Schools to be closed on election day
Several Dallas ISD schools will be polling sites for the Nov. 8 general midterm election. Because community members will be allowed to enter the schools to vote, the Board of Trustees approved establishing Nov. 8 as a professional development day for teachers and a student holiday.
This measure will ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and staff while the campuses are open to the public for the election. Custodians will be at the schools on Election Day; however, teachers and other campus-based staff and Student Transportation staff will conduct assigned professional development. The district’s administrative offices will remain open and central staff will work a regular day.
Dallas ISD Votes!
District staff who haven’t registered to vote or have changed addresses are encouraged to register before the Oct. 11 deadline to vote in the upcoming election. For more information on how and where to register, visit www.marchtothepolls.org or www.vote411.org.
Early voting begins Oct. 24 and ends Nov. 4. Staff who vote early and show their “I Voted” sticker to their supervisor can wear jeans every Tuesday of early voting through Election Day. Those who wait to vote on Nov. 8 will be able to wear jeans that day or on Friday, Nov. 11 (for those who wait until after the work day to vote). They, too, must show their voter sticker to their supervisor.
Be a role model
Voting is one of the rights and privileges afforded to U.S. citizens, and it is the way that every citizen is given a voice in choosing a representative government at the local, state and national levels. Show students the importance of voting by sharing your photo with your “I Voted” sticker on social media and using the hashtag #DallasISDVotes. If you are sharing on Twitter, tag us @TeamDallasISD.