Enjoying summer

Summer has taken a hold of North Texas and Dallas ISD staff are either enjoying or enduring it.

Several of you shared your feelings about summer and some of the activities you are enjoying. Most like the short nights and long days that let them take short walks around the neighborhood in the evening or partake of some retail therapy before dinner. And during the day, they enjoy being inside where it’s cooler.

Others enjoy the time spent with family doing fun things outdoors like swimming and splash parks, mowing the lawn and sharing outdoor meals on the patio with family and friends. Of course, finding some shade in which to enjoy the heat is a must. 

As you enjoy the summer, don’t forget to stay hydrated and use sunscreen! For more tips for a healthy summer, visit https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/infographic/healthy-summer.htm.

Transforming student lives one delivery at a time 

Food and Child Nutrition Services warehouse delivery driver Andres “Andy” Rodriguez has been working at Dallas ISD since he was invited to apply to the newly opened Food Services warehouse in 1992. He loves filling his time in meaningful ways, so even though he could retire as he approaches his 30th year in the district this fall, he is determined to continue transforming student lives. 

“The Food Services Department is not just a job—it truly is a family away from home,” he said. “I’ve enjoyed many, many friendships with coworkers whom I enjoy being around. The memories and laughter we share have bonded our lives and built a family.” 

That is why Rodriguez is encouraging people to take advantage of the current openings in Food and Child Nutrition Services. Current positions include cafeteria supervisors, food service assistants and food service cook. 

If anyone you know is interested in these jobs, they can visit https://www.dallasisd.org/careers to apply or attend the final hiring event at the Maria Luna Food Services Facility, 1515 Al Lipscomb Way, on Wednesday, June 22, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Rodriguez starts each workday at 6 a.m., loading his truck and hitting the road to deliver food to schools on his route. As a North Dallas and Oak Cliff native and as a proud product of Dallas ISD, he drives with confidence and ease. One of his favorite parts of the job is seeing students enjoy the food he delivers. 

But Rodriguez’s journey has not always been easy. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in November 2016 and immediately started chemotherapy and radiation. Ultimately, he had to endure a full glossectomy, a surgical removal of the tongue, in May 2017. When the cancer returned, he had to have a second surgery in February 2020, but these days he is feeling “the best I’ve ever felt in my life physically.” 

His cancer battle changed his life—and his outlook. 

“I realized tomorrow is not promised, and I must make the best of life no matter the circumstances,” Rodriguez said. “I remember being in the hospital and taking those first walks after surgery, and when I’m feeling down, I think back to those days and realize how far I’ve come.” 

He credits his faith along with his family, friends and coworkers for getting him through this difficult period. 

“I would like to thank the Food and Child Nutrition Services family for all the respect and love everyone has shown me through my journey,” he said. “With God’s blessing I will do another four years with the district, and I will think about retiring at 62 years in 2026.” 

Anyone interested in joining the Food and Child Nutrition Services family is invited to apply at https://www.dallasisd.org/careers or attend the hiring event at the Maria Luna Food Services Facility on Wednesday, June 22. Visit www.dallasisd.org/FCNS for more information about the department.


Be part of the healthy food team

This summer, hundreds of Food and Child Nutrition staff will prepare an average of 20,000 meals—including warm meals—to ensure Dallas children have access to nutritious food during the summer break. 

The healthy, no-cost summer meals will be available for children 18 and younger and enrolled students with disabilities up to 21 years old. The Summer Food Service Program is a U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition program administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture. For children who rely on school meals during the academic year, these meals offer a source of good nutrition when school is out for the long summer vacation.

“We are committed to the health of Dallas ISD students, regardless of whether school is in session,” said Michael Rosenberger, executive director of Food & Child Nutrition Services. “Therefore, no-cost healthy meals will be available to Dallas ISD students, and to young people 18 years and under, across our district. Our meals meet or exceed every USDA health requirement, and feature items like lean proteins, whole grains, multiple fruits and vegetables each day, and cold milk. With nearly 2 million food-insecure children across our state, healthy school meals are vital to nourishing young Texans during the summer vacation.”

If you know of anyone who might be interested in being part of the team that helps provide nutritious food for Dallas children during the school year and when school is not in session, you have the opportunity to learn about these jobs and their benefits at one of several special job fairs for Food and Child Nutrition in June. 

Help spread the word

The FCNS job fair will take place at the Maria Luna Food Services Facility, 1515 Al Lipscomb Way, on:

  • June 8 | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • June 15 | 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • June 22 | 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Current opening include cafeteria supervisors, food service assistants, and food service cook. If you know anyone interested in these jobs, ask them to visit https://www.dallasisd.org/careers to apply or attend one of the hiring events.

Dallas Independent School District will kick off summer meals with an event at Herbert Marcus Leadership Academy on June 16, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Visit www.dallasisd.org/FCNS for more information.

Families are encouraged to use the following tools to find a meal site near them:

  • Visit DallasISD.org/FCNS for an interactive site locator map
  • Call 2-1-1 to speak to a live operator
  • Text Food to 304-304

ESSER update: Reading Academies lead to early intervention

Literacy is fundamental to student success, and according to Elena Hill, assistant superintendent of early learning, students who are reading at grade level by third grade are more likely to have better outcomes overall. 

That is where Dallas ISD’s Reading Academies come into play. They provide intensive, research-based professional development on the science of teaching reading for kindergarten to third grade teachers and administrators with an overarching goal to transform literacy across the district. 

While planning for the Reading Academies began before the COVID-19 pandemic to meet the legislative requirements of House Bill 3, the training programs are advancing learning recovery and acceleration across the district by enabling teachers and administrators to build capacity and fight literacy challenges at their root—challenges exacerbated by learning disruptions during the pandemic. 

The initiative received an allocation from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund to support this year’s costs. About $1.7 million was used for stipends for teachers who graduated from the program, with $300,000 going to personnel costs and $115,000 going to instructional materials. The overarching ESSER allocation will cover the 2021-2022 school year and the 2022-2023 school year. Other funds will be used to continue the academies after the ESSER grants end. 

Last year, 1,162 teachers and administrators participated in the Reading Academies with a 99 percent completion rate. This year, about 1,345 teachers completed the 12 modules in time for their graduation in June, and next year, an estimated 1,600 teachers will undergo the process. The number increases in the third year because the Reading Academies need to include year-three schools as well as teachers who are new to the district or to the kindergarten through third grade level. 

The training modules span a wide variety of topics from using data to inform instruction to decoding, encoding and word study. They also cover reading fluency and written composition with a focus on putting every lesson into practice.

“I remember as a teacher, we had a reading academy a long time ago when I was in the classroom, and it was the best training ever,” said Hill, who just completed the program. “It changed my life; it changed how I teach. This is exactly what we need for teachers to have a great understanding of the science of teaching reading.”

The Reading Academies were designed for in-person lessons, so Hill’s team had to get creative when the pandemic sent so many online. Their adaptability kept the program from falling behind, and now they are seeing early signs of success. Not only have teachers reported finding value in the training modules, but Hill’s team is also seeing student achievement gaps in the classroom begin to close. 

By the end of 2023, Dallas ISD will have trained all current teachers and will continue to train teachers who are new to the district or new to the grade level moving forward in response to the requirements of House Bill 3. 

“Reading academies are necessary,” Hill said. “Everyone is working as hard as they can right now, and when I think about why we’re doing this work, it’s so a child can smile, learn and grow—it just makes it all worth it for me.” 

To learn more about the transformational power of Reading Academies in Dallas ISD, visit https://www.dallasisd.org/readingacademies

The makings of a teacher—49 years and counting

As Scott Davison, an English teacher at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, is getting ready to start his 50th year as a teacher next fall, he looks back at the wealth of knowledge, experiences and fascinating stories he has amassed and recalls education wasn’t always his first choice.

In fact, he said he “sort of stumbled into it.” 

Growing up in Oak Cliff, he dove into the arts at an early age. He became a child actor at 6, but he never limited himself to one discipline, also pursuing dancing, singing, playing numerous musical instruments and athletics. By the time he was 16, he enrolled at the University of Dallas to pursue a major in visual art. By the time he was 20, he accepted his first teaching job at the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi. There, he met the students who sparked his passion for teaching for the first time.

“They would go through the motions, but they had no intellectual curiosity, and their imaginations had just been crushed,” Davison said. “I started asking myself, ‘Where is this process of not being inquisitive starting? Where can I make a difference?’ It seemed to me that high school was where it happened most profoundly. That’s also where I could turn things around before it was too late.” 

So when Davison received a letter from Paul Baker, the founding director of Dallas’ arts magnet, asking him to join the team and to spread the school’s philosophy of “unique, creative imagination,” he left behind a scholarship to the renowned Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and accepted. This was back in the late ’70s, and Davison still recalls helping select the school’s Pegasus mascot and painstakingly creating the first yearbook in his free time with the help of a typewriter, a mimeograph machine and a few student volunteers.

“We would type every student’s name and then have to hand-cut them out,” he said. “We then had to take every photo and physically paste it on the page. If you made a mistake, you made a mistake, and you’d have to cross it out or redo it. It was a lot of work.” 

He continued to make a difference at the school for over a decade, teaching a variety of subjects from creative writing to speech and supporting philosophy clubs and student publications. He also co-wrote two original musicals that had their world premieres at the Arts Magnet in its early days. Eventually, he decided to move to Los Angeles, California, to work in Hollywood as a director and playwright, ghost writer and teacher—first at an arts school in Santa Monica and then at an Orthodox Jewish school near Westwood. 

Some of his students there included Emily and Zooey Deschanel, Kate Hudson and Max Brooks, the bestselling author of “World War Z.” During parent conferences, he would meet with celebrities like Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Jackson Browne, Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft. Davison said it was an “interesting place,” but family brought him back home to Dallas in 1998 and to David W. Carter High School, where he worked for a year until a position opened up the following year at the arts magnet. He has been there ever since. 

While he may not meet with as many celebrities as a teacher in Dallas ISD, Davison’s passion for transforming students’ lives has kept him coming back to the classroom year after year. 

“I could have had multiple careers, but teaching always seemed to me to be the most important,” Davison said. “We take kids of every background and level, and in four years, we transform their lives.”

Staying power

Davison has experienced countless ups and downs in his 49 years of teaching, and he identified two support systems that have helped him through the hard times. The first is staying connected with his former students and getting to hear how his teaching changed their lives. Not only does he run two alumni Facebook pages where he posts updates on their achievements, but he has also kept up with former students like Grammy-winning blues and soul singer Erykah Badu, Edie Brickell and others. 

The second is his dedication to revitalizing himself every summer. He does this by traveling and engaging in creative projects like translating Italian and Swedish poetry or writing, which all help him find renewal and motivation for the upcoming school year. 

“Every class is a new challenge with new students,” he said. “Just because I’ve done it or taught something before, this is their first experience, so it has to be fresh and new and exciting.”

At the end of the day, fueling students’ creativity is what propels Davison forward. He is passionate about bringing his love of the arts to students and finding innovative ways to get them interested in poetry, literature and critical thinking. While teaching has not always been easy for Davison, it has been fulfilling. 

“When I was a kid, I went to Catholic school for a couple years, and I have a really strong sense of service,” he said. “Getting into high school, I felt like that was where I could make a real difference and keep students’ lights shining. I could have retired a number of years ago, but I don’t want to lose any time with the students.” 

Beat the heat with summer self-care tips

Now that summer is here and the heat is picking up, Dallas ISD is encouraging all staff and community members to take precautions to stay safe. Jennifer Finley, the executive director of Health Services, shared several quick tips to help everyone out. 

Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps keep body temperatures cool, so watch out for yourself and those around you. Learn to recognize the signs of overheating, which include muscle cramps, pale or clammy skin and confusion. Pay close attention to vomiting, as that can be a sign of someone going beyond heat exhaustion into heat stroke. As for what to drink, Finley said “water is best” over sports and energy drinks. 

Get enough sleep. Sleep is important all year round, and Finley recommends aiming for a minimum of six hours and, ideally, eight hours. 

Use sun protection. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can put you at risk for skin cancer, so take advantage of sunscreen, hats and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes. Finley explained that no SPF blocks out 100 percent of UV rays, so the American Academy of Dermatology recommends an SPF of at least 30, which will still block about 97 percent of UV rays. 

Watch out for insects. The Health Services Department has already received messages from Dallas County with West Nile safety tips, so Finley is encouraging everyone to wear some kind of product that protects against mosquito bites, whether it contains DEET, citronella or something similar.

Move your feet. Especially for those who are spending long days in the office, it is important to get up and move around. Finley recommends setting a timer or a reminder on your phone so you do not sit for too long. You can also take a lap around the hall, head up the stairs or walk in an underground parking lot to get out of the sun. In addition to preventing swelling in the ankles and feet, regular movement has great mental health benefits. 

You matter and so does your health and well-being! In Finley’s words, “Take some time to take care of you so you can take care of and give back to others.” 

Make your workspace more effective

Summer is finally here, and we are looking forward to all the district opportunities for personal development. The Professional & Digital Learning Department is excited to host a Microsoft Effective Workspace Series, which is available to all staff through June and July at no cost.

If you are looking to get to know Microsoft Planner or Bookings, dive deeper into Excel or learn more about the collaboration, communication and productivity tools available to you in Office 365, these trainings are for you. Registration is available in Cornerstone at bit.ly/MSWSforCS

The following sessions are available in June: 

Scheduling: Outlook & Bookings

  • June 14, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • Want to find an easier way to schedule meetings without back-and-forth emails? Learn how Scheduling Assistant and FindTime in Outlook can help you schedule meetings more efficiently. Bookings gives you a faster alternative to time-consuming and repetitive scheduling tasks, all while optimizing your organizational resources

Communicate in Microsoft Teams

  • June 21, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • Learn best practices for chat, channel posts and meetings. Take a closer look at notification settings and status updates, as well as how to customize your status messages and set automatic replies for when you are out of the office.

File Sharing: One Drive, Teams, SharePoint

  • June 28, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • Learn the differences between cloud storage and sharing in Microsoft’s OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint. Learn how to organize, collaborate and share documents, as well as how to navigate document libraries.

The following sessions are available in July: 

Microsoft Excel 101

  • July 12, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • This is an introduction to Excel. Learn basic navigation, cell formatting, general formatting, printing and basic formulas. 

Collaborate in Teams:

  • July 19, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • Learn how to collaborate more efficiently using the tools built into Microsoft Teams. OneNote is your shared digital binder for your notes, plans and research. Use Whiteboard for brainstorming using ready-made templates.

Diving Deeper into Excel

  • July 26, 2022 at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
  • Take a deeper look at formulas, functions and other features in Excel. Learn how to analyze data quickly using built-in tools and how to protect your data in Excel.

Contact Dina Perez at DIPEREZ@dallasisd.org with any questions, and don’t forget to register in Cornerstone at bit.ly/MSWSforCS

The SMART way to healthy habits

SMART goals are used to show progress on the job, but did you know they can be equally beneficial in your personal life? Setting specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-limited objectives can help individuals determine where they are headed and how to get there, which is why they are a useful tool in breaking bad habits and creating healthier outcomes that can lead to better mental and emotional health.

Bad habits take many forms. Perhaps you struggle to get enough exercise or sleep, or maybe you have a hard time following a budget. Whatever you are facing, defining realistic goals and committing to them will support you in forming positive habits. Having a clear and manageable plan can often relieve some of the pressures that cause stress and other disruptions to our mental well-being.

Setting a SMART goal to break a bad habit may sound something like this: 

  • Every day this week, I will put my phone away 10 minutes before bed. 
  • Starting now, I will park my car farther away from my home and office to walk an additional five minutes a day. 
  • Tonight, I will spend an hour examining my budget to determine my strengths and growth areas. 

Remember to write down all of your goals, actions, measurements and time frames, and regularly read over them to assess your progress. Whenever you are setting a new goal, consider your past experiences to identify the objectives or practices that are most likely to motivate you. If a past goal did not work, what can you change this time to stay on track? 

Changing bad habits takes time and effort, so do not be discouraged if you fall behind your goals at times. The following tips will help you make sustainable adjustments and stick to them even when life gets busy: 

  • When a SMART goal begins to feel easy or natural, create a new one or edit your original objective to challenge yourself. 
  • Use preexisting healthy habits to make new goals easier to follow. For example, take advantage of your lunch break by going on a walk. 
  • Predict obstacles. Examine the roadblocks you have faced in the past and consider how you will overcome them when they appear this time. You will never have all the answers, but you can still be prepared. 
  • Set goals that empower you. If your goals are too ambitious, you are far more likely to get discouraged and quit. Your short- and long-term objectives must be achievable—not by those around you, but by you. 
  • When working toward a long-term goal, define smaller milestones so you can get started right away. The shortest step is still progress.

Rome was not built in a day, and neither are healthy habits. Take time to define your SMART goals and get started now. You will be amazed to see how much progress you can make when your actions are specific, measurable, and realistic. 

If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed, Dallas ISD’s confidential, secure Employee Assistance Program by LifeWorks offers 24/7 counseling as well as CareNow training programs that focus on topics like substance abuse, work-life balance and achieving financial well-being. All Dallas ISD employees can access the EAP, no contribution required. 

Learn more by reaching out to LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000, or visit www.dallasisd.org/benefits and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information.

*Source: LifeWorks 

New bell schedule

Following feedback from campus administrators, staff and parents/guardians, Dallas ISD has finalized the school hours for the 2022-2023 school year. 

The schedule will be:


8 a.m.–3:15 p.m.: Elementary schools, Solar Preparatory School for Girls, Solar Preparatory School for Boys, Biomedical Preparatory at UT Southwestern, Jesus Moroles Expressive Arts Vanguard, and Eduardo Mata Montessori School


8:35 a.m.–3:55 p.m.: Middle schools, vanguards, Dallas Hybrid Preparatory at Stephen J. Hay, George Bannerman Dealey Montessori Academy, William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Harry Stone Montessori Academy, Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy


9:10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.: High schools, magnet schools




8 a.m.–3:40 p.m.: Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy, Trinity “Trini” Garza Early College High School, North Lake Early College High School


8 a.m.–3:55 p.m.: Ignite Middle School, D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School, West Dallas STEM School, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III Global Preparatory Academy at Paul Quinn College


8:50 a.m.–4:35 p.m.: Barack Obama Male Leadership School


9 a.m.–4:50 p.m.: Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. Early College High School

Mental health first aid classes

Mental Health Services is sharing a learning opportunity for educators offered by the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority this summer so they can better help youth who may be experiencing a mental health challenge or are in crisis.

The Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Educator classes introduce participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and most importantly – teaches individuals how to help a youth in crisis or experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

These classes tend to fill up each year and we hope we see the same great response this year, as well!  The links are not searchable. Educators can use the links below to register for educator-only or community classes.  Class size is limited, so please reserve your spot today.

Mental Health Services is scheduling classes now for the 2022-2023 school year, so be on the lookout for additional opportunities to sign up later this summer.


Educator only classes:

June 28 • 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Youth MHFA Virtual Class


 July 14 • 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Youth MHFA Virtual Class



Classes for the general public:

June 11 • Youth MHFA • 9 a.m.–2 p.m.  SATURDAY CLASS


 June 14 • 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Youth MHFA (for adults that work with youth) Virtual Class


 July 20 • 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 

Youth MHFA (for adults that work with youth) Virtual Class
