Introducing a new digital portal
Dallas ISD is launching a new portal that will make it easier to access district resources and will eventually create a single place to access all applications and reset user passwords.
While some team members will be able to claim their new portal access in May as part of the system’s pilot, the full portal will be available in late summer in preparation for the start of the 2023-2024 school year. The first phase of implementation will include the most popular applications in the district, and the Information Technology team will continue to add new ones during the school year.
All staff are encouraged to “claim” their account before the start of next school year. Information on how team members can claim accounts will be shared in the upcoming weeks before the end of the school year.
“We are excited about how this new portal will simplify how we access all the resources we need to do our work in the district,” said Jonathan Hurley, assistant superintendent of technology. “The ultimate goal is to simplify the digital learning experience, which will support student success.”
The Dallas ISD Portal will make users’ school network login the only one they need without sacrificing security, Hurley said. In fact, the new portal will strengthen the protections of sensitive information and access to digital systems while enhancing ease of use.
The Dallas ISD Portal will provide multiple types of user authentication methods—password, QR code, pictograph, etc.
If you want to check out the new Dallas ISD Portal, visit https://portal.dallasisd.org. The portal will be operational in May.