Don’t miss out on the $500 incentive
More than 11,600 employees received their $500 vaccine incentive in September and more than 3,500 will be getting theirs as part of their October paycheck. If you are feeling left out don’t wait to get your first shot because time is running out to participate.
Dallas ISD full- and part-time employees who have received all the required doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are eligible to participate in the vaccination incentive. They must provide proof of vaccination by Nov. 15 to be eligible to receive the incentive. Employees who have not yet gotten their first shot of a two-shot vaccine should plan to get it soon so they can receive their second shot and submit proof by the deadline.
With the safety and well-being of staff and students in mind, Dallas ISD is offering a one-time incentive of $500 to district employees who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To get the incentive, employees should fill out the vaccination incentive form and submit proof of vaccination (COVID vaccination card, IMMTrac2 print out or written confirmation from the employee’s medical provider).
For more information and to access the form to submit proof of vaccination, visit www.dallasisd.org/vaccineincentive.