Dallas ISD invites staff to Education Summits

Dallas ISD is launching a strategic planning process to create a strategic and innovative vision for Dallas ISD learning, technology, and facilities design. To launch this process, the district is hosting four education summits and encourages all stakeholders to attend one of the summits.

Parents, students, district staff, business leaders and community members will have an opportunity to share their innovative vision of the future. Dates, times and locations are listed below*.

6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7
W.T. White High School

6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7
South Oak Cliff High School

6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 9
Emmett J. Conrad High School

6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 9
W.W. Samuell High School and Early College
(*Free childcare and refreshments will be provided at each location.)

During the summits, citizens will have the opportunity to learn more about the learning, technology and facilities planning process and hear from a student panel, as well as talk about their highest hopes and aspirations for their children. In an effort to develop an actionable and measurable vision, Dallas ISD encourages all community members to join this effort.

Additionally, community members can provide feedback through an online survey now through Friday, Nov. 10 here. The survey will also be posted on the district and campus websites. The district is also hosting a series of focus groups representing various stakeholder groups in October and early November.

Information, feedback and input gathered at the summits, focus groups and from the survey will be used by a design team comprised of citizens and district staff who will create a community-focused strategic direction for technology and facilities. This strategic direction will include a set of community beliefs, call to action, goals, action steps and a learner profile. Additionally, it will allow Dallas ISD to measure student learning and serve as a guide for the district as it makes future decisions regarding instruction, technology, budgeting, staffing and facility planning.

As the district embarks on this process, all summits, documents and resources will be posted online at www.dallasisd.org/envisiondallasisd for community members to stay informed. The district will provide updates throughout this process.

Dress up for a cause on Tuesday, Oct. 31

In support of the district’s annual United Way Campaign, employees are invited to dress up for Halloween in exchange for a $5 donation. There are three ways to pay:

Cash:      See your department’s United Way coordinator.

Check:    Pay to “United Way of Metropolitan Dallas” and submit to your United Way coordinator.

Oracle:   Starting Oct. 26, log in to Oracle and make a one-time donation to United Way.

Your contribution will be deducted from your next check. Click here for instructions.

Please note: Costumes must meet the district’s dress code standards; specifically:

•          No masks.

•          No inappropriate language, photos, or imagery.

•          Facial features cannot be disguised–

Face paint/body stickers are allowed on no more than 25% of the face.

•          Replicas of guns, knives, or other weapons are prohibited.

Give us your feedback on proposed 2018-2019, 2019-2020 academic calendars

Employees, parents, students and community members are invited to provide feedback on proposed academic calendars for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years. The features of the two calendars are virtually identical in terms of the number of student school days, holidays and winter breaks, teacher professional development days, etc.

Copies of the calendars, a brief list of highlights, and a survey to collect feedback on the proposed calendars are available here through Friday, Nov. 10. The administration expects to submit the calendars to trustees for consideration at the December board meeting.

Dallas ISD Toastmasters to host open house, Wed., Nov. 1

Getting ahead professionally requires strong leadership and communication skills. Both are bedrocks of the Toastmasters global professional development program. Learn how Toastmasters can help you get better and get ahead. Attend the Dallas ISD Talk It Up! Toastmasters open house at 5:45 p.m., Wed., Nov. 1, in room 257 of the H.B. Bell School Support Services Building, 2909 N. Buckner Blvd. Join us for free pizza, fun and fellowship.   


Dress up for a cause on Tuesday, Oct. 31

In support of the district’s annual United Way Campaign, employees are invited to dress up for Halloween in exchange for a $5 donation. There are three ways to pay:

Cash:      See your department’s United Way coordinator.

Check:    Pay to “United Way of Metropolitan Dallas” and submit to your United Way coordinator.

Oracle:   Starting Oct. 26, log in to Oracle and make a one-time donation to United Way.

Your contribution will be deducted from your next check. Click here for instructions.

Please note: Costumes must meet the district’s dress code standards; specifically:

•          No masks.

•          No inappropriate language, photos, or imagery.

•          Facial features cannot be disguised–

Face paint/body stickers are allowed on no more than 25% of the face.

•          Replicas of guns, knives, or other weapons are prohibited.

Callejo teacher gets paid to do what he loves most: helping kids

Rogelio Garcia, a fifth-grade teacher at Adelfa Botello Callejo Elementary, says he became a teacher by luck.

After volunteering at a school, Garcia developed a passion for education and a motivation to impact students.

“Teaching is not a job, it’s like going to school again,” said Garcia. “I get paid to do what I love the most … helping children.”

After 18 years of teaching, he will get to see some of his first year students graduating from college at the end of this school year! As we conclude our observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, we salute Rogelio Garcia for his dedication to Dallas ISD students!

District preparing to kick off Annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign

Dallas ISD is preparing to kick off our Annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign, and we need your help!

This year we have been challenged by Superintendent Michael Hinojosa to raise $80,000 to support United Way of Metropolitan Dallas. The campaign will be held from November 1 through December 15, 2017. We would like to encourage each department/campus to have 100% participation. Show your support for the United Way Employee Giving Campaign by donning your favorite pair of jeans. Participation is encouraged with a minimum donation of $5.00 per Jean Day and $15.00 for Jean Week. There are three different ways employees can make a donation to the 2017-18 United Way Employee Giving Campaign Powered by Dallas ISD: Oracle, eWay, Check/Cash. Additional details to follow in upcoming weeks!

Campaign Kick-off: Wear your favorite team’s Jersey (Freebie)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jean Days

Friday, November 3, 2017 ($5.00 Donation)

Friday, November 10, 2017 ($5.00 Donation )

Friday, November 17, 2017($5.00 Donation)

Friday, December 1, 2017 ($5.00 Donation)

Jean Week

Monday, December 11- Thursday, December 14, 2017 ($15.00 Donation )

Campaign Ends (Freebie)

Friday, December 15, 2017  (Free Jean Day for all employees that participated in the giving campaign)

In addition, each department/campus will need to designate a staff member to serve as UWMD Campus Campaign Coordinator. This individual will be responsible for collecting cash/check donations, attending a campaign training/information session, and committing to hosting/creating a department event/challenge to increase employee participation. There will be four opportunities to attend the training, below you will find dates, times and locations for each of the sessions.

Date Time Location Sign up
Monday, October 16 3:00-4:30 P.M. 9400 N. Central Expressway, Room 1350 IACR@dallasisd.org
Wednesday, October 18 3:00-4:30 P.M. H.B. Bell School Support Service Center 1st Floor Conference Room 1 IACR@dallasisd.org
Tuesday, October 24 3:00-4:30 P.M. Nolan Estes Plaza – Training Room 130 IACR@dallasisd.org
Thursday, October 26 3:00-4:30 P.M. 9400 N. Central Expressway, Room 1350 IACR@dallasisd.org


Should you have any questions, please contact Amanda Sanchez at amasanchez@dallasisd.org or Jamila Thomas at JAMITHOMAS@dallasisd.org.”

More central staff learning opportunities are available in Cornerstone

Central staff employees can take advantage of several learning opportunities this month, including:

Instructor-led learning sessions: (Click on the links to register.)

 Fall book studies:

 Contact Staceye Randle at srandle@dallasisd.org for additional details or to schedule learning opportunities for your team or department.

HCM kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with districtwide Pink Out Day on Oct. 6

Statistically, in the United States alone, about one in eight women and one in one thousand men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in his or her lifetime. Breast cancer affects their family and friends as well.

To kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Human Capital Management’s Benefits Department encourages you to participate in a Districtwide “Pink Out” day on Friday, October 6, 2017. Staff and students are encouraged to wear pink shirts, sweaters, cardigans, etc.

Employees have the option to donate towards breast cancer research through Employee Self Service in Oracle.

Please reach out to Human Capital Management at 972-925-4220 or at humancapitalmanagement@dallasisd.org with any questions.

Environmental Education Center hosts staff open house Sept. 30

Mark your calendar for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sat., Sept. 30, to discover one of the district’s best tools for exciting students about STEM–the Environmental Education Center, at 1600 Bowers Rd. in Seagoville.

The center is hosting a Sept. 30 open house for employees and their families to tour the center’s museum and grounds, meet the animals housed in the facility’s barn, take a nature walk on one of several trails and enjoy a lunch of fried catfish. For driving directions and to learn more about what the center has to offer, go here or call (972) 749-6900.