Being outstanding in the kitchen
More than 100,000 students eat school meals every day in Dallas ISD. To ensure that these students receive the best of food and service, the Dallas ISD’s Food and Child Nutrition Services department (FCNS) annually audits school kitchens across the district to find the outstanding “Five Star” kitchens.
This year, supervisors and their teams at 24 schools earned the Five Star School Kitchen Award. The areas of evaluation included: customer service, marketing, food and inventory management, updated recipes, food preparation, meal quality, dress code compliance, temperature logs, and work/cleaning schedules. The teams at 39 other school kitchens were also extremely high-performing, earning the Four Star award.
“We congratulate our Five Star kitchen supervisors and their respective employees for being top performers,” said Yetzel Meza, spokesperson for FCNS. “These supervisors and their team members serve healthy and delicious meals which support student achievement.”
For the school kitchen teams that are working to achieve the Five Star rating, the department offers training and coaching to support reaching this goal.
“These ratings are important to recognize and motivate FCNS staff, to make sure we’re doing exactly what is needed to provide a better service to our students,” said Meza.
While the Five Star School Kitchen Award is for school kitchens, the reality is that it requires collaboration and support from the schools.
“Our campus principals and staff are super heroes, and are essential partners in providing the best to our young scholars across the district,” said FCNS Executive Director Michael Rosenberger. “School meals boost student success, and our goal is to serve the very best to our scholars to help support education.”
The Five Star School Kitchen Award recipients are:
- W.H. Adamson High School
- Sunset High School
- Emmett J. Conrad High School
- Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
- Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School
- Raul Quintanilla Sr. Middle School
- Dallas Environmental Science Academy
- Hector P. Garcia Middle School
- Arcadia Park Elementary School
- Margaret B Henderson Elementary School
- Sylvia Mendez Leadership Academy
- Nancy Moseley Elementary School
- John F. Peeler Elementary School
- Oran M. Roberts Elementary School
- Seagoville Elementary School
- John W. Runyon Elementary School
- Arturo Salazar Elementary School
- Frank Guzick Elementary School
- Adelfa Callejo Elementary School
- Frederick Douglass Elementary School
- Thelma P. Richardson Elementary School
- Rosemont Elementary and International Preparatory Language Academy (Upper Campus)
- Downtown Eduardo Mata Montessori
- CityLab High School
For more information about services offered through FCNS, visit dallasisd.org/FCNS.