Special Populations team members prepare for first expo
Dozens of Dallas ISD team members are preparing to host a new event that will reach out to families whose children receive certain special services in the district. The Special Populations Back to School Expo will include 22 vendors and offer a variety of resources.
Parents of students who receive districtwide services from programs such as adapted physical education, assistive technology, deaf or hard of hearing, music therapy, orientation and mobility, occupational therapy/physical therapy, speech, and vision will benefit from participation in the expo. The event focuses on students who receive the specific services mentioned and will not include a wider array of resources for all families receiving other services. The free event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 2, at the Forester Athletic Complex.
“Our vision is to create endless opportunities to ensure that all students in special education can have access to resources available in the district. We hope this becomes an annual event,” said Kelli Hackney, one of the organizers and representative in the Adapted Physical Education Department.
Families are encouraged to register in advance so that their services can be verified. In addition to access to resources, families will receive free school supplies, backpacks, and giveaways while they last. A sack lunch will be provided to students who participate.