After-hours fees for interpretation requests
Translation Services is adjusting its operating practices and procedures for after-hours and weekend interpretation requests. These adjustments are a result of growing demand and budgetary considerations and will be effective for the 2024-2025 school year.
Tier I meeting coverage
After-hours interpretation services needed for less than two hours will be provided at Tier I meetings such as:
- Academic workshops (e.g., math night)
- Parent meetings and workshops (e.g., orientations, senior parent meetings)
- Community meetings (e.g., F.R.O.G events)
Should services be needed for two or more hours, an activity code will be required.
Tier II meeting coverage:
Unless an activity code is provided, after-hours interpretation services will not be provided at the following Tier II meetings:
- PTA/PTO/SBDM meetings
- Band concerts
- Plays
- Award ceremonies
- Meetings lasting less than 30 minutes
Meeting agenda requirement for all hours
In compliance with grant funding regulations, a meeting agenda will now be required when submitting interpreter requests for both regular and after-hours meetings, excluding Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings and 504 meetings.
These adjustments may require seeking alternative resources for interpretation support, and we are available to provide guidance. Interpretation equipment is available for check out, on a first-come, first-served basis, to facilitate meetings where team members from bilingual campuses or departments can interpret.
For concerns or if you need further clarification, contact Translation Services director Adriana Saucedo at acabeza@dallasisd.org.