Run-off election sites
On Saturday, June 5, 57 district facilities will be used as voting centers for the Joint Run-Off Election. Download the list. Department heads, principals and office managers of the facilities assigned to serve as polling locations are reminded to prepare and staff their facilities accordingly.
The facilities should be opened promptly at 5:30 a.m. to allow the election judges to set up. Election judges will need access to the buildings until 8 p.m. or until the election staff is finished for the evening. Please ensure that staff cooperate with the election judges regarding set-up requests and that campuses and polling locations are presentable.
A custodian will be required to work overtime from 5:30 a.m. until close. Two custodians may split the time, but there should be no overlap of time between the custodians. Custodial staff must use the supplemental pay icon on the biometric time clock to sign in and out. The activity code to be used by the custodian(s) working the election is 121023. Please note that at no time should a district facility be left unattended by district personnel.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please direct questions to Orlando Alameda at (972) 925-5142, or OAlameda@dallasisd.org.