December Board Update
During its regular monthly briefing, which takes place earlier this month because of the winter break, the Board of Trustees will consider several items and reports from district departments.
The Superintendent’s Report includes:
- Racial Equity—Reading Interventionist
- Dallas Start Strong
- Family Advocacy and Engagement Update
Topics for discussion include:
Board Policy EIA (Local) Academic Achievement Grading /Progress Reports To Parents (
Board Policy EIC (Local) Academic Achievement Class Ranking
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into an Agreement with Texas Education Agency Vetted Vendor for Collaboration in Building School Leadership Capacity Aligned with Essential Actions within the Effective Schools Framework (Not to Exceed $350,000 Through June 2023/ General Operating/Special Revenue Funds)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Participation in the Texas Visiting Teacher Program 2022-2023 Agreement of Collaboration Between Texas Education Agency, the Ministry of Education of Spain, and the Dallas Independent School District (Not to Exceed $20,000 Special Revenue Fund-211)
Board briefings are streamed live starting at 11:30 a.m. To see the agenda, visit https://go.boarddocs.com/tx/disd/Board.nsf/vpublic?open.