Students shine in summer musical

Hundreds of parents, students, educators and community members recently gathered at the Naomi Bruton Theater for the Arts to show their support for students participating in “Hip Hop Broadway: The Musical,” based on some of Broadway’s most popular show tunes.

The performance was the culmination of the 40th Annual Summer Youth Arts Institute, a collaboration between The Black Academy of Arts and Letters and Dallas ISD’s Summer Enrichment Extended Learning. 

For three weeks, 400 students ages 10-18 took courses in music, dance, theater, costume design, make-up, lighting, stage management, photography and film/video. Team members from Dallas ISD’s Extended Learning Opportunities Department partnered with TBAAL and provided the funding for students to participate in the institute. Students who were not from Dallas ISD, either had to pay tuition or received scholarships from private funding to be part of the program.

The students’ repertoire included Broadway hits from musicals such as Chicago, Purlie, Dream Girls, MJ The Musical, The Wiz, and others. Click on the links to view a clip of students performing with a live orchestra to the famed Michael Jackson song “Thriller” as well as the closing number

In years past, many Dallas ISD graduates have participated in the Summer Youth Arts Institute and have gone on to find fame in their musical careers. They include: Erykah Badu; Roy Hargrove; Regina Taylor; Skye Turner, who played young Tina Turner on Broadway and young Aretha Franklin in the Aretha Franklin movie; and Broadway star Rachel Webb. 

This partnership between TBAAL and Dallas ISD has existed for over 30 years, starting with the Christmas/Kwanzaa concert. 

For more information on The Summer Youth Institute and other opportunities available through the Extended Learning Opportunities Department, click here. For more information about the Summer Youth Arts Institute, visit



Camp teachers promote a future in medicine

The Future Doctors Summer Camp program, a collaboration between Dallas ISD and Texas A&M University, offers high school students an opportunity to get their feet wet in the healthcare field. Two educators, Ania Henderson and Lawanna Evans shared their insights on the program’s impact on students and the community.

Ania Henderson, a biology teacher at Moisés E.Molina High School, has been with Dallas ISD for three years. Henderson’s journey into education was inspired by her father, a longtime  biology teacher in the district. After earning her bachelor’s degree in biology/pre-med from the University of Oklahoma, she decided to follow in her father’s footsteps.

“The accomplishment I am most proud of is being awarded the Teacher of Promise for Molina High School during the 2022-2023 school year,” Henderson said. “This award showed me that my teaching styles, relationship building, and hard work are making a real impact on my students and our school.” 

Henderson’s experience with Future Doctors summer camp program has been transformative. She believes the program plays a crucial role in inspiring the next generation of medical professionals by providing students with real-world experience and guidance from current Texas A&M medical students.

“Texas A&M collaboration provides personalization to the Future Doctors program. Current medical students can share recent experiences with high school students who seek a similar educational path. Texas A&M has a rich history of educating students, and Dallas ISD is appreciative of this partnership,” Henderson said.

Henderson highlights the importance of skills developed during the camp, including a deeper understanding of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Students gain hands-on experience and insight into various healthcare careers, which Henderson believes is vital in encouraging higher-level learning and future success in the medical field.

Lawanna Evans, a former dance educator and current health teacher at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School of Innovation, is transitioning to Dr. Fredrick Douglass Todd Sr. Middle School next year. A graduate of Skyline Career Development Center, her love for teaching began early, helping her mother pay for dance tuition by teaching classes at the age of 12. After graduating from Texas Woman’s University with a degree in Arts and a minor in English, Evans realized that she was more comfortable and happier when teaching children.

“One of my greatest accomplishments is being able to teach in the neighborhood where I grew up. Seeing my students create, think outside the box, and succeed is the highlight of my career,” Evans said.

Evans’s involvement in the Future Doctors Summer Camp program stems from her curiosity and desire to get a deeper understanding of health education and health science. Her favorite memory in Dallas ISD revolves around this summer camp, where she developed a newfound respect for doctors and witnessed the students’ eagerness to learn.

“The goal of the Future Doctors Summer Camp is to provide high school students with information about how to join the field of medicine and obtain hands-on experience in healthcare-related activities,” Evans said. 

Both Henderson and Evans agree that the summer camp is a pivotal step in inspiring future medical professionals. 

“Expose our children to every opportunity available to spark a desire to learn more. Who knows what flames we can ignite,” Evans said. 


Meet the Core 4 Champions: Melita Carlton

Melita Carlton has worked for Dallas ISD for 19 years and is a supervisor in the Dyslexia Services Department.  

What attracted you to education?

During my graduate studies in 2004, a trusted classmate gave me a heartfelt compliment, suggesting that I had a natural aptitude for teaching and should consider pursuing a career in education. This encouragement planted the seed for my journey as a Special Education teacher. Over the years, although my professional role has changed within our organization, my love for working with students and families has remained constant. I am continually inspired by the opportunity to make a positive impact on students’ lives, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. Furthermore, the collaborative environment with colleagues and the chance to contribute to a supportive community fuels my dedication to the profession to this very day!

What do you do for the district and how long have you been doing it?

I currently serve as one of the four Dyslexia Services supervisors, collaborating to support 191 dyslexia interventionists across the district. Together, we ensure that students receive the necessary Dyslexia Services and resources to thrive academically. My journey with Dyslexia Services began in March 2010 as a lead dyslexia evaluator. I advanced to the role of dyslexia coordinator in December 2016 and was promoted to dyslexia supervisor in November 2018. Throughout these roles, I have dedicated myself to enhancing the support system for students with dyslexia, fostering both their educational success and the success of our staff. 

Why do you think the district’s culture tenets are important? 

The district’s culture tenets are essential as they define the standards for our organization. Intentionally leading daily with a Fast, Friendly, Flexible, and Focused approach helps to ensure positive behaviors, attitudes, and interactions within our organization occur authentically. These tenets are crucial for creating an overall positive work environment, influencing every aspect of our day-to-day responsibilities, regardless of one’s role in the district.  

Is there a time when one of the Core 4 tenets made a difference for you or someone else?

Yes, there was a time when Flexible made a significant difference for a campus and students in need of Dyslexia services. In my current role, I ensure students receive their dyslexia programming services. When campuses have a vacancy, to prevent disruption to student services, we temporarily assign another dyslexia interventionist to assist until the position is filled. This flexibility greatly supports student success with no delay to their academic interventions.

What is your go-to Core 4 tenet and why?

Honestly, it’s hard for me to choose a single tenet because, depending on the situation, being Fast, Friendly, Flexible, or Focused could each be the most relevant. However, for the sake of the question, I will choose Friendly as my go-to tenet. Being friendly is an authentic quality that aligns with my personality. A friendly atmosphere promotes mutual respect and collaboration among students, staff, and parents. In my opinion, we can accomplish much more if we maintain a friendly and welcoming tone and demeanor throughout our day-to-day interactions.

Is there something your coworkers would be surprised to know about you?

My coworkers might be surprised to know that I am the unofficial photographer at family and friend events. I enjoy using my mobile phone to capture both candid and group photos, even if the host hasn’t asked me to. Often, my friends and family are busy managing the event and interacting with guests, so while it’s not expected, they know they can rely on me to capture memorable moments and share the images with them.

Know the signs of heat distress

As temperatures rise, it’s important to be aware of the body’s responses to the increasing heat. Suffering from heat-related health problems could be dangerous because if left untreated, they can lead to death. When the body overheats or your internal temperature rises, it puts strain on the heart, affects blood pressure, and can cause symptoms such as dizziness and disorientation. 

Learn to recognize the initial signs and what to do to mitigate them. 

Heat cramps. When someone is exerting themselves in the heat, muscle pains and spasms are more likely. While not dangerous in themselves, cramps can be the first signs that someone is having trouble with the heat. To treat heat cramps, get the person into a relaxed position in a cooler place, gently massage the affected muscle, and give the person cool water, juice, or a sports drink.

Heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is usually caused by exercising heavily or working in high heat and humidity. It occurs when the body loses too much fluid through sweating, which causes decreased blood flow. Mild shock is the result. Without treatment, heat stroke may follow. Signs of heat exhaustion include: headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, and skin that’s cool, moist, pale, ashen, or flushed. Get the person into a cooler environment if possible. Remove or loosen clothing and apply cool wet towels to the skin, or spray the skin with cool water. Put ice packs under the armpits and on the wrist or back of the neck. You can also use bags of frozen vegetables as ice packs. Elevate the legs if possible. If the person is conscious, give 4 ounces of water, juice, or a sports drink every 15 minutes. If signs of heat stroke (described below) occur, call 911 right away. If the person is not cooling down and improving rapidly after stopping exercise or seeking shelter from exposure, seek urgent medical care at once.

Heat stroke. In extreme conditions, the body loses its ability to control its temperature. The result is heat stroke, the most serious kind of heat distress. The body must be cooled quickly, as excessively high body temperature can cause brain damage and even death. Besides very high body temperature, signs of heat stroke can include red skin (dry or moist); confusion or coming in and out of consciousness; a fast, weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing; vomiting; and seizures. Call 911 and try to lower the person’s temperature by removing excess clothes, giving them a cool bath or shower, and giving them crushed ice to eat and placing ice packs under their armpits. Ice baths are not recommended as they can cause further complications.

Summer Breeze coordinator wears many hats in the district

Vonda Pipkin, a campus coordinator at Billy Earl Dade Middle School, found her inspiration to work with children and help them grow and develop when she founded a top childcare center in Germany, where she lived with her military family. 

Once she returned to the United States, she began working as a substitute teacher and felt that it was a good career to pursue, where she could still be present for her two sons. 

“I felt my purpose in life had been revealed,” Pipkin said. She already had a degree in business management and decided to pursue her teacher certification.

“I’ve always created a classroom where students felt warm, welcomed and were in a space that was inviting,” Pipkin said. She admitted facing challenges in her new role but said that she embraced every moment of it. Pipkin has described her 20-year career at Dallas ISD as a calling and a ministry that has been a phenomenal experience. 

“I love what I get to do,” Pipkin said. “My calling has been predominantly in playing a role in transforming schools and climate and culture,” she said.

At Dade Middle School, Pipkin played different roles, including Professional Learning Community (PLC) facilitator, math teacher, special education teacher, math department chair, among other things. She first came to Dade when it transitioned to an ACE campus. 

One of the hats that Pipkin has worn at Dade was serving as the site coordinator for Summer Breeze this summer break. 

“It was a breeze even though it was work for me,” she said. “It was an amazing time, and I enjoyed being part of a program that provided a safe, nurturing environment where students could find joy.” 

Some of her responsibilities included hiring teachers, monitoring the program, and implementing the district’s curriculum for the program. She said that approximately 80 students consistently showed up for the program that had themes every week and incentives for students.

Besides focusing on academics, such as reading and math, students enjoyed fun and safe activities like yoga, water play, ice cream making, crafts, and many others. Word about Summer Breeze at Dade got around, and students began to bring along their friends, Pipkin said. 

In the fall, Pipkin will be transitioning to Lincoln High School and Humanities/Communications Magnet, but says her 10 years at Dade have been life changing. She credits the team for transforming a struggling school by reinstating effective systems and engaging parents.

“I was excited to have been part of amazing things such as student achievement and climate and culture, as well as the wonderful staff and community,” Pipkin said. “It was phenomenal, the things we’ve been able to do at Dade, and I’m so excited to have had an opportunity to be part of that.”

She credits leaders such as her former principals Tracie Washington and Rockell Stewart for helping her grow as an educator and providing mentorship and opportunities for leadership. 

Even when COVID hit, Pipkin said they were able to maintain a positive climate and culture and found ways that were intentional in keeping team members encouraged and motivated, as well as providing parents with the support that they needed.   

When she first began her journey as a teacher, she noticed that many of her students needed resources and were unable to focus on their learning because they lacked basic necessities. She began partnering with organizations that could provide haircuts, personal hygiene items, uniforms, mental health resources such as counseling, and other services. She said she found fulfillment in helping students with challenges by prioritizing their needs in the classroom. Pipkin said her calling continues, leading her to new challenges.

“I love our South Dallas schools and I have spent my career serving families and students in the southern sector. I’m happy to do so because I see the impact as I see my former students working in the community and see them pursue careers and become productive citizens,” Pipkin said. 

Get money for your classroom

Get ready to apply for grants from the Dallas Retired Teachers Association. This fall, four Dallas ISD teachers will be awarded $750 each in grant money from the organization’s Classroom Assistance Grants. The grants are awarded to Dallas ISD teachers who, on a daily basis, demonstrate commitment to public education and students through the creation of programs, events, or other learning platforms.

The application period will be open Monday, Aug. 26, and close on Friday, Oct. 23. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Applicants may apply individually, as a group/team, or as a school. Those who apply as a group/team or as a school, should designate someone to lead the grant application process and serve as the contact person to receive any related correspondence from the Dallas Retired Teachers Association.

Classroom Assistance Grant Eligibility:

  • Applicants must be Dallas ISD school teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • All applications must include a handwritten signature of the school principal expressing approval of the project.

How to apply:

Rosa L. Brooks

5335 Drane Drive

Dallas, TX 75209-5501

  • The application and required documents must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024.

The Dallas Retired Teachers Association Grant Review Committee will review all grant applications. The four grant recipients will be announced on Nov. 15 via email. Recipients may be asked to participate in a survey or video after receiving the grant money. If you have any questions, contact Rosa Brooks at

How teamwork saved a life

It was a typical early morning at Dallas ISD’s Transportation Services depot. It was around 6 a.m. and everyone was preparing to start their routes, when James Jamison, a dedicated school bus driver, experienced a life-threatening heart attack. He was getting on his bus with his morning coffee when he suddenly felt ill and collapsed to the ground. The display of teamwork, quick thinking, and determination that followed saved his life.

Eboni Ellis was the first to notice Jamison collapse, she said. Without hesitation, she rushed towards him and immediately called dispatch to report the emergency. Tam Del Bosque, who was working in dispatch at the time, quickly dialed 911, providing the paramedics with a detailed description of the situation. Trained as a medical assistant, Del Bosque was able to relay crucial information effectively. She also grabbed the Automated External Defibrillator and rushed outside in case it was needed

“We are one big family, an atypical family, but we are a family. Everybody did their part when it mattered most,” Del Bosque said. With six years in the district and a lifetime of experience driving school buses, Del Bosque’s quick actions exemplified her deep commitment to her colleagues.

As Ellis knelt beside Jamison, Regina Jackson witnessed the scene and quickly joined to help. Jackson, a certified nurse aide for over 26 years, asked Ellis if she knew CPR. When Ellis indicated she did not, Jackson immediately began administering chest compressions. Normally out on her route at that time, Jackson had been waiting for a call from a parent, which happened to put her in the right place at the right time. 

“I was praying and asking God for strength to keep going and provide CPR to him and save his life,” Jackson said. Despite feeling exhausted and dizzy from the prolonged effort, she continued the lifesaving compressions.

Every moment felt agonizingly long for the team as they fought to save Jamison’s life. 

When Bibi Jordan, another bus driver, saw the commotion, she rushed over to help. Jordan had recently renewed her CPR certification and was ready to step in. She and Jackson took turns performing CPR for about eight to 10 minutes, ensuring that Jamison received uninterrupted care. 

“I am glad I was trained and able to keep a cool head,” Jordan said. “As I was giving CPR, I was praying and calling Jesus.”

Applying CPR for the first time, Jackson and Jordan fearlessly utilized their knowledge to save the life of one of their teammates. 

Jackson also administered a sternal rub to assess if Jamison would respond while the rest of the team continued with compressions. Despite their exhaustion, the team worked together seamlessly until the ambulance arrived.

Jamison was quickly taken to the hospital by paramedics, where he received the necessary medical attention. Thanks to the quick actions of his colleagues, he is making progress towards recovery and is getting ready to resume his job working with Dallas ISD students. 

Their combined efforts and quick actions ultimately saved his life, which, everyone agreed, highlights the extraordinary commitment and unity among the Dallas ISD transportation department team members. They also agreed that the event not only emphasized the importance of CPR training but also the profound impact of teamwork in times of crisis.


Stay cool this summer

The City of Dallas and other organizations offer cooling centers during the summer to help people stay cool. Dallas residents seeking temporary relief from the heat are encouraged to use any of the City of Dallas public facilities, such as recreation centers and libraries, which are accessible during regular business hours. These centers offer a safe and comfortable environment to stay cool, helping to minimize the use of home electricity during the hottest summer days. Extended Cooling Centers include DART locations.  

Operation hours vary by location; please view the hours here: Dallas Public Library and Dallas Recreation Center.

Assistance for unsheltered individuals can be found through the Office of Homeless Solutions.

The Salvation Army also offers Cooling Stations in local facilities to assist as many people as possible who are in need of relief. 

Seniors can receive a free air conditioner window unit at community Missionary Baptist Church on June 22, register here

Heat Safety and Energy Savings Tips:

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are very real dangers and are 100% preventable when taking precautions during the summer months, especially for the elderly, the very young, and those with chronic illnesses. If you know someone in your family or neighborhood that is vulnerable to heat-related illness, please check on them safely and often. Protect yourself, family members, and others from the effects of high heat and humidity by taking the following precautions. 

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages. 
  • Whether working or playing outdoors, find shade, wear sunscreen, and take lots of breaks.
  • Stay indoors, with air conditioning at 78 or higher if possible to conserve energy. Keeping blinds closed and using fans will also help conserve energy.
  • Cook with a microwave or slow cooker rather than the stove/oven to reduce heat and electrical use. 
  • Conserve energy by using large appliances in off peak hours or not at all. 

To learn more about summer weather preparedness, visit:

Participation in professional groups help enhance education

Shafarion Romashyn, a reading interventionist teacher at Anne Frank Elementary School, has been essential in shaping the future of education in Texas by participating in the committee for the development of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.

Romashyn’s journey with Dallas ISD started eight years ago when she joined as a teacher. Throughout her career, she has acquired valuable teaching experience at different schools within the district, she said, with each experience contributing to her growth and understanding of the diverse needs of students. She said her dedication to her students and her belief in the power of education has been at the forefront of her teaching philosophy.

“I always wanted to become an educator as a child,” Romashyn said. “I was constantly teaching others and helping them learn academic skills.” 

Romashyn is actively involved in multiple committees, including The Educator Collective, a community that empowers educators through leadership development and professional growth. TEC organizes events and workshops to create connections among educators. As a member of the TEC community, this year Romashyn won the Teacher’s Choice Award.

“TEC is changing the way educators collaborate, and it is a game changer,” Romashyn said.

In addition to looking for opportunities to collaborate with other educators, last year Romashyn became a member of the STAAR test committee. Romashyn’s role in the STAAR test involved analyzing the field-test responses for a specific grade level or course and assigning scores or ratings. This has provided opportunities to engage in various assessment programs, such as the Pearson scoring test, where educators evaluate test scores across multiple assessments.  

Teacher participation in the STAAR test committee has a significant influence in the assessment of students, as they have firsthand understanding of students’ progress and evaluation through their daily work.

Romashyn’s mantra, “Growth over everything,” resonates in her work both inside and outside the classroom.

“So many times we look at data and goals and put a number to it. But if the number isn’t met then we think we have failed. But if you look at the overall growth it is always there.” she said.

Over the years, Romashyn has witnessed a significant change in the district’s approach to education with an increased focus on online learning and virtual teaching after COVID. This change has had a profound impact on how students are engaging in the classroom.

“Being a teacher is really rewarding, and the best part is seeing the growth of your students and knowing that you contributed to their success,” Romashyn said.

Staycation in Dallas

If you’re looking for options for a staycation this summer, Dallas has plenty of free or low-cost options for you to enjoy. From theater to museums to water parks and beautiful green spaces, there’s something for everyone. While you’re about and about, don’t forget to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the  sun’s rays by wearing sunblock, sunglasses, and hats.

Here are some of the many free or low-cost options of things to do in Dallas:

Culture Pass

One of the benefits of having a Dallas Public Library card is having access to entertainment venues, live concerts, museums, theater, and more for free. Some of those places include:  Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, Perot Museum of Science and Nature, the Majestic Theatre, House of Blues, Avant Chamber Ballet, Beckles Dance Company, Dallas Theater Center, and many more. Even if you don’t live in Dallas, but are a Dallas ISD team member, you can still get a Dallas Public Library card. The Dallas Public Library website offers instructions on how to reserve your tickets to events and/or venues at You can also watch this short tutorial to help you access your pass. 

Trinity River Audubon Center

Located just 10 miles south of downtown Dallas, TRAC is a part of the City of Dallas-Trinity River Corridor Project. The center’s 120 acres sit on a former illegal dump site and are home to an array of birds and other wildlife. TRAC is offering free entry for everyone until Dec. 31, 2024. You are encouraged to reserve a ticket online prior to your visit. For more information, you can reach the staff via email at or by phone at 214-309-5801,

Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden 

Dallas ISD team members can get a free ticket to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. If you’re needing a place to relax and connect with nature, this is the place for you. Show you Dallas ISD ID at the entrance. This offer is only valid for daytime admission and not valid for educational field trips or for paid educational programming. Parking fees apply. For more information, visit Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Swimming pools and aquatic centers

Looking for some relief from the summer heart? Some pool time might be the answer. From swimming classes for adults and children to water aerobics, the city’s public pools have something for everyone. To find the location nearest you, visit

Teen All Access Pass

Looking for some free programming for your teen this summer? Beginning July 1, Dallas Park and Recreation and partners have teamed up to offer up to 10,000 teens ages 13-17 free activities during the month. Visit any Dallas Recreation Center to sign up and receive your free All Access Pass. For more information, visit here

Fair Park 

  • Art in the Park: Get creative and learn new techniques with artist Karla Ceballos. All art supplies are provided free of charge. During her next class on June 29, attendees will learn to make a yarn bowl, weave a basket with cardboard and yarn, and make a circle loom weave. This program will take place at the Leonhardt Lagoon near the Band Shell. For a map of the campus, visit
  • Healing in My Hoops: Get ready to let loose, have fun, and experience the healing power of hula hooping. This in-person event will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on Saturdays at the  Leonhardt Lagoon by the Band Shell. 
  • Bird watching: Enjoy an hour-long birding walk around Leonhardt Lagoon at Fair Park. Participants will meet in front of the Fair Park Visitor Center. Free 

Klyde Warren Park

Located in downtown Dallas, Klyde Warren Park has free programming year round. There will be an Independence Day Celebration starting at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, 

at the Pavilion and Great Lawn, located at 2012 Woodall Rodgers Freeway. For more information, visit here.

City of Dallas Cultural Centers

The city’s numerous cultural centers offer free exhibitions and performances. Check out each link for updates on upcoming events, such as concerts, exhibitions, and community workshops from art to dance. Pro tip: Sign up for their email newsletters to stay updated on upcoming events. 

Oak Cliff Cultural Center 

Bath House Cultural Center

South Dallas Cultural Center

 Latino Cultural Center

African American Museum

Located in Fair Park, the African American Museum is the only one in the southwest devoted to the preservation and display of African American artistic, cultural, and historical materials.  It is located at 3536 Grand Ave. For more information, visit Free.

Dallas Museum of Art

General admission to the DMA is free. You can reserve your general admission and special exhibition tickets online in advance or onsite at the guest services desk. Visitors are encouraged to reserve tickets online in advance. If you are planning to see a special exhibition, tickets must be purchased after your free general admission ticket has been reserved. To reserve tickets, visit here.

Southern Skates

Do you enjoy roller skating to music? From adult skate nights to open skating, there’s something for everyone at Southern Skates. For prices, hours, and schedule, visit Southern Skates, TX – Official Website

Vitruvian Salsa Festival

If you are a dancer, or an aspiring dancer, the Vitruvian Salsa Festival is a great option. The free festival is happening from 6-10 p.m. the second Saturday of each month until September at Vitruvian Park. It  includes live music, salsa dance lessons, food trucks, and vendors. Vitruvian Park is located at 3966 Vitruvian Way. For more information visit here.