Fingerprints needed
With the safety and wellbeing of students and staff in mind, Dallas ISD will be updating fingerprints for employees who were fingerprinted before June 1, 2015. The fingerprinting will take place in phases based on job groups, and the affected staff will be notified of the options available for them to complete their fingerprinting prior to the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Appointments will begin within the next few weeks.
Getting updated fingerprints from staff is necessary as part of the district’s subscription to the FBI Civil RapBack program. The FBI Civil Rap Back program allows an entity, such as school districts, to receive notifications of new activity to a criminal history record of an employee at the national level.
Dallas ISD already subscribes to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Fingerprint-based Applicant Clearinghouse of Texas (FACT) to receive notifications if an employee’s criminal history record changes. For example, the district would be notified if the employee is arrested or charged with a violation of law after the initial background check. In the past, the subscription service only made notifications of new activity to a Texas criminal history record.
By subscribing to the FBI Civil Rap Back program, Dallas ISD will receive notifications of events within Texas and also notifications of events that occurred elsewhere in the nation. These programs are designed to assist Dallas ISD in the continuous vetting of employees in positions of trust and who have direct contact with students.
Employees who have questions regarding the FBI Civil Rap Back Program, should contact Erika Cazares at (972) 925-8081 or fingerprinting@dallasisd.org.