Educators are the best
If you know an educator who has gone extra mile each and every day to serve their students and their communities and who inspire others to do the same, you can nominate them for the Excellence in Education Awards given by H-E-B.
Even though the awards have been postponed until 2022 in light of ongoing public health concerns, nominations are being accepted through Oct. 18. Nominations are being accepted for teachers, principals, school boards, school districts or early childhood centers in Texas.
Created in 2002, the H‑E‑B Excellence in Education Awards are designed to honor outstanding public school professionals and to thank them for their dedication and commitment. Since its launch, the effort has awarded more than $11 million to deserving educators. The Dallas ISD won the 2020 district award and a check for $100,000.
To learn more about the program and fill out a nomination, visit https://www.heb.com/static-page/excellence-in-education-awards.