Three new proposed schools would mirror winning Dallas ISD programs
Dallas ISD trustees were briefed on a proposal to open three new transformation schools in August with learning models that have been successful on other campuses.
Transformation schools offer specialized academic programming, similar to magnet schools, but without academic entry requirements. The three new proposed transformation schools are:
- A single-gender elementary school for boys that would mirror the successful model of Solar Preparatory School for Girls;
- A personalized learning elementary school that would mirror the successful model of Dan D. Rogers Elementary School. The new school would feed into Ignite Middle Schooland IDEA;
- A pre-K–8 Montessori school in northwest Dallas.
If approved, the schools would open in August and serve students in grades pre-K–2, and then build out in following years to serve additional grades.
Under the current proposal, Sam Houston Elementary would consolidate with Esperanza Medrano Elementary and Onesimo Hernandez Elementary would consolidate with Maple Lawn Elementary. The Houston and Hernandez campuses would then house two of those transformation schools.
Dallas ISD will hold a public hearing to share information with the community about the recommended school consolidation plans for Houston and Hernandez elementary schools. The hearing is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., March 22, 2018, at 5151 Samuell Blvd.
Persons interested in making comments at the public hearing must register to speak by contacting the Board Services office at 972-925-3720, starting Monday, March 19 through 5 p.m., Wednesday, March 21, 2018.
The campuses will also host community meetings:
Hernandez: 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 20, at the school, 5555 Maple Ave.
Houston: 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 20, at the school, 2827 Throckmorton St.
Medrano Elementary: 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, at the school, 2221 Lucas Drive.
Maple Lawn: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, at the school, 3120 Inwood Road.
Details on the proposed new schools followed a presentation to trustees on the high interest in Dallas ISD choice schools. More than 13,500 students applied to attend a Dallas ISD choice school—which includes magnets, early college high schools and transformation schools—during the application window that was open Dec. 1–Jan. 31.
Here is a breakdown on how many students applied to the choice schools:
- 5,235 students applied to early college high schools;
- 9,535 students applied to magnet schools
- 2,305 students applied to transformation schools
These presentations were part of a March 8 board workshop on how Dallas ISD can bring more students into the district. Go here to see the details of the board workshop.