Retired teachers support education
Three teachers recently received $750 grants from the Dallas Retired Teachers Association for innovative and creative programming that will have a positive impact on their students and their schools.
Amber Holmes-Turner, teacher at Hillcrest High School, was awarded her grant to promote students’ understanding of broadcast journalism, media development, laws surrounding free speech and ethical considerations, all while providing timely and relevant information to the school community. The funds enabled the school to invest in essential equipment to enhance their video production capabilities and engage the school community.
Armina Wrice, teacher at Henry W. Longfellow Career Exploration Academy, was awarded her grant to acquire a set of computer drawing tablets in order to facilitate hand-written equations, hand-drawn images, graphics and diagrams. This created information rich content for a virtually interactive learning atmosphere.
Heidi Zeko, functional life skills teacher at Victor Hexter Elementary School, was awarded her grant to enable her students to gain skills in work experience, communicating with others and money counting while running a school store. A simple cash register, table, display bins or shelves, and a cooler for drinks will also be purchased. Signs advertising the store will be put in the school office and lounge to advertise the store and its operating hours.
Dallas Retired Teachers Association awards these grants annually and applications are accepted during fall. The grant application information is available on their website: dallasretiredteach.wixsite.com/dallas-retired-teach.