H.B. Bell School Support Services Building, 2909 N. Buckner Blvd., which is also the location of regular Wednesday meetings. The club is part of Toastmasters International, a global organization that offers public speaking and leadership training opportunities. Go here for a flyer with more info.

Camp Kindle teaches teachers how to use technology in the classroom

Jiv Daya has donated kindles to grades 3–5 in six feeder patterns!

At Camp Kindle, several teachers from each network learned how to best use kindles as a learning tool. The training was done by Jiv Daya, Dallas ISD IT, Personalized Learning and the Blended Learning Coaches from School Leadership.

Watch the above video for a spooky fun look into the camp.

DonorsChoose.org offers teachers help with back to school

Teachers new to DonorsChoose.org can receive help getting their classrooms set up for the start of the new school year. Through Friday, Aug. 10, teachers who submit their first DonorsChoose.org classroom project will receive an automatic $50 kickoff donation for the project from the DonorsChoose.org team. Whether teachers want to refresh their classroom library, create a new activity kit, or try out a welcome back activity, the team from DonorsChoose.org wants to help teachers jumpstart the new school year. Go here for full details.

Dallas ISD announces senior staff changes amid HCM chief’s retirement

Dallas ISD Chief of Human Capital Management Karry Chapman has announced her retirement effective June 30. Chapman began serving Dallas ISD as interim chief of HCM in February 2015 and was subsequently selected to permanently fill the position, bringing her extensive years of leadership in human resources to the district.

Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said, “Karry has been a great supporter and an important member of the leadership team.” We’re grateful for her dedication and service to the students and staff of this district and wish her well on her retirement.”

Houston ISD Chief of Staff Cynthia Wilson, who formerly served as Dallas ISD chief of staff, has agreed to return to Dallas ISD as chief of Human Capital Management.

“We are excited to welcome Dr. Wilson back and look forward to having her with us in this capacity,” Hinojosa said. “She is a dynamic leader, and I know she will do well.”

Wilson served as Dallas ISD chief of staff from 2015 to 2017 before joining Houston ISD. She will rejoin the district in her new leadership post July 1.

In addition, John Vega, executive director of the L.G. Pinkston feeder pattern, has been promoted to deputy chief of HCM effective June 1.

Effective today, Angie Gaylord has been appointed deputy chief of the Office of Transformation and Innovation. Gaylord, who was hired as executive director of Professional Development in 2016, has served as acting deputy chief of OTI since January.

“Angie has done an outstanding job in this position, and I’m confident she will continue to effectively lead the Office of Transformation and Innovation,” said Hinojosa.

Department Directory

Athletics (972) 749-2450 www.dallasisd.org/athletics

Communications Services (972) 925-3900 www.dallasisd.org/communications

Dallas ISD Connect/Main District Hotline (972) 925-5500 www.dallasisd.org/dallasisdconnect

Dual Language (972) 925-6490 www.dallasisd.org/duallanguage

Early Learning/Pre-K (214) 932-7735 www.dallasisd.org/prek

English Language Learners (Bilingual/ESL) (972) 925-6490 www.dallasisd.org/ell

Extended Day Services/ Before-and After-School (972) 925-5421 www.dallasisd.org/extendedday

Food & Child Nutrition (214) 932-5500 www.dallasisd.org/childnutrition

Gifted and Talented (972) 925-6431 www.dallasisd.org/advancedacademicservices

Health Services (972) 925-3386 www.dallasisd.org/healthservices

Homeless Support Services (972) 749-5789 www.dallasisd.org/hep

Immigrant and Refugee Services (972) 502-4189 www.dallasisd.org/refugeeservices

Magnet Schools (972) 925-8936 www.dallasisd.org/magnets

Office of Family and Community Engagement (972) 925-3916 www.dallasisd.org/parentservices

Office of Transformation and Innovation (School Choice) (972) 925-3306 www.dallasisd.org/choice

Personalized Learning (972) 925-3308 www.dallasisd.org/personalizedlearning

 Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (972) 925-4253 www.dallasisd.org/ppcd

School Menus (214) 932-5500 www.dallasisd.org/schoolmenus

Special Education (972) 581-4100 www.dallasisd.org/sped

Specialized Data Management Support (972) 794-3550 www.dallasisd.org/Page/36033

Student Activities (972) 749-5721 www.dallasisd.org/studentactivities

Student Discipline (972) 925-5540 www.dallasisd.org/studentdiscipline

Student Records (972) 925-3645 www.dallasisd.org/studentrecords

Student Transfers (972) 749-5720 www.dallasisd.org/studenttransfers

Transportation (972) 925-4953 www.dallasisd.org/busroutes

Visual and Performing Arts (214) 932-5090 www.dallasisd.org/vpa

Youth and Family Centers (972) 925-4190 www.dallasisd.org/youthandfamilycenters

Dallas ISD provides parents back to school information

Dallas Independent School District is providing parents a virtual one-stop-shop with helpful back to school information for the 2017-2018 school year, which starts Monday, Aug. 28.

Available in English and Spanish, the 2017-2018 Back-to-School page, includes information such as:
·      School hours
·      Back to School Hotline
·      Online enrollment
·      Bus Routes and Schedules (2017-2018 bus routes and schedules to be available by the week of August 14).
·      School meal information
·      Immunization requirements

The Back to School page can be found at http://www.dallasisd.org/backtoschool.
In addition, the district reminds parents that pre-registration for the 2017 Mayor’s Back to School Fair is available through July 28.

The fair will take place Friday, Aug. 4, at the Centennial Building in Fair Park. Parents of children attending Dallas ISD schools, who meet the eligibility requirements, can register to receive free school supplies during the fair. Other services at no cost to families available at the fair will include immunizations, health, dental and vision screenings, haircuts, and more. For the pre-registration locations and hours, visit: http://www.mayorsbacktoschoolfair.com/.

This Week in Dallas ISD: June 15 edition

Spend the next 90 seconds catching up on many of the great things that happened across the district this week!

Watch the above video, or read below, to learn more.

UNCF scholarships

Thirty-one graduating Dallas ISD seniors were recognized at a special reception for receivingUnited Negro College Fund (UNCF) scholarships. (Learn more)

Trustee Marshall reelected

Dustin Marshall was reelected to the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees in Saturday’s runoff election for the District 2 seat. (Learn more)

Classroom management

Representatives from every Dallas ISD school were trained on how to best react to and prevent disruptive classroom situations that can lead to behavior incidents and suspensions. (Read this)

GAABA scholarships

The Greenville Avenue Area Business Association awarded college scholarships to nine graduating seniors from Woodrow Wilson, North Dallas and Conrad high schools. (Learn more)

Mavericks Classroom Champion

Arleen Averill, a first-grade teacher at Dallas ISD’s Cigarroa Elementary School, was named a Dallas Mavericks Classroom Champions Teacher of the Year. (Learn more)

Stars on the Rise

Thanks to employee donations and strong corporate and educational partnerships, the Stars on the Rise scholarship program raised $2.39 million to distribute to deserving area high school graduates. (Read this)