Get answers to your benefits questions

The Benefits Department will offer a series of webinars before the Aug. 20 enrollment deadline to share information about this year’s benefits choices and new features, such as a Health Savings Account for those with high deductible plans. You will be able to hear from benefits experts and ask questions.

There is little over a week left for Dallas ISD staff to make changes to their annual benefits, explore options, enroll in the Sick Leave Bank or put money into an HSA or into a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). If you don’t make any changes, you will keep the same medical, vision, and dental plans.

Register to participate in any of the Benefits Enrollment webinars. All webinars will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. (Click on the date to register.)

Thursday, Aug. 12

Monday, Aug. 16

Thursday, Aug. 19


Board Update

The Board of Trustees will hold its regular monthly briefing at 11:30 a.m. During the meeting, the board will review and discuss reports on:

  • Student outcome goals/STAAR Update
  • Superintendent’s report on Theory of Action; Summer Programming Update; Extended Year Calendar; HB 4545; and Tutoring
  • MWBE Quarterly report

To view the meeting, visit the district’s website for a link at starting at 11:30 a.m. To view the agenda, visit

De-stress for your health

Stress is part of everyday life, but the circumstances we are living through have caused unprecedented stress, and this can impact every part of people’s lives—including the ability to accomplish basic tasks, maintain relationships, and even perform physical tasks. The level of stress affecting people across the country is evident in some simple facts:*

  • 61% of adults report experiencing undesired weight changes since the start of the pandemic, with more than two in five saying they gained more weight than they intended.
  • Two in three people say they are sleeping more or less than they wanted to since the pandemic started.
  • Nearly half of people surveyed say they delayed or canceled health care services since the pandemic started.

The American Psychological Association has developed five quick, action-oriented things to help people begin to manage the excessive stress many are currently living with. The tips also provide a brief explanation of the science behind them.

If you need professional help managing your stress, Dallas ISD provides all employees access to the Employee Assistance Program.

Calm yourself

Slowly breathe in and count to four, hold it while counting to four, and then breathe out for a count of six. Repeat 10 times.

Why it works: Slowing our breathing allows our bodies to recalibrate and lowers levels of physiological arousal.

Focus yourself

Slow your racing thoughts by counting backwards by three in your mind from 100 (100, 97, 94, etc.).

Why it works: Focusing on with structure and engaging your brain in a distracting task can disrupt unhelpful patterns.

Relax yourself

One by one, tense each muscle group in your body for 10 seconds and then release. Notice how it feels to let your muscles relax and have the tension leave your body.

Why it works: Actively relaxing our muscles can increase energy and flexibility, helping us feel calmer.

Ground yourself

Do a quick scan of your body and notice the air around you and any surfaces you are touching. If possible, close your eyes and focus on the sensations, textures, and temperatures.

Why it works: Focusing on our physical surroundings helps us become more attuned to details and make more balanced assessments of our environments.

Celebrate yourself

You are dealing with huge challenges. Think about three things that went well today. If they involved another person, recognize and thank them whenever possible.

Why it works: Slowing down to recognize even small successes can increase our sense of control over our environment and help us help others more effectively.

Download and print a card to remind you of these activities to destress.

The Employee Assistance Program

Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by LifeWorks is a confidential and secure service that offers help with personal and work-related issues. The EAP encourages employees and those close to them to seek help early before a minor problem becomes more serious. The EAP is designed to address short-term issues, identify resources and referrals for emergency and long-term issues. The EAP can provide support, referrals and, resources related to many issues like depression, conflict at work, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, adoption issue, grief and loss and many other issues.

With EAP, there is no contribution that staff need to provide. Counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reach out to LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000 or visit and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information.


*Source: American Psychological Association

Vaccination information

Dallas ISD will continue to follow the guidance provided by the CDC and Dallas County Health to address the COVID-19 pandemic. With the uncertainty of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the return of students and employees to schools and other facilities, many supervisors have inquired if employees have been vaccinated and/or if they can request proof of COVID-19 vaccination. While the inquiry into whether employees have or have not been vaccinated is not a disability-related inquiry by itself, district leaders should follow the guidelines in this memo if they ask employees if they have been vaccinated.

For additional COVID-related information and protocols visit

Complete Annual Policy Acknowledgement and Compliance Training

In compliance with state and federal laws, Dallas ISD requires that all employees complete the policy acknowledgement and compliance training at the beginning of every school year. This year, the training must be completed by Monday, Nov. 1.

Annual Policy Acknowledgement

Using their email address and password, employees will log into the policy acknowledgement website at to acknowledge the Employee Handbook, Annual Employee Notification of District Policies, Family Relationship Disclosure, and Confidentiality Requirements.

Compliance Training (Cornerstone)

The compliance training is available in Cornerstone at and includes the following: Child Abuse, Code of Ethics, Copyright Law, Dress Code, Safety Protocols, FERPA, Sexual Harassment, and Workplace Bullying. Training for campus staff will also include Anaphylaxis, Bloodborne Pathogens, Bullying, and Section 504. All sections must be completed to receive credit for the training.

Employees will log into Cornerstone using their email address and password and look for the compliance training assignment in the “Training in Progress” or the “Your Assigned Training” box located on the “Welcome” page. If the assignment is not listed, employees can hover over the “Learning” tab and select “View Your Transcript” to access the training. For assistance with technical issues in Cornerstone, go to the Live User Support tab to access the live support team.

For additional questions or assistance, please contact Policy and Compliance at

Giving a little help

Whether already using DonorsChoose or new to the platform, teachers are invited to participate in the free DonorsChoose inaugural Teacher Summit today. Expert teachers, equity and mental health leaders, and celebrity guests will help teachers craft their vision for an exceptional year for students. Summit participants will learn how to leverage DonorsChoose to set up exceptional learning projects for their students. Don’t miss this virtual opportunity to learn, invest, connect and start the year feeling energized and ready! Reserve your spot at

DonorsChoose is a nonprofit that connects teachers with donors on the community. DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Public school teachers create classroom project requests on the platform and people in the community donate fund to partially or completely fund the project. Once the project is funded, DonorsChoose purchases the items on the teacher’s project and sends them to the school. Projects support learning and non-perishable materials stay at the school if the teacher changes schools or leaves the district.

A recording of the summit will be available here for teachers who were unable to participate live. For more information about DonorsChoose, visit


Two weeks left!

A little over two weeks are left for Dallas ISD staff to make changes to their annual benefits, explore options, or check out the new Health Savings Account offered to those who have a high-deductible plan during the 2021-2022 Benefits Enrollment window.

Annual enrollment runs through Aug. 20 and becomes effective Sept. 1. If you don’t make any changes, you will keep the same medical, vision, and dental plans; however, if you want to put money into a flexible spending account or FSA, you need to enroll every year. Now is also the time to enroll in the Sick Leave Bank.

Dallas ISD offers staff medical, dental, and vision coverage and life insurance. The district also provides several  supplemental, voluntary insurance plans that can help meet your financial needs when the unexpected happens. You can choose from four different plans that provide benefits for require hospitalization, when you face various types of critical illness, when you become disabled and unable to work, or if you need long-term care at home or at an assisted living or rehabilitation facility.

You’ll find detailed information about each of the plans—including the optional, voluntary plans—and their premium costs through the Benefits Portal.

It all starts in the Benefits page at, your one-stop-shop for all benefits information and links. From the Benefits Resources page, check out the Benefits Overview and Plan Costs, which provides many details on your benefit options.

If you have questions or need help, assistance is close by. Just call (972) 925-4000 weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Spanish- and English-speaking representatives will be available to guide you through the choices and the enrollment process.

For additional information you can also look at at the Benefits Overview Guide.

Protect yourself and your loved ones

As Dallas ISD is preparing for the new school year with in-person classes, health officials are encouraging all eligible people ages 12 and older to get vaccinated. If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, let Dallas ISD know by filling out this form

With cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise fueled by the Delta variant, health officials have said vaccinations combined with precautions like handwashing, masks and maintaining social distance can help prevent the spread. For information on the nearest vaccine location, visit

Keep the dialogue going

Parents, students, staff and the community are already connecting with Dallas ISD in preparation for the start of the school year. And one of the preferred ways of connecting 24 hours a day, seven days a week is through Let’s Talk! via their computers, tablets, or smartphones.

Dallas ISD has received over 1,135 dialogues during the past week on such topics as student enrollment, technology (passwords), and transportation.

Through Let’s Talk!, Dallas ISD continues to make significant progress toward building a customer service culture that upholds the district’s vision, mission, and goals. Let’s Talk! streamlines communication between district staff and customers, who include employees. The district’s average Customer Experience Score (CX) is currently 8/10, with an average response time of five business days.

A new feature was recently added so customers submit dialogues via text to (972) 210-0660, making it easy for customers to share questions, thoughts, and concerns.

Between December 2020 and May 2021, 97% of campuses have been added to Let’s Talk! As of July, 59% of customers using the platform are parents/guardians, 27% are employees, 9% are students, and the remaining 7% are community members.

Safety updates

As central staff continues to return to work and prepares to welcome all students back to campus, safety protocols have been updated. Visit for the latest version of the Staff Safety Protocol Handbook in which you can find such information as:


Elevator processes will be marked with designated standing locations on each floor. Security may assist with operation of the elevators on the first floor at high capacity work sites, as needed. Employees must follow the same procedures on other floors. The maximum capacity allowed in the elevator is four persons. The time spent in an elevator is considered a brief interaction.


Multi-person restrooms will no longer be restricted to a single occupant. When opening or closing the restroom door, an employee may use a paper towel, tissue, disinfectant wipe, or disposable glove. Posters on how to wash hands properly will be posted in all restrooms. Restrooms will be cleaned regularly throughout the day and at night.