New learning opportunities for Central Staff in Cornerstone
Central staff employees can take advantage of learning opportunities this fall. Sessions include:
Instructor Led Training
DiSC for Team Building and Effective Relationships
Effective Business Writing
Process Improvement Basics
Beyond the Basics: Excel for the Intermediate User
Boundary Spanning Leadership
Meeting Your Deadlines
Talent Conversations
Creating Accountability
Promoting Respect in the Workplace
Crucial Conversations
Feedback that Works
Managing Conflict
Fall Book Studies (Registration opens on October 1):
Leadership 2.0
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Online Learning Opportunities (Registration opens on October 15)
Online learning opportunities will be available to the first 400 central staff employees requesting access.
Click here to browse for training in Cornerstone.
Contact Staceye Randle at srandle@dallasisd.org for additional details.