Journaling your way to health

Writing down one’s thoughts can often be cathartic and help resolve inner conflict. That is why journaling is commonly recommended for people who are looking to improve their overall mental health and well-being. But does it really help? 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the practice comes with many health benefits. Not only has it been shown to boost creativity and improve memory, but it can also help with tangible concerns like managing diabetes. This is because stress can trigger increases in blood sugar, so people can work to balance their stress levels through journaling and other positive habits. 

Additional benefits to journaling include: 

  • Individual problem solving 
  • Celebrating success
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Decreasing information overload 
  • Understanding personal strengths and challenges  
  • Pinpointing stressors and other concerns 

While journaling is a beneficial habit, it is not always easy to acquire. Start by setting a few minutes aside each day at a certain time, and make journaling easy by keeping a physical journal nearby or using an app on your phone. There are no rules to journaling, so write whatever makes the most sense or feels the most fulfilling or clarifying to you. 

If you find yourself feeling depressed, anxious, sad or worried on a regular basis, reach out for additional support. Contact your physician or a mental health professional, and take advantage of Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program by LifeWorks. 

The confidential, secure platform has countless resources available online for free, including on-call counselors who are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Contact LifeWorks at (972) 925-4000, or visit and click on Benefits Resources to access online EAP information. 

Source: CDC 

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