Proposed 2022-2023 budget includes increases for staff, minimum wage
The proposed Dallas ISD 2022-2023 budget includes $51.2 million in salary increases and $52 million for retention incentives—a combined $103.2 million in compensation increases for Dallas ISD staff. The amount for salary increases includes an adjustment in the minimum hourly wage to $15. The district is also proposing raising the starting salaries for teachers new to the district to at least $60,000.
As part of salary increases for teachers, the district is recommending adjusting most levels in the Teacher Excellence Initiative. Teachers would get the greater of three increases—a change in TEI effectiveness level, a change in the compensation for the effectiveness level or the board approved increase (3% of compensation level).
If earned, teachers will be eligible to advance more than one level on the 2021-2022 scorecard. Normally, teachers can only move up one level per year. Rules for years of service and rules for Distinguished effectiveness levels will still apply.
Assistant principals and principals
Assistant principals and principals could also see an adjustment in the compensation levels of their respective excellence initiatives. Principals and assistant principals would get the greater of three increases—a change in effectiveness level, a change in the compensation for the effectiveness level or the board approved increase (a flat rate of up to $2,500).
Minimum wage increase
About 7,200 non-exempt support and operations staff could see an increase in their salaries through an adjustment to $15 in the hourly minimum wage. This increase in the hourly minimum wage rate would position Dallas ISD as a regional leading district in minimum wage values.
Other staff
Other eligible employees who are not under an excellence initiative could receive a 3% increase based on the midpoint and up to the maximum of their respective salary range.
If the budget is approved, teachers and campus leaders should expect to see the salary change in their October paychecks. Other employees would see the increase in their September paychecks.
Retention incentives
Staff who return for the 2022-2023 school year will be eligible to receive a retention incentive that could amount to as much as $3,500 for those on an excellent initiative and $2,500 for other employees. To be eligible to receive the retention incentive, employees must have been hired by May 1, 2022. The incentive would be included in employees’ paychecks in three installments. The first installment—$500— would be paid in September. The rest of the retention incentive would be included in the December and May paychecks.
Teachers new to the district
The proposed budget that will be presented to the Board of Trustees this week also includes the recommendation to update the salary scale for newly hired teachers. A novice teacher with zero years of experience would start at a minimum salary of $60,000.