On March 10, Dallas ISD will celebrate and showcase the hard work of teachers and assistant principals who have been imagining how the next generation of teaching and schools could look like in the district.
District teachers and assistant principals who are interested in being part of future Innovation in Teaching and School Retool fellows cohorts can learn more about the programs at the fourth annual Innovation Showcase—Tuesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Emmett J. Conrad High School. The current fellows will be recognized and share their reflections. The evening includes an opportunity to learn how to apply for future cohorts and to explore and talk with fellows about the design projects they completed this year and displayed at the Innovation Exhibition.
To attend, register at bit.ly/dallasinnovationshowcase.
Innovation in Teaching Fellowship
A teaching fellowship rooted in design thinking to equip educators to grow in their understanding of and pilot next-generation models of learning [blended learning, project based learning, and design thinking] in their classrooms. Learn more and apply at www.thepltoolbox.com/fellowship.
School Retool Fellowship
School Retool is a professional learning fellowship that helps school leaders redesign school culture to support deeper learning practices using small, scrappy experiments called “hacks.” This is executed in partnership with the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University and IDEO. Learn more at www.schoolretool.org.