What you said: Working from home
Working from home has been the new normal for district staff for a few weeks, and many of you answered The Beat poll to share your thoughts and tips to make it a successful experience.
“It’s been a major adjustment but we will make it work as best possible in order to support our students and communities!”
Separating work time from home time can be difficult when work takes place in the home, but establishing a routine was key to many. Make sure getting up and walking regularly is part of that routine.
“This week has been the best yet. I’m in a routine that is similar to my old routine, and I get up and move when my Fitbit tells me to do so.”
“Get up at the same time. Eat healthful/tasty meals. Take a brief walk every hour—Fitbit reminds me to get 250 steps every hour. Be careful: Read emails twice before sending, watch tone.”
“I created a schedule for myself to balance out all my weekly task. I include work, grad school, household responsibilities, and personal time. This helps me to stay focus and mentally healthy.”
“As you create your daily work schedule, schedule breaks and stick to that schedule. It brings balance to your workday and reduces your stress level.”
“I made a decision to maintain a school-going routine: eat well, shower, dress professionally, wear makeup and perfume, jewelry. It helps all of my senses and helps me stay focused and motivated.”
A routine is not the only way to effectively work from home. Establishing a work space that is comfortable and helps transition from work to life also provides a mental break and can help with stress.
“If possible, create a workspace at home that includes sufficient space, comfortable seating, sufficient lighting and a window. Step outside periodically to take in the sunshine.”
“Keep a dedicated work space that has a supportive chair. All work lives here.”
Having to stay inside all the time to help stop the spread of COVID-19—especially while having to homeschool children—can be stressful, so several staff members recommended spending time with a hobby or exploring new interests. Above all, a positive attitude is key.
“It has been better than I thought. No commute leaves more time for exercise and cooking meals. I am thankful we have this opportunity to work from home and stay safe when so many don’t.”
“I have to find a time to turn everything off and move away from work. Pick up a hobby.”
“Positive thinking is very important and getting eight hours of sleep, exercising for at least 250 minutes a week, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water.”
“Make a schedule of activities apart from work. Take a walk. Create your own exercise routine. If you have a hobby, this is the time to take some time for it.”
Definitely, the best remedy for keeping cabin fever, anxiety and stress at bay is to stay in touch with others through the many technology options!
“This is me now: upbeat with a smile. Four weeks ago, I was feeling down and depressed, definitely cabin fever, but thanks to resources and communication with my family, students and coworkers, I am upbeat!”