Fam Jam returns: Dallas ISD’s community event kicks off on Sept. 14

Fam Jams not only bring together parents from different schools but also bring together the team members who make them happen to offer the community a space for celebration, connection, learning, and resources.

Since 2019, schools from different regions are selected to host. Each Fam Jam involves coordination and collaboration with school team members, including community liaisons and parents, who play a critical role engaging families ensuring the event’s success, said Israel Rivera, executive director for Parent Advocacy and Support Services. The events are meticulously planned in the spring, so that each one is hosted by a school within a specific region, such as the upcoming kick off on Saturday, Sept. 14, at Skyline High School, which will serve the four vertical teams across regions 1 and 2. 

According to data from previous years, more than 1,130 families usually participate in an in-person Fam Jam and engage in discussions on how to support learning at home. They also take advantage of immunizations, health screenings, free breakfast, prizes, and giveaways.

“We work closely with the schools to organize everything from performances to resource fairs,” Rivera said. “Our goal is to involve all the schools in the vertical teams and create an engaging experience for everyone.”

The preparation for these events is extensive. From setting up decorations and organizing tables to coordinating with partners and community organizations, Rivera and his team ensure that every detail is accounted for. They begin their setup early, including the day before, to make sure everything is ready for the event.

“We have bands, balloons, and a variety of decorations to create an inviting atmosphere,” Rivera said. “Our partners and community organizations are crucial to this process, providing valuable resources and support.”

Fam Jams also serve as a platform for team members to connect with families outside the classroom environment. While the focus is on building relationships rather than discussing academic performance, the events offer opportunities for families to learn about district resources and engage with different departments. This year, there’s an added focus on enhancing special education resources at the events.

“We invite team members to join us because it’s a chance to build trust and show families that we are here to support them,” Rivera said. “We want to make sure that all families feel included and have access to the information they need.”

Chelsea Liles, family and community engagement coordinator, finds great fulfillment in working on Fam Jam. 

“One of the most rewarding aspects has been witnessing the growth of our event and the increasing engagement from our families,” said Liles, who is involved in marketing and logistics. “Every Fam Jam provides a unique opportunity to bring our ideas to life, from detailed marketing strategies to on-the-ground execution.”

Liles and her colleague, Ingrid Baylon, start collaborating months in advance, with marketing materials prepared as early as May, and every detail carefully planned with the families’ needs in mind. Their shared passion for these events has cultivated a strong working relationship, essential for managing these large-scale events. For Liles, the highlight is seeing the direct impact on the community and interacting with the diverse individuals who contribute to their success.

“There is no Saturday like a Fam Jam Saturday; there is no other district or any other set of parents I would wake up for on a Saturday at 4 a.m., besides our amazing Dallas ISD families and these incredible Fam Jam events,” Liles said.

Assistant athletic director opens new doors for excellence on the soccer field

Ever since Marisela Lopez was a teenager, she knew she someday wanted to be an athletic director. She now finds herself in that role at Dallas ISD, where she has worked for the last 18 years. 

Lopez, who is the assistant athletic director who oversees all soccer and cross country programs for the district, has created opportunities for student athletes—opportunities she sought when she was a student athlete. 

This summer, Dallas Athletics Club, a soccer club that she founded, traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lopez first got the idea to start this organization in 2019 when she was at Sunset High School. She took her soccer girls team to Spain and France, and, when Lopez became assistant athletic director, she created this club to offer this opportunity to excel to boys and girls in the district’s high schools.

 This summer, Lopez took two different soccer teams composed of 17 girls and 17 boys to Argentina, along with chaperones. The students and chaperones, some of whom are soccer coaches, toured the city and had the opportunity to play three friendly games against teams from Argentina. They even got to see the iconic stadiums where Club Atlético Boca Juniors and Club Atlético River Plate play. 

 “The main goal was to give our kids an opportunity and a chance of a lifetime to go and play in another country,” Lopez said. “One of our boys got scouted from one of the Argentina professional teams, so we were hoping also for the kids to get recognized or even scouted.”

Lopez mentioned that two of the chaperones, Gabriel Valles and Miguel Valles, who are brothers and teachers at W.W. Samuell High School and Piedmont Global Academy, had had the opportunity to visit Argentina through another organization, when they were students. She said the brothers knew first-hand what this experience was like for the students and how it could be life changing. 

Approximately 68 persons attended the trip, including students, parents, and grandparents, which contributed to the students’ experience. This was the inaugural trip for the Dallas Athletics Club, and plans to expand the opportunity to more students. She and assistant athletic director Cinnamon Sheffield are taking volleyball girls to Italy, and Lopez is planning to take the soccer students to England next year. 

“I was very proud of myself. It took me four years just because I was new to the assistant athletic director position and a lot of people would ask me, ‘Lopez, what are you going to do? Are you going to create your own team?’ Because they knew what I wanted to do,” she said. 

Two of Lopez’s goals were to start the Dallas Athletics Club and a senior showcase for soccer seniors, which Lopez has accomplished. Last April, seniors participated in the inaugural soccer senior showcase, playing friendly games against each other, for the chance for local colleges and universities to recruit talent. 

This was the first time that Lopez had done this and turnout and the support was incredible, she said. She said what sparked the idea was a similar program in her hometown of El Paso, where she worked in athletics before coming to the district 18 years ago. 

Lopez always knew that she would assume a leadership position in athletics, something she had dreamed about since she was a sophomore in high school. She said that it was an athletic director who talked to her and other teens after she had gotten into a little trouble at school.

“When she went around the table to ask us what we wanted to be when we grew up, I told her I wanted her job. I knew this was my dream job,” Lopez said.  

She knows the challenges that student athletes face in balancing schoolwork, life, and sports as she played several sports—volleyball, basketball, soccer, track, and club softball. When she graduated from high school, she was a teen parent, who had several scholarship offers. While being a parent at an early age was challenging, Lopez admits, she continued with her studies and never lost sight of her dream. 

She credits her father and the mentors Patty Mullaney and Roger Velazquez who inspired her along the way. She also credits various coaches who assisted her with the project, including Veronica Ulloa, assistant principal at Hillcrest High School and teacher Gerald Solorio at Moises E. Molina High School.

Lopez never forgot about the community she came from in El Paso, where she was a student in the Ysleta Independent School District. To give back to her community, two years ago, she established the Marisela Lopez Soccer Scholarship at her alma mater. While Lopez has achieved various milestones in her career already, she said she’s just getting started and has more goals she wants to reach.

“It’s all about the students,” she said. “I want students to have as many opportunities for them out there as possible. I’m thankful to be in this position to be able to continue to open new doors for them.”

Coach on a mission to pursue a dream

For Joshua Ragsdale, head football coach and athletic coordinator for Emmett J. Conrad High School, it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. That’s the message that he wants to convey in his journey of returning to karate to get a black belt—a journey that was put on pause when he was 11 years old. 

“Hopefully I can show people that even at 44 years old, and having been out for 33 years, there are goals you can still meet,” he said. “For example, it’s never too late to get a degree, it’s never too late to start something like teaching if someone wants to do that.” 

Getting to this place has been a few years in the making. Ragsdale and his father were taking karate classes, while he was growing up in Pleasant Grove and a student at B.H. Macon Elementary School. Later, during a conversation with members of his Conrad football team after football season, Ragsdale brought up how being in karate helped him with certain skills in playing and coaching football. One of his students asked him what level of belt  he had reached, and Ragsdale said he had made it to blue belt. The student then challenged him and said that if one of the core values he taught in his football program was to finish, why didn’t he finish? 

The core values that Ragsdale has for every day of the week and the football team include: 

  • Monday Energy—coming back from the weekend
  • Tuesday Toughness—the toughest practice 
  • Wednesday Competition—compete in everything they do 
  • Thursday Family—the day before a game, “You get out of practice early, go have dinner with your family, sit down around the table, go to church, whatever you can do with your family.“ 
  • Friday Finish—it’s game day. 

Ragsdale mentioned that his student, Kymani W., who has since graduated, passed away last month, and Ragsdale spoke at his funeral. Losing his student was an eye-opener for Ragsdale, who decided to put his promise into practice.

“And he asked, ‘you don’t live out your core values?’ So I asked him what he meant, and he said that one of our team’s core values is to finish, and I hadn’t finished,” Ragsdale said. While he initially found his student’s reaction to be humorous, he also knew that there was a lot of truth to it. 

He started thinking about how he could go back to it. The first thing Ragsdale thought about was his physical health. He knew that he was overweight and wanted to lose weight first. 

“Our time on Earth is short, even if we live 100 years, it’s still short,” he said. “And so I asked myself, ‘Do I want to keep dying or do I want to keep living?’ As of today, I’m down 47 lbs.” 

So Ragsdale decided it was time to show up to the Garland 9th Street Gym, which is run by a nonprofit organization of police officers and firefighters, where one of Ragsdale’s karate instructors from 1987 is still teaching. He said his teacher, David Vines, was probably around 18 years old when Ragsdale was 11, so coming back to the gym and being greeted by someone he looked up to as a child was a full circle moment for him.

“He was one of my idols growing up,” Ragsdale said. “Now, he treats me as one of his peers when he’s an eighth-degree black belt and has won many awards. He’s also a police officer.” 

Ragsdale even went back to look for the gym bag he had as a child and found his old sparring gear, his belts, and the brochure of the last tournament he participated in on July 13, 1991. 

Before committing himself to going into karate again, he showed up to observe, and everything he had previously learned as a preteen came flooding back, he said. He described himself as being the “Elf” character due to many of the students being significantly younger. Regardless, Ragsdale said that he’s learned a lot from these young leaders and he’s leading by example, as he does in his football program at Conrad.

So he paid his tuition, got his uniform, started taking the classes – and next thing he knew, he was competing in his first tournament in early August, where he won first place in kata, which is a series of moves while maintaining your form. 

He also got second place in the men’s division in sparring. Just last weekend, he participated in his second tournament, where he competed against the state champion. He beat Ragsdale for the title match, but Ragsdale still came in second and said that the experience has not only made him healthier and happier, but that he is showing his students and peers that anything you set your mind to accomplish is possible. 

While Ragsdale said that it may take him some time to get his brown belt and ultimately his black belt, he’s elated to be doing this. He’s also ranked in the top 10 in the state in his division, and hopes to qualify for the state tournament in December that will be held in Mesquite. This new endeavor has even inspired Ragsdale’s dad to possibly return to karate, as well. 

For anyone wanting to pursue a lifelong dream, Ragsdale said it all comes down to this: “All you have to do is start.”

Dallas ISD goes on vacation part two

This summer, Dallas ISD team members took time for self care and living out their adventurous aspirations, such as life-changing marathons, going to France for the Olympics, wedding anniversaries in beautiful spaces, competing in beauty pageants, and more. The vacation stories are rich and diverse, representing the talents and interests of our district’s team members. This is part two focusing on adventure seekers, dream chasers, and travelers.  

Rosalinda Preciado, community liaison, S.S. Conner Elementary School

Going to Alaska and Paris and running a full marathon is how I spent my summer vacation. It was a chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This summer I spent my whole time running and getting my body ready to run two full marathons back-to-back. I went to Alaska and ran the Anchorage Marathon. My kids were there to see their mom complete another marathon in the books. Six weeks later I was headed to Paris. I was selected to be part of Olympic history! For the first time in history, the Olympic marathon course was opened to amateur runners through the Mass Participation Marathon that took place at night along the same route that was used for the official race. To be part of this story was a dream. My campus gave me the best parade send off. I arrived in Paris and was ready to run the same course as my idols. I crossed the finish line with many emotions. A marathon that I will never forget.                               

Alexis Crain, third grade teacher, Jerry Junkins Elementary School

I rested, spent time with loved ones, and traveled to San Diego. My favorite thing about San Diego was simply seeing its beauty. The hills and ocean views are amazing! As an animal lover, I found the San Diego Zoo to be so majestic. I was not very excited about the trip at first and ended up not wanting to go home.

Stephany Cortes Rogel, bilingual science and technology teacher, Clinton P. Russell Elementary School

I fulfilled a double dream this summer and went to the Euro 2024 in Germany and to the Olympics 2024 in France. I fulfilled my dream to see these two amazing sports events in person. I love sports, and I also encourage my students to love and practice sports. As a child, I used to watch the Euro and the Olympics on TV, dreaming I could attend as a spectator one day. I loved watching my favorite male player—Cristiano Ronaldo—live, and also watching some competitions live in different parts of France like Bordeaux, Marseille, and Paris. I’m ready to continue sharing my teaching and my love for sports with my kids.

Natalie Sible, financial clerk, L.V. Stockard Middle School

We celebrated our belated 40th wedding anniversary in Puerto Rico. We attended a Spanish flamenco show, and it was amazing. They were very talented dancers and guitarists. And most of all, seeing the ocean was incredible. Funny, nowhere in Puerto Rico did they serve sweet tea. I was like really? As soon as we landed, we went straight to Ojeda’s Restaurant and I asked for a large glass of Texas sweet tea. “There is no place like home!”

Kathy Clark, demo teacher, Dr. Fredrick D. Haynes, III Global Preparatory Academy at Paul Quinn College

I spent my vacation traveling to eight different states in the United States and visiting Mexico for two days mostly driving. I enjoyed meeting people in various parts and was able to see different places I’ve never visited before. I also enjoyed driving across the border. The vacation had an interesting start. The first stop was Florida. The day began with high hopes and a packed suitcase, but things quickly spiraled into a series of comical mishaps that could only be described as a traveler’s nightmare—and a great story people wanted me to tell over and over again. 

Airport antics: I arrived at the airport, breezing through check-in and security, only to notice that one of my shoes had mysteriously vanished. After a frantic search of my belongings, I realized the situation I was in. I was now sporting one shoe and socks, thanks to a sneaky fellow traveler who apparently mistook my shoe for their own. With no spare shoes in sight, I was left to navigate the airport with one shoe and a pair of socks, which was, to put it mildly, an exercise in balancing and awkward stares.

The plane predicament: finally, it was time to board the plane. I hobbled down the jetway, making the most of my unconventional footwear, and took my seat. Just as I was about to relax, the plane’s electrical system decided to take a nap of its own. The captain announced that there was a minor issue and the plane would be delayed while they fixed it. No big deal, right? But then, as the plane was finally about to take off, the electrical system decided to have a second tantrum. Lights flickered, screens went dark, and we were once again told that the plane would be delayed for hours as we waited for another plane. I could only laugh stranded with one shoe and an airplane that refused to cooperate.

Hotel hiccups: After what felt like an eternity, I finally landed in Florida. I was ready to check into my hotel, rest my tired feet, find some shoes, and hit the beach. However, upon arriving at the first hotel, the receptionist informed me that my reservation had been canceled. I was like ok and thought, “No problem, I’ll just head to the other hotel on my list.” Arriving at the second hotel, I was met with the same news: your reservation had been canceled. A wave of panic washed over me as I tried to remember what might have happened. The second hotel did take care of me after hearing about my previous experience for the day. 

The conclusion: By the end of the day, I had successfully navigated an airport with one shoe, survived a twice-delayed flight, and realized that I may have to sleep on the beach because I couldn’t get a hotel room. As I lounged on an uncomfortable chair with one shoe propped up and head resting on my carry-on, I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Bart Davis, inclusion teacher, Emmett J. Conrad High School

My wife and I went on an Alaskan cruise out of Seattle, Wash. I also was able to take my 1974 Corvette Stingray drag racing a few times. One of my favorite experiences was taking an Amtrak train from Seattle to Vancouver, Canada. On the way back, my wife got stuck in the bathroom and one of the conductors had to go and get her out (don’t tell her I shared that story).




Blake Mokate, radio, TV, film magnet teacher, Skyline High School

I spent my summer traveling. I took my first trip overseas to England to visit friends as well as a trip to Omaha, Neb., and Michigan. Getting to see friends I haven’t seen in years was the highlight of the trip for sure, but getting to see amazing architecture and experiencing new food was fantastic. I saw Hamilton while I was in London, which I found kind of entertaining since it was about American history.



Liliana Diaz, teacher assistant, pre-K partnerships 

I traveled to Europe (Budapest, Hungary) for the very first time this summer. I was able to visit my in-laws for the first time in the nine years we have been together. I had an amazing time trying the cuisine and experiencing the cultural differences. It was great spending the whole summer learning about the country’s rich history and seeing first-hand what I had only read about online or in books. Tasting the cuisine that is rich in flavor and enjoying the similarities and differences in our cultures was wonderful. This trip was such an amazing experience that I will cherish forever. I should have studied Hungarian a little more. My cell phone was my best friend to translate the language, currency, and find cool local spots.



Amber Turner, teacher, Hillcrest High School

I am a part of the National All World Beauties Pageant System, an Emmy Awarding pageant system, and I was awarded the honor of being crowned Lifetime Ambassador VII. Being crowned was an honor, and I have been a part of this system since 2019 when I won the ultimate title, Ms. Ultimate All World Beauties 2019. I don’t really have a story to share just that this summer was one that I’ve learned so much about myself, and I realize that I can do a lot of things in addition to being a teacher, but I also can live the advice that I give my students meaning that “delayed does not mean denied.” And you can chase all of your dreams. The one quote that I live by is, “Reach for the moon.  If you can’t reach the moon, reach for the stars, and if you can’t reach the stars, at least you’ve made it into the clouds.”


Kenneth Rabago-Fernandez, community liaison, Dan D. Rogers Elementary School

Juan Fernandez, food assistant, Food & Child Nutrition Services at Leslie Stemmons Elementary School

We (my brother Juan Fernandez at Leslie Stemmons Elementary School, my spouse David Watson, and myself) boarded a Caribbean cruise ship for five nights out of Tampa, Florida. Our ship stopped in Progreso and Cozumel, Mexico, where we spent time on the beach and swam with dolphins and manatees. When the cruise concluded, we spent three  nights in the Tampa area. My favorite thing was swimming with the dolphins and manatees. On the ship, we enjoyed poolside relaxation, entertainment, and games. We played bingo and watched comedians, magicians, and professional dancers in the theater. We also gambled in the casino, were rejuvenated with relaxing spa treatments and ate way too much. While in Tampa, we spent time with our family by dining out, going to the beach, shopping, and laughing a lot. It was a FANTASTIC summer vacation.


Monica Chih, art teacher, Dan D. Rogers Elementary School

I traveled to Taiwan to visit my family for five weeks. Being able to spend time with family that I haven’t seen in 10 years and eat all the delicious foods was wonderful. Also getting to visit places I had never gone to while growing up in Taiwan, and revisiting childhood haunts to relive those memories was amazing. On the way back from Taiwan, we were scheduled to fly home on July 19, which was the start of the Microsoft shutdown. We stayed all day at the airport watching delay after delay, and when we were notified of our cancellation, it was midnight and we had to scramble to find a hotel close by. When we were finally able to rebook a flight two days later, we arrived in Seattle where our flight was delayed repeatedly again before announcing it was canceled at 1 a.m. We had to rebook our flight that evening before leaving the airport (standing in line for over three hours to do so) only to be told that we could get a flight three days from then. 

So at 4 a.m., we had to find another hotel to spend the night that wasn’t already booked up from all the other cancellations. We finally were on the flight to head back to Dallas after three days, but upon arriving, our luggage was still lost and unable to be retrieved until later in the week. I learned to be resilient and adaptable to these unexpected events and to always pack an extra set of clothes in my carryon from here on out.                       


Dress for success

Even though it may still be warm and sunny outside, Dallas ISD has returned to its business dress code to promote a professional atmosphere and maintain the positive image that employees present as representatives of the district.

The district’s dress code policy is designed to help employees provide a consistent professional appearance to colleagues, students, parents, and the community. Employees should exemplify the highest standards of professional appearance.

To help guide employees in determining appropriate attire for the workplace, below are the business dress code guidelines outlined in DH(LOCAL) and DH(REGULATION).


  • The dress code standards are meant to maintain an orderly educational environment and shall not infringe on an individual’s culture, religious beliefs, protected free speech, or an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation.
  • The dress and grooming of district employees shall be clean, neat, in a manner appropriate for their assignments, and in accordance with any additional standards established by their supervisors and approved by the superintendent.
  • All employees are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards and personal hygiene in a manner that projects a professional image for the employees and the district.
  • Employees shall keep their hair and facial hair groomed neatly.
  • Employees should not display body jewelry, tattoos, brands, or similar artifacts that are offensive, obscene, or may cause disruptions to the educational environment.

Acceptable Attire

  • Clothing should be clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free
  • Attire should fit appropriately
  • Dress shirts, dress pants, dresses, skirts are required
  • Professional footwear is always required
  • Employees required to wear district-issued uniforms are expected to wear the assigned uniform

 Unacceptable Attire

Unacceptable attire includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Form-fitting, snug, sagging, or transparent clothing
  • Excessively worn, faded, or tight clothing
  • Clothing with holes or frayed areas
  • Revealing or provocative attire
  • Necklines that expose cleavage
  • Dresses and skirts shorter than three inches above the knee bend
  • Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, spandex, and lycra
  • Tank tops, t-shirts, and shirts with inappropriate messages/graphics
  • Athletic wear and beach wear
  • Slippers, flip-flops, house shoes, sneakers, and athletic shoes
  • Hats are not worn inside unless used as protective wear appropriate for one’s job function


  • Supervisors shall have the discretion to make exceptions to the appropriateness of attire as it relates to safety standards, maintenance, physical education, vocational courses, culture, religious beliefs, field trips, spirit days, medical necessities, or reasonable accommodations based on a disability.
  • The superintendent or designee may waive the dress code standards for district employees when school is not in session or based on seasonal weather conditions, special events, and extenuating circumstances.

Policy References: DH(LOCAL) and DH(REGULATION)

For questions or comments, please contact Policy and Compliance at hcmcompliance@dallasisd.org.

Essential employee cybersecurity tips

Dallas ISD’s team members must be cautious and take steps to protect themselves from the serious risks of phishing.

  • Think before you click—Be cautious of any urgent requests, actions or threats from individuals
  • Authenticate—Verify requests for sensitive information by contacting the person or organization directly through established channels
  • Don’t respond—Let unsolicited emails that ask for personal information go unanswered
  • Don’t trust—Avoid sending sensitive/personal information to untrusted or unauthenticated third parties
  • Keep them to yourself—Never share your credentials (user ID and password). Dallas ISD IT will never ask for your current password.

For all phishing and SPAM concerns, contact Help Desk at (972)-925-5630, create a ticket in ServiceNow or report it by forwarding it to ITSecurity@dallasisd.org


Quarterly headshot signups are now open

Are you new to the district, haven’t had your headshot taken before, or simply in need of an updated headshot? Now is your opportunity. Signups for the quarterly headshot session are now open. 

In an effort to meet the growing photography needs of the district, our district photographer will offer a professional headshot week with two dates available per calendar quarter. The quarterly sessions will be the only times available for headshots, so don’t miss your chance.

Dallas ISD team members are invited to sign up for the next professional headshot session on Tuesday, September 10, or Wednesday, September 11. Hurry, as spots are limited and are filling fast. 

The photo sessions will take place at the Linus D. Wright Central Administration Building, 9400 N. Central Expressway, on the 12th floor, suite 1200. Each photo will only take a few minutes.

Who can sign up:

  • Central team members
  • Campus principals 
  • Executive directors
  • Associate superintendents
  • Chiefs and deputy chiefs
  • Board of Trustees

The district photographer is unable to photograph team members in group photos or any on-location requests of headshots outside of the scheduled times.

Having a photo taken can be stressful for some. The district photographer will take great care to help you look your best by helping you pose, selecting your best headshot, and providing basic retouching on the finished image. 

Reserve your spot for the quarter three session by 5 p.m., Friday, Sept. 6. Additional instructions will be emailed to those who sign up a few days ahead of their session. 

Amanda Ashmead named Region 10 secondary teacher of the year

Amanda Ashmead has been honored as the Region 10 Secondary Teacher of the Year. With 22 years of service in Dallas ISD, Ashmead currently teaches Advanced Placement English language and composition, AP macroeconomics, and AP U.S. government at the School of Science and Engineering at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, where she has also served as the department chair for humanities for the last 10 years. 

“As a child, I loved knowing things and explaining things, and teaching seemed the natural fit.” said Ashmead, who was chosen as the district’s Secondary Teacher of the Year this spring. “Once I became a teacher, I learned there was a lot more to it—creativity, problem-solving, and logistics are also huge components. Luckily, those are also things I enjoy.”

One of Ashmead’s most notable accomplishments is her involvement with the College Board’s Advanced Placement program. Since 2016, she has participated in the AP reading process, initially as a reader and later advancing to the role of question leader in 2020. Her leadership skills were further recognized when she was appointed as an operational question leader from 2021 to 2023 when she supervised over 1,000 teachers and college instructors in scoring more than half a million essays for the AP English language exam.

In addition to her work as a question leader, Ashmead is also an AP consultant, certified by the College Board to conduct workshops for AP teachers. Her presentations at AP national conferences and College Board forums have covered a wide range of topics, from passage-based reading strategies to using Instructional Planning Reports data to improve instruction.

Ashmead’s commitment to professional development extends beyond her AP-related work. She has presented at various national and regional conferences. Her presentations often focus on strategies for improving student retention, analyzing instructional practices, and embedding college access within the curriculum.

Ashmead published two articles in “Social Education“, focusing on preparing students for the AP Economics exams and building AP Social Studies programs for non-traditional students.

Ashmead holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and recently completed her Master of Education in Educational Technology Leadership from Lamar University.

She has earned multiple recognitions, including being named Teacher of the Year at the School of Science and Engineering at Townview in 2016 and 2024.

Ashmead attributes her success to her love for words and writing, despite knowing that there are many other equally deserving teachers. Her advice to aspiring teachers includes valuing the lessons learned from veteran educators but also listening critically and being willing to challenge outdated or situationally inappropriate advice.

“If you want to be teacher of the year, in addition to all the things an exemplary teacher does, spend an hour or two a day on average writing,” Ashmead said. “The award requires not just accomplishing things but being able to write about them in an engaging and insightful way.”

As she moves forward in the Texas State Teacher of the Year competition, her work will be recognized for having an impact on students, colleagues, and the educational community.


Don’t let it get you down

Grief can come in many forms—from losing a loved one or losing a job to life changes like, divorce. National Grief Awareness Day on Aug. 29 highlights these situations and resources that offer support for those who are processing grief. 

According to the Center for Disease Control, people who are grieving may experience emotions such as helplessness, hopelessness, anger. sadness, numbness, or confusion. Things such as changes in appetite, mood, energy level, or sleep patterns can be part of the grieving process. 

Please know that you are not alone and Dallas ISD has resources to help team members who are struggling with grief.

Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers various resources to Dallas ISD team members. You can find various articles related to grief such as  coping with grief and loss, grieving after miscarriage, when a coworker loses a loved one, building resilience, coping with death and loss and much more. To access more articles, click here

Through EAP, you can also schedule one to two sessions with a counselor by signing up for  an appointment to fit your schedule.  To access the main EAP page for various topics visit https://dallasisd.lifeworks.com/life/employee-assistance

New safety protocols

To enhance safety at athletic events, Dallas ISD now requires all students attending district-hosted games without a parent, guardian, or other adult responsible for the student to present a current student badge for entry. The badge must be for the Dallas ISD school that is competing in the athletic event. This requirement also applies to visiting non-Dallas ISD schools.

Students without a school-issued ID, and Dallas ISD students from other high schools, will not be permitted to enter the event unless accompanied by an adult. Middle and elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter any athletic event.

Stadium safety and security personnel will be on-site to assist students who need to contact a parent or guardian for a ride home.

The new protocol does not apply to students participating in the athletic event as competitors or a related student activity group as long as they are accompanied by their coach or sponsor.

This requirement applies to all district athletic facilities, including pools, gymnasiums, and stadiums. The updated safety measures align with those of neighboring districts and other University Interscholastic League schools.