Meet the Core 4 Champions: Stephanie Espinoza
Stephanie Espinoza has been with Dallas ISD for 15 years, and for the last year has been an Accounts Payable specialist. Prior to that, she worked at Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy as an office manager and at Thomas J. Rusk Middle School as a financial clerk.
What attracted you to education?
Being able to inspire others and making a difference in someone’s life.
Why do you think the district’s culture tenets are important?
The district’s culture tenets are important because they keep everyone focused on what is important, which is helping students succeed.
Is there a time when one of the Core 4 tenets made a difference for you or someone else?
Yes, every day I have a situation where at least one of the Core 4 tenets has made a difference. Providing fast service to others is usually where I find I get the most feedback. If I can avoid prolonging delays, I will. Being fast while paying close attention to detail is a skill that I seek to improve daily.
What is your go-to Core 4 tenet and why?
Usually, my go to Core 4 tenet is to be friendly. I think it is important to treat others with kindness and respect. I usually strive to treat others how I would like to be treated.