Champions needed

In preparation for the start of Dallas ISD’s annual employee giving campaign, in collaboration with the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and benefiting the Dallas Education Foundation, schools and departments are asked to each choose a champion to represent them.

DEF is the philanthropic arm of Dallas ISD, and in 2020 provided over $3 million in funding that supported grants for teachers, campus needs, programming, technology, and project Dream Big. This year, the district has committed to raising $150,000 between Oct. 18 and Dec. 17.

All departments and campuses must identify an individual who will serve as champion the core of the employee giving campaign. Selecting the right individual who embodies the district’s cultural tenets is key to each department/campus reaching its fundraising goal. This individual should be someone who understands the importance of collaboration, is goal-oriented, has a philanthropic spirit, and has a go-getter attitude! Champions will receive weekly calendar invitations to attend virtual check-ins with the campaign coordinator to cover questions, receive fundraising tips and best practices.

Complete the following champion identification form.

Campaign resources are located on the district webpage at


October Board Briefing

During its regular monthly briefing, the Board of Trustees will consider several items and reports from district departments, including the superintendent’s report that will provide the following updates:

  • ESSER—Group 1A Activities
  • Afterschool Expansion
  • Racial Equity—Programmatic Equity
  • District of Innovation (DOI)
  • UT Southwestern Project

The board will also consider several other items, including proposed changes to various board policies and approval of an interlocal agreement with the University of North Texas to offer a master’s degree in autism intervention and a graduate academic certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis.

Briefings are scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. and are broadcast online through a link available on once the meeting starts. To see a copy of the agenda and presentations associated with this meeting’s reports, visit and click on the Oct. 14 briefing to access the agenda.

The Board of Trustees will also hold a called board meeting at 2 p.m. to discuss:

  • Presentation of Initial Redistricting Maps and Community Feedback
  • Discussion of Initial Maps and Community Feedback
  • Discussion of Timeline & Next Steps, Including Community Meetings and Tele-town halls

Core 4 Tip: Listen to understand

In Dallas ISD, we embrace the positive and expect the best of each other, which can be achieved in part by seeking to understand others and making yourself understood. Summarizing—a critical listening skill—is key to achieving understanding.

It takes effort and skill to be a good listener—to seek to understand. Whether you are on the phone with a parent or with the head of a department, it’s always a good idea to avoid miscommunications by paraphrasing what the other person said to show you have understood. Then ask if you got that right. Even if you heard clearly what the other person said, that might not be what they meant.

Using these unique skills will help make memorable moments with staff, students, parents, and the community. Grounded in building respectful relationships through professional communication, the Friendly tenet of the Core 4 rubric encourages all to contribute to a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful working environment by seeking to understand the needs of others and making efforts to meet others’ needs without bias.


Share your story—Save a life

Last November, with the promise of an impending vaccine against COVID and a return to normalcy, it was easy to toy with the idea of skipping the annual mammogram. What would be the harm with no family history and no previous suspicious findings?

Then I remembered the dozens of Dallas ISD breast cancer survivors whose stories I had edited for the past two years as part of the Dallas ISD Goes Pink! campaign led by our Benefits Department. They spoke of courage, strength and survival but also of urgency: Don’t wait because early detection is key. They probably saved my life.

Heeding the collective advice, I did schedule my mammogram for the week of Thanksgiving, and, by Dec. 7, after a second mammogram and a needle biopsy, I had been diagnosed with ductal in situ carcinoma. Not skipping the annual screening meant I was very lucky—it was found early.

Because the pandemic made it impossible to travel, I could not rely on family for help through surgeries and treatment. I depended on the family I have made here in Dallas and in the district. I relied on the kindness and directness of the women who have gone through this before and who were there to answer questions as I had to make decisions and face challenges. I relied on friends who just let me cry on the phone when I needed to and still do, on others who cooked for days so I could have protein rich food as I recovered from surgery. I relied on friends who cheered the end of every week of radiation and who celebrated the 15-minute walks I could barely manage as if they were marathons, who were with me at the hospital for surgeries and who spent days with me to make sure I was recovering.

The journey to recovery and, hopefully, remission is not one that should be traveled alone. I was fortunate to have great support and benefits through Dallas ISD—especially the employee assistance program—and to have access to fantastic and compassionate medical personnel at UT Southwestern.

I owe a debt to all the Dallas ISD women whose stories during past Dallas ISD Goes Pink! campaigns instilled the importance of annual screenings and the hope for survival. Had I waited a year, my prognosis and treatment would have been very different. If you are a breast cancer survivor or you are going through treatment now, share you story by sending an email to We’ll publish these stories through October. You never know, you might save a life.

MariCarmen Eroles

Don’t miss out on the $500 incentive

More than 11,600 employees received their $500 vaccine incentive in September and more than 3,500 will be getting theirs as part of their October paycheck. If you are feeling left out don’t wait to get your first shot because time is running out to participate.

Dallas ISD full- and part-time employees who have received all the required doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are eligible to participate in the vaccination incentive.  They must provide proof of vaccination by Nov. 15 to be eligible to receive the incentive. Employees who have not yet gotten their first shot of a two-shot vaccine should plan to get it soon so they can receive their second shot and submit proof by the deadline.

With the safety and well-being of staff and students in mind, Dallas ISD is offering a one-time incentive of $500 to district employees who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To get the incentive, employees should fill out the vaccination incentive form and submit proof of vaccination (COVID vaccination card, IMMTrac2 print out or written confirmation from the employee’s medical provider).

For more information and to access the form to submit proof of vaccination, visit

Hispanic Heritage Month: A health connection with families

Rosa Guerrero, a nursing supervisor in Health Services, one of the district’s leaders in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. A Dallas native, Guerrero is also a Skyline High School graduate and the daughter of district retirees. Early in life, her parents were migrant workers from South Texas who worked the fields picking different crops based on the season. Her mother became an assistant principal at Skyline High School and her father was a principal at Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School.


What is something you everyone to know about you:

I attended Edna Rowe Elementary School and I am a proud graduate of Skyline High School where I was enrolled in the Cosmetology Cluster. I worked as a hair stylist after I graduated from high school.

My mother was a Ballet Folklorico instructor at North Dallas High School in the mid to late ’90s. I would also perform with her students during some events. My father was a Vietnam veteran and is buried at the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery.

What is something you want everyone to know about your heritage: 

I would like everyone to know that my heritage is rich in cultural rituals. For example, my heritage honors our loved ones that have passed away by creating altars that honor them. We honor them during El Día de los Muertos on Nov. 1.

My heritage is also celebrated by cultural dance such as Ballet Folklorico and cultural music such as mariachi. Lastly, cultural foods feed the soul and make me feel connected to my heritage.

What parts of your heritage are most important to you?

The parts of my heritage that are most important to me are family connections and cultural rituals. Family is what makes me who I am today.

How does your heritage inform how you approach health concerns with students and parents who have your same background?

Understanding my heritage helps me connect with students and their parents significantly. I am able to understand what health conditions plague our community such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart conditions. Our diet is high in cholesterol, sodium and sugars, which predisposes us to those conditions. Being able to educate parents on how they may continue to cook cultural foods but may considers cutting down on serving sizes.

My heritage also places a focus on homeopathic remedies such as hot teas and essential oils. We believe in a hot-cold balance and an imbalance of either results in illness. Being able to understand and relate to parents and students assists me to better educate and provide resources that can help combine both modern and cultural remedies

And how do you personally contribute to the success of students and the district, keeping in mind the skills and knowledge your background gives you?

I personally contribute to the success of the students and the district by ensuring students are healthy to attend school. I also ensure all health barriers are removed so families feel confident that their scholar is receiving medical services at school when needed.

How does your background and heritage help make Dallas ISD a more inclusive district for staff, students and the community?

I am able to better communicate with families and ensure they feel welcomed when arriving to Dallas ISD events, campuses or buildings. When families see individuals who are similar to them, it helps them feel welcomed and at home.

If you are bilingual, how do you relate to people in either language, and is language one of the things that helps you connect to your heritage?

I am bilingual although Spanish is my second language. I grew up speaking English and learned Spanish along the way. Being able to communicate in both languages is essential to ensure families remain informed. I have been selected to participate in media interviews with multiple Spanish news outlets in Dallas. Most media requests are related to back-to-school vaccinations, flu education and most recently COVID updates.

Language is one thing that helps me connect to my heritage. I feel like part of a bigger family when I am able to communicate with others in Spanish.

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, what is the most important thing people should know about our culture?
Our culture is resilient and hopeful, and we are stronger together. When we realize that we are part of a bigger picture, we will then realize that we can face adversity and be successful. We must be knowledgeable of our culture and our history so that we won’t forget the fight and sacrifice others may have had to make in order for us to be here right now.  It’s important for our children and scholars to see us as role models and to remember that if they can see us, they can be us! Si se puede!

Learning new skills

The Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Outreach Center—a shared space with Dallas ISD—is offering free training sessions in October for families and residents in South Dallas.

Financial literacy classes 

Learn to create balance sheets, savings plans, monthly budgets and more on the way to learning how to accumulate wealth in two financial literacy classes being offered by the Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Center.  Orientation is scheduled for Oct. 20 for either the Hispanic Women’s Financial Wellness Group or the Millennial Women’s Financial Wellness Group.

Participants can expect to set financial goals and then create a realistic plan of action to help them meet those goals and objectives.

These classes are made possible through a grant from the Texas Women’s Foundation.


Learn a new skill in an emerging field 

Registration is open now through Oct. 12 for a free job skills training program to teach individuals to install fiber optic cables. Fiber optics is commonly used in telecommunication services such as internet, television and telephones.

Go to and click on the Skills Training tab. Applicants will be assigned an interview time by Oct. 13, which will be conducted  with Oct. 14-15. Classes and interviews will be held in-person at Frazier House, 4600 Spring Ave., Dallas.

For more information and to register for any of the free courses, visit or send an email to



Dress for success

Even though it may still be warm and sunny outside, Dallas ISD has returned to regular dress code to promote a professional atmosphere and maintain the positive image that employees present as representatives of the district. This image is affected by the manner of dress within the workplace and in public.

The district’s dress code policy is designed to help employees provide a consistent professional appearance to colleagues, students, parents, and the community. Employees should exemplify the highest standards of professional appearance.

To help guide employees in determining appropriate attire for the workplace, attached are the business dress code guidelines outlined in DH(LOCAL) and DH(REGULATION).

For questions or comments, please contact Policy and Compliance at


  • The dress code standards are meant to maintain an orderly educational environment and will not infringe on an individual’s culture, religious beliefs, or protected free speech.
  • The dress and grooming of district employees shall be clean, neat, in a manner appropriate for their assignments, and in accordance with any additional standards established by their supervisors and approved by the Superintendent of Schools.
  • All employees are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards and personal hygiene in a manner that projects a professional image for the employees and the district.
  • Male employees shall keep their hair and facial hair groomed neatly.
  • Employees will not be allowed to display any jewelry, tattoos, brands, or similar artifacts that are either obscene, distracting, or may cause disruptions to the educational environment.

Acceptable Attire

  • Clothing should be clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free.
  • All attire should fit appropriately (not excessively tight or loose).
  • Dress pants, dress shirts, and blouses are acceptable.
  • Professional dresses and skirts are acceptable.
  • Professional footwear is required at all times.
  • Employees required to wear district-issued uniforms are expected to wear the assigned uniform.

Unacceptable Attire

  • Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to form-fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing.
  • Excessively worn, faded, or tight clothing is not acceptable.
  • Clothing with holes or frayed areas is not acceptable.
  • Revealing or provocative attire is not acceptable.
  • Necklines that expose cleavage are not acceptable.
  • Dresses and skirts shorter than three inches above the bend of the knee are not acceptable.
  • Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, and lycra are not acceptable.
  • Tank tops, t-shirts, and shirts with inappropriate messages/graphics are not acceptable.
  • Athletic wear and beach wear are not acceptable.
  • Slippers, flip-flops, house shoes, sneakers, and athletic shoes are not acceptable.
  • Hats are not to be worn inside, unless used as protective wear appropriate for one’s job function.


  • Administrators will have the discretion to make exceptions to appropriateness of attire as it relates to culture, religious beliefs, vocational courses, physical education, maintenance, medical necessities, events, and spirit days.
  • The Superintendent of Schools may waive the dress code for district employees when school is not in session or based on seasonal weather conditions, special events, and the like.


Educators are the best

If you know an educator who has gone extra mile each and every day to serve their students and their communities and who inspire others to do the same, you can nominate them for the Excellence in Education Awards given by H-E-B.

Even though the awards have been postponed until 2022 in light of ongoing public health concerns, nominations are being accepted through Oct. 18. Nominations are being accepted for teachers, principals, school boards, school districts or early childhood centers in Texas.

Created in 2002, the H‑E‑B Excellence in Education Awards are designed to honor outstanding public school professionals and to thank them for their dedication and commitment. Since its launch, the effort has awarded more than $11 million to deserving educators. The Dallas ISD won the 2020 district award and a check for $100,000.

To learn more about the program and fill out a nomination, visit

Celebrate with a tasty week

Dallas ISD is celebrating National School Lunch Week with food, fun, and opportunities for students to win awesome prizes. This year’s theme is “Feed Your Creativity with A Healthy School Lunch”

Here’s how students can participate:


All DISD Students, staff, and families are invited to create a video to promote the importance of

school lunch. Participants will share/ promote their favorite school lunch or what school lunch

means to them by using the hashtag #ShowLunchDISD on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,

from October 11-15.

  • Social Media Challenge Rules
  • Video participants must be Dallas ISD students, staff, or family members.
  • Participating students must have a photo release form on file.
  • Video must be limited to 60 seconds in length.
  • Video with the most likes, shares, and tweets will receive a 44” adjustable portable basketball hoop.
  • One winner per video.
  • Post and share your video using the hashtag #ShowLunchDISD and tag @DallasISDFood


#DISDLunchWeek 5-Day Challenge (High school)

All high school students are encouraged to participate in the Dallas ISD Lunch Week 5-Day Challenge. Participants are challenged to take a photo with their school lunch every day and post the picture on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #DISDLunchWeek. Students who post a photo at least three of the five days will be entered into a drawing to win a pair of Apple Air Pods. For more information about National School Lunch Week, visit our website at