Build your leaderships skills

Are you working to get ahead as a leader in your career? Few skills shout leadership potential like the ability to speak and communicate clearly. In fact, numerous experts list communication skills as the top talent managers need to effectively lead teams.

Dallas ISD Talk It Up! Toastmasters can help you develop those skills. Learn more about it at the group’s virtual open house at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16. Dallas ISD Talk It Up! Toastmasters is inviting district employees to the open house to learn what Toastmasters is all about. While there is a nominal membership fee, there is no charge to attend the first few meetings to learn if Toastmasters can help you reach your personal or professional goals.

Offering a learn-by-doing curriculum, global leadership, and communications training organization Toastmasters International has equipped millions to lead and communicate effectively. Toastmasters offers its program in a club format where people who are interested in becoming more effective communicators and leaders meet regularly to practice and receive feedback.

Among the Dallas ISD leaders who have benefited from their experience with Toastmasters are Cecilia Oakeley, assistant superintendent of Evaluation and Assessment; assistant principal Roderick Goudy; and recently retired Communications executive director Lawana Porter.

If this sounds like something you’d like to try, mark your calendar for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, to join via Zoom. (meeting ID 488 896 308, passcode 391641). You are also welcome to direct questions to member Lawana Porter at (214) 384-2792.

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