Gathering parent opinions
Every year, Dallas ISD reaches out to thousands of parents to get their opinions about their children’s schools and the district. The 2023-2024 Parent Survey opened this week and will run through March 22; however, it will remain open until campuses meet their targets based on sampling calculations. This important survey will obtain feedback to help improve schools in the district and is part of the Principal Excellence Initiative.
The survey will be sent via email to all parents for whom email addresses are available in PowerSchool. The link and QR code will be shared through this flyer as well as the district’s social media channels and publications. Automated calls and notifications via the district’s app will be sent to parents to let them know about the survey and to remind them of the deadline.
To ensure fidelity, parents will enter their child’s seven-digit ID number. They will complete a survey for each campus in which they have children enrolled. If more than one child is enrolled at a campus, parents will submit the ID number of the oldest child at that campus. The survey will be available in English, Spanish, French, Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Swahili, and Vietnamese.
If parents have any questions about how their feedback will be used, they may contact the Dallas ISD Office of Family and Community Engagement at family@dallasisd.org.
If parents experience technical difficulties with the survey, they may contact the Evaluation and Assessment survey team at surveyresearch@dallasisd.org.
As you plan your upcoming spring parent events, please share this information with your staff and encourage them to share the QR code/link.