Dental health: Keep it regular

Regular dental screenings are not only essential to avoiding gum disease and chronic tooth problems. Because the mouth is connected to a variety of organs, maintaining healthy gums and teeth are important to reduce the risks of other diseases.

Know the warning signs

Gum disease is a painless condition many people don’t realize they have until it’s already done significant damage. When your gums become infected, bacteria and toxins enter your bloodstream, which may worsen other health conditions. If you experience any of the following, see your dentist immediately:

  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Changes in how teeth fit together

According to dental health experts at United Healthcare, some of the diseases that can be caused by poor dental health include:

People with diabetes have a weakened immune system, which may make it harder to keep bacteria from causing gum disease and raising blood glucose levels.

Heart disease
Gum disease allows bacteria to get into the bloodstream, increasing the risk for heart attack and stroke.

Respiratory conditions
Gum disease bacteria can be inhaled into the lungs and increase the risk of pneumonia and infections.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Gum disease can increase the severity of arthritis




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