District employees may request reimbursement for a reasonable amount of office supply costs, to include toner, printer cartridges, and paper, incurred while working from home during the Extended Emergency Leave. Employees are advised to obtain approval from their supervisor prior to making any purchase. Note that only consumable office supply costs are eligible for reimbursement. Office equipment, home/office furniture, and services including phone and Internet whether for home or mobile are not eligible for reimbursement under this reimbursement plan. This office supply costs reimbursement option will be open to employees indefinitely as long as the Extended Emergency Leave is in effect.
A video detailing how to request reimbursement can be found on the Accounts Payable website at www.dallasisd.org/iexpense on the Covid-19 tab under “Training Videos & Information.” An employee making this request should complete a new expense reimbursement in iExpense by choosing the “Office Supply Costs” template and selecting expense type “Miscellaneous – General Supplies.” The employee should enter a justification of “Home office purchase during Extended Emergency Leave” and enter the receipt amount excluding sales tax. Oracle will pre-populate the line code and should not be overwritten. The final step is to attach legible, itemized sales receipts for all expenses in iExpense before submitting the request. Receipts may not be dated earlier than March 17, 2020.
All reimbursement requests will route in iExpense to the employee’s supervisor who must approve the request prior to it becoming eligible for reimbursement. Accounts Payable will review all requests to ensure expense eligibility and receipt attachment.
The detailed video about submitting these types of expenses for reimbursement is the best source of guidance. If employees still have questions about the process or a specific reimbursement, contact Accounts Payable at travel@dallasisd.org.
Superintendent Michael Hinojosa credited the board of trustees, staff, students, and community for working together to achieve the great things that earned Dallas ISD the Excellence in Education Award from H-E-B Food/Drug Stores.
“This is so rewarding for our community, and it’s going to really lift our spirits,” Hinojosa said.
The award, which honors outstanding professionals from Texas public schools, was announced at a special May 5 ceremony held on Zoom. H-E-B President Scott McClelland credited the district with incredible progress made over the past five years. The supermarket chain based in San Antonio has given the award for the past 19 years.
“DISD has done so many things well, you have really become the blueprint for what big urban school districts can achieve,” McClelland said.
To determine overall statewide winners, a panel of judges visited each finalist district, early childhood facility and school board. In Dallas ISD, they personally toured Emmett J. Conrad High School and Billy Earl Dade Middle School.
The judges heard about the transformational work under way across Dallas ISD, that includes P-TECH or early college programs at almost every high school to give students access to college credits, career institutes, growth in high-quality early education programs, rapid expansion of school choice, TEI, and work on racial equity. Dallas ISD will receive a $100,000 grant for winning the award.
Dallas ISD recibe premio por excelencia en la educación
El Superintendente Michael Hinojosa atribuyó los logros que llevaron al premio Excellence in Education otorgado por H-E-B Food/Drug Stores al trabajo que la junta escolar, el personal, los estudiantes y la comunidad realizan juntos.
“Esto muy gratificante para nuestra comunidad, y ayudará a mejorar nuestros espíritus”, Hinojosa dijo.
El premio, que reconoce a profesionales excepcionales en las escuelas públicas de Texas, se anunció durante una ceremonia a través de Zoom el 5 de mayo. El presidente de H-E-B Scott McClelland detalló el progreso que el distrito ha realizado durante los últimos cinco años. Durante los últimos 19 años, la cadena de supermercados con base en San Antonio ha otorgado el premio durante los últimos 19 años.
“DISD ha hecho tantas cosas bien, que realmente se han convertido en el esquema a seguir para lo que un distrito urbano grande puede lograr”, McClelland dijo.
Un grupo de jueces visitó a cada distrito finalista, centro de educación preescolar, y junta escolar para determinar a los ganadores del estado. En Dallas ISD Emmett J. Conrad High School y Billy Earl Dade Middle School.
Los jueces escucharon acerca del trabajo de transformación que se está llevando a cabo en Dallas ISD y que incluye programas de P-TEC y early college que ofrecen la oportunidad de obtener horas crédito universitarias en casi todas las preparatorias, institutos profesionales, crecimiento en programas de educación preescolar de alta calidad, la rápida expansión de programas de opción escolar, TEI, y el trabajo de equidad racial. Dallas ISD recibirá una subvención $100,000 por haber ganado el premio.
Thinking of retiring this year? Dallas ISD will pay you cash for your unused local days, and the deadline to submit your intent to retire date in Oracle Self-Service has been extended to June 1. The more days you have remaining when you retire, the higher your award.
Employees who notify Human Capital Management by entering their intent to retire date in Oracle Self-Service by the new date of June 1 can receive a flat daily rate of pay for any unused local days accrued by July 31. The exact rate to be paid will be determined upon calculation of all the participants’ remaining local days (calculated by July 31) for the year. There is no cap to the number of local days paid. There is no time in service requirement.
Remember, retiring employees must enter their retirement date in Oracle Self-Service by June 1 to be eligible to receive the award. Those who do not enter their separation date in Oracle Self-Service by deadline will not be eligible for the award.
For additional questions, you may contact the HCM Benefits Department at (972) 925-4300.
The Graphics Department is open and ready to print. The Graphics Department would like to let schools, departments and staff know that the presses are running while keeping employees safe during the COVID-19 closure.
The department is working with campuses and departments to make sure that all print needs are fulfilled—banners, tablecloths, yard signs, mailers. No job is too big or too small.
The Graphics Department not only prints for schools and departments. It also offers services for personal print projects. Email your requests to graphicsinfo@dallasisd.org and one of its dedicated print professionals will contact you to assist with your order.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 21, to join Ovation Day for Dallas ISD’s Class of 2020. We encourage you and your family to step out onto your front porch or patio from 7 to 7:10 p.m. and share your support of our senior students who graduate this month. You can do a clap-out, wear a cap and gown or spirit shirt, write messages of support on posters, decorate the exterior of your house with celebration signage, or join a car parade if your community plans one. Because the district remains closed following COVID-19 guidelines, traditional graduations will not be held. Instead, the district will have virtual graduations starting May 22. Ovation Day is designed to show graduating seniors Dallas ISD supports them. Photos can be shared on social media with the hashtag #DallasISDOvation.
Join Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa as he hosts three virtual meetings in May to share highlights of the Bond 2020 proposal and get input. Today, May 7, will be the first of the three virtual meetings staff can join.
All Dallas ISD staff, parents and community are invited to participate by registering at www.dallasisd.org/bond2020andbudget to ensure receipt of the correct meeting information. Today’s meeting will be online, and a link will be sent to participants so they can join the meeting. Chief Financial Office Dwayne Thompson will also share details of the 2020-2021 budget.
Staff can also register to get a call to participate in telephone town hall meetings that will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, and Tuesday, May 19. Those who register to participate in one or both meetings will get a call to join the meeting.
Stretching is an important part of any exercise routine, but for the more sedentary, it is also effective in increasing range of motion, enhancing flexibility, and improving circulation.
Dimitrius Glenn, NCSF-CPT certified personal/athletic trainer, has designed a 15-minute stretch that will help you stay nimble while sheltering at home.
The routine combines yoga and Pilates to provide to provide great exercises that not only strengthen the body but also help work out the kinks of sitting for long hours working from home. The exercises are designed help build greater flexibility, isolate muscles and teach participants to be mindful of breathing. Glenn recommends doing the circuit twice for a more beneficial impact.
Sumo Squat Slow Pulse
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh, the glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves while having your hands resting on your hips.
How to: Step your feet out wider than hip-width apart and keep your with feet externally rotated (out) and hands on your hips. Bend the knees until the hips are at or just above the knees. Keep your chest out by squeezing your shoulder blades together, keeping your head and neck neutral. Squat down as close to 90 degrees as possible, hold for 10 full breaths, and pulse up an inch and down an inch slowly 20 times.
Tips Keep knees behind toes on the squat
Shoulders down away from ears
Tailbone points down toward the floor
Keep abs contracted
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
This exercise works the muscles on the back of your legs and hips—the posterior chain. These muscles, specifically the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, are powerful hip extensors and are deeply involved in all walking, running and jumping activities.
How to: Stand balancing on your right leg and allow your left hand to hang in front of your thigh. Stick your butt out and allow your right knee to bend slightly. Keeping your back flat, continue to bend at the waist until your hand is at about mid-shin height (how far your hand reaches ultimately depends on your hamstring’s flexibility). Drive through your heel and push your hips forward to stand up to the starting position. Slow movements; five repetitions per leg.
Tips Focus your eyes on a fixed object about 10 feet in front of you.
Set your neck by giving yourself a double chin.
Flex (squeeze) your glutes when standing to improve balance.
Try not to touch your elevated foot to the ground throughout the entire set.
Take a deep breath in before each rep and tighten your core.
Avoid rounding your back as you lower yourself, especially as your hand gets close to the ground.
Lower your hand down in a straight vertical line.
Downward Dog to High Plank
This exercise opens the back of the legs, especially the hamstrings, lower leg, calves, Achilles and your feet. It elongates the spine allowing lower back tightness release and upper back strengthening, brings awareness to your breathing, strengthens and opens the chest and strengthens the arms.
How to: Begin in a kneeling position on your mat with hands directly under the shoulders, fingers spread wide. Tuck your toes under and engage your abdominals as you push your body up off the mat, so only your hands and feet are on the mat. Press through your hands moving your chest gently toward your thighs, straightening your legs with a soft bend in the knees, pushing glutes toward the ceiling and heels gently toward the floor.
Relax your head and neck and breathe fully. Slowly bring your body back to the high plank position where you started, hands under shoulders body in a straight-line pushup position. Perform eight controlled repetitions.
Tips Keep shoulder over your wrist, hips over your knees
Push hips toward ceiling, gaze eyes toward chest
Straighten arms and bring heels to the ground
Focus on breathing
Four-Point Bird Dog
This exercise strengthens the muscles around the spine like the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae, impacts large muscle groups like the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, the quadratus lumborum or deep abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominis or abdominal muscles, pectoralis major or large chest muscles, and shoulder girdle muscles. It improves posture control and reduces lower back pain.
How to: Get in a tabletop position, keeping your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your knees no wider than your hips. Make sure that your spine is as straight as possible. Exhale and reach your right arm straight out in front of you, at the same time kick your left leg straight back. Be sure to keep your hips and shoulders steady without arching or rounding your back or tilting or rotating your hips. Return your arm and leg to a starting position. Switch sides, reaching your left arm out in front and kicking your right leg back. Return to tabletop to complete one rep. Keep your movements smooth, intentional and steady. Breathe with the movement of your arms and legs: Inhale in tabletop position, exhale as you extend your limbs, and inhale as you return to tabletop. Prioritize balance over speed.
Tips Imagine balancing a glass of water on your back throughout the exercise to make sure your body remains stable and grounded.
Child pose
This exercise is a beginner yoga pose that stretches the muscles of the lower back and the inner thighs. For those with tight back and hip muscles, this will, of course, feel like work. But get beyond the tension and child pose is deeply relaxing.
How to: While on your hand and knees on your matt, move the hips towards the heels and push the hands forward a bit to reach an effective stretch. Let the upper body sink down to the floor, forehead resting on the floor and the chest resting on the thighs. Hold this position for about 15–20 seconds and repeat it several times until you’re relaxed.
The State of Texas enacted regulations on Sept. 1, 2019, that require all Dallas ISD trustees, school and central staff, and contractors complete an approved cybersecurity training before June 7, 2020. The training modules will appear as required training in Cornerstone. The link to access the training is https://dallasisd.csod.com/.
The one-hour training is made up of seven independent modules and is self-paced and can be taken in separate sessions. Each module lasts between five and seven minutes and requires short self-assessments. The training is designed to help develop habits that keep information secure and teach users the best practices for identifying and addressing security threats.
Download instructions to access the training. If you encounter an error or have a question, please contact the IT Service Desk at 972-925-5630.
An expanded all-day early learning center and a new state-of-the-art STEAM academy are just the latest building blocks in an effort to grow Dallas ISD’s South Dallas initiative, providing more and better services.
In addition to continuing to serve kindergarten through fifth-grade students, J.J. Rhoads Learning Center is expanding to become an all-day early learning centerand will begin serving 3- and 4-year-old in prekindergarten in 2020-21. With extended hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accommodate working parents, Rhoads will offer music and art as part of its after-school programming. Renovations are planned for the building, but Rhoads will remain open and will continue to serve its students.
In the 2021-22 school year, the neighborhood is gaining a new state-of-the-art STEAM academy to serve 675 students when the rebuilt H.S. Thompson Elementary reopens. The new school will be large enough to accommodate all the students now at Rhoads and will focus on preparing students for success in the 21st century.
Once the higher grades move to Thompson, Rhoads will have room to offer wraparound services as well as community partnerships and resources. Meetings will be held to gather community input.
Rhoads will have two principals on site in the coming school year, the current Rhoads principal, Chaundra Macklin, and the newly named H.S. Thompson principal, Crystal Owens.
Dallas ISD Talk It Up! Toastmasters invite district staff to attend the club’s meetings in room 201 at 9400 N. Central on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays beginning Wed., July 24.
The weekly 6 p.m. meetings feature self-paced speeches and leadership opportunities based on the time-tested Toastmasters curriculum. Members grow in speaking and leadership ability by taking on roles as toastmaster, timer, speaker, evaluator, and ah-counter.
The one-hour meetings are held in room 201 and are open to all employees. For more information, go here to download a flyer, or contact the club’s Vice-President of Membership Cecilia Oakeley at Oakeley@dallasisd.org.