Call for Core 4 central nominations

Dallas ISD team members deserve to be praised for their Core 4 spirit as they demonstrate what being focused, flexible, fast and friendly means in their everyday interactions. If your central administration department has been doing regular recognitions, please nominate those you celebrated for a central-wide recognition by completing this form

A committee will look at the nominations and choose a central administration champion for the quarter for each of the four tenets. We’ll be asking for nominations again in a few months. Those who are recognized will receive a bag with Core 4 items and the opportunity to park in the Core 4 Champions spot at the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building. 

Recognizing team members in your department is part of the Core 4 experience.

Women’s History Month by the book

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Dallas ISD’s extensive library resources. Dive into a diverse collection of e-books, access invaluable online platforms like Gale for comprehensive research, and explore enriching print books. These are available to any student and team member in the district.

“Our resources have information that inspires and educates students about the remarkable contributions of women throughout history,” said Patricia Alvarado, director of Library Media Services. 

Below are some of the resources:

Picture book biography link to access information on Teaching Books resources from the district: 

Site about women’s history from one of the district’s premium resources,

Elementary Gale in Context: Voting Rights for Women 

A short video about women’s history from Britannica High School: sembly/view/253414

All of these resources and more can be found at

Helping parents navigate curriculum

Academic Services has launched a site to help parents navigate the district’s curriculum resources through the new Parent Curriculum Support Website. As partners in your child’s education, Dallas ISD understands the importance of providing resources and activities to help parents support their students’ learning journey at home.

The curriculum strategy focuses on delivering grade-level content, aligned with state standards, while offering additional support for students who may need it. The district believes that strong collaboration between schools and families is essential for students’ success.

On the website, parents will find resources and activities designed to support children’s learning in reading language arts and mathematics. Whether it’s reinforcing concepts covered in class or exploring new topics together, these resources are available to enhance the educational experience.

This is Home: Working for Dallas ISD is a Molina family tradition 

In the Molina family there is an inside joke about Dallas ISD: “It’s a family business.” According to Mario Molina, who recently retired, nine out of the 11 siblings have worked for the district. To the family members, who also attended schools in the district, Dallas ISD has definitely been home over the years. 

Molina retired this past December after having worked 37 years in the district’s Evaluation and Assessment Department, where he was assigned to the warehouse service center—shipping and receiving state and local tests, among other duties. 

Molina says he is a proud product of Dallas ISD, as he and all of his siblings attended Dallas ISD schools, from elementary to high school. All but three graduated from Sunset High School. His three older siblings graduated from Crozier Tech High School, which has since closed and is a historical landmark

Besides his siblings, Molina’s spouse, Anita Espinosa, has worked for the district for approximately five years, and is the office manager at the School for the Talented and Gifted at the Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center. Molina even has nieces and nephews who work for the district as teachers or work in the school office. Espinosa, who grew up in Plano, knew that it was only a matter of time before she, too, would end up working for the district. And she was right. 

So how did this family tradition start? Molina says one of the older sisters was the first to take a job with the district, and soon other siblings followed. He said one of the things that has attracted him and family members to the district was the opportunity to work and grow in the numerous departments. 

“There’s something for everybody here in the district,” Molina said. 

Since several family members have the same holidays and vacation dates—one of the perks of working for the district—they get together for breakfast or make it a point to see each other, Molina said. While he’s enjoying his retirement, Molina said he enjoyed working with his district team and saw them more like family. 

“They become your family because you never know when they might need your help or you may need their help, without expecting anything in return—that’s what family does, related or not,” he said.

For Molina, it’s family—both biological and work family—that motivated him to get up to go to work every morning  for the district for almost four decades. But said it was the students who motivated him the most.

“Just knowing that the students were getting the supplies they needed and how I was helping counselors, teachers, and schools, was gratifying,” Molina said. While he admits that he might not have always seen the direct impact his work had on students, he knew that the role that he and his colleagues did was important. 

Espinosa began her career in the district first as an attendance clerk and then as a financial clerk, to her current job of office manager. She says she is able to see the direct impact her work has on students and team members at her school, and that it’s the little things that motivate her.  She often receives thank you notes from students after assisting them with materials they need for student activities. 

During the trajectory of Molina’s career with the district, he says he has experienced many memorable moments, but some of his favorites involve bringing sunshine to someone’s day. He recalls a moment when a campus counselor was having a challenging day and was in tears. He started telling her that everything was going to be okay and how everything would work out. 

“Seeing her demeanor change, made me feel good inside and made me want to strive to do more of that,” said Molina. “I was able to make her day a little better.”

Meeting different counselors, test coordinators, and team members from throughout the district who always had a story to tell or share about the good things happening on their campuses, was when he got glimpses of the impact that his work had on supporting the district’s students. 

For Espinosa, one of her favorite things about her role at Townview TAG is helping the parents and students. Although she’s only been on that campus since last February, she says she’s already established a rapport with students, parents and team members. 

While Molina says he misses the interaction with his colleagues, Espinosa says they both stay busy with their daughter’s athletic activities. She is a senior, so they both spend a lot of time at volleyball and softball games. In their spare time, they enjoy going out dancing to Tejano and country music and are also big Rangers fans.

“If I had to do it all over again, I would still work for the district,” Molina said. “You actually don’t know how many lives you’re touching or how many lives you’re affecting even though you’re not on campus, but your job is helping students get a step closer to where they want to go, and that makes me happy.” 

Women’s History Month Profile: Miriam Gaytan 

Starting as a teacher and leader in both high school and middle school in Dallas ISD, Miriam Gaytan has worked to make a positive impact on students’ lives. Now, in her role in Maintenance and Facility Services, she continues to bring her dedication and focus on pursuing the highest standards of excellence for the benefit of students and team members.

Gaytan, currently director of operations, is a Thomas Jefferson High School graduate and an example of commitment and dedication to the community. She oversees the budget and management of the 10 organizations in Maintenance and Facility Services, she said. With an outstanding 22 years of service with Dallas ISD, Gaytan has demonstrated a commitment to education and a drive for success.

“After graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Those 13 weeks of boot camp changed me forever, and I will never forget the pride I felt earning the title of Marine,” she said. “The Corps taught me to be a better steward of my community and to be grateful for the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom.”

Gaytan’s journey in education was inspired by her own experiences as a student in Dallas ISD. 

“As a product of Dallas ISD, I wanted to give back to the district that helped raise me,” she said. “I admired my teachers from an early age and wondered if I could be like them someday.”

She returned to Thomas Jefferson High School as a teacher and was not disappointed when she was welcomed back as a colleague by her former teachers, something that was “incredibly special. They mentored me and helped me become the teacher I always dreamt of being,” she said. 

In her current role, Gaytan is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion for women in her department. 

“As a woman in a department with majority men, I understand the importance of advocating for and creating awareness regarding the inclusion and acknowledgment of all perspectives and ideas,” she said. 

Words of wisdom Gaytan often shares: “Be proud of where you come from and give back every chance you get. Cherish those that love, grow, and believe in you. Always leave things better than you found them.”

In moments of adversity, Miriam draws strength from her parents, who emigrated from Mexico in pursuit of a better life.

“I think of my parents who raised three girls in a completely different country, and through their struggles, I saw their persistence and tenacity to always provide for our family,” she said.

Miriam’s leadership extends beyond her professional responsibilities; she makes time to interact with students and inspire the next generation. During Read Across America Day, she visited Sam Tasby Middle School to read a story to students and share her own story of motivation.

Miriam hopes her legacy of leadership, resilience, and dedication will continue to inspire generations to come. 

Health club champions positive change

Guardians of the Green Conservation and Health Club, the newest club at Edward Titche Elementary School, is teaching students, families, and team members about hygiene, waste reduction, fitness, and nutrition.

The club is the brainchild of Kamron Barton, and it demonstrates her commitment to the well-being of students and the environment. 

“Establishing and sponsoring the group this year has been rewarding,” she said. 

The Guardians of the Green are impacting their school community by promoting food safety throughout the holidays, healthy eclipse viewing, and recycling. 

“In support of Earth Day’s 2024 theme we want to reduce plastic use by at least 60 percent” she said. 

As school counselor, Barton is passionate about education and is devoted to her students. With more than a decade of experience in education, she said she has dedicated her life to educating young minds and creating a culture of conservation and health awareness. Promoting positive exchange is reflected in all aspects of her work, including the health club. 

Despite the challenges of managing the club in addition to her other duties as counselor, she remains dedicated to her students and the goals of helping them improve their lives and the lives of their families.  

“Every staff member sponsors a club that meets at the same time, and all students are expected to participate in one,” she said. “Therefore, consistent meeting attendance can be a challenge, but seeing the enthusiasm and dedication of our members makes the obstacle worthwhile.” 

Barton hadn’t always envisioned herself as an educator, but the tech bust years ago drove engineers into the classroom, where she found her calling. Her experiences in the classroom and as an instructional coach reinforced her passion for counseling. She advises anyone working with children that exposure to new things is key. 

“Providing students with opportunities to experience something new and to learn its value can shape their careers and personal lives in profound ways,” she said.

Barton has also led school diversity and inclusion initiatives and has organized and implemented initiatives for Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Most of all, she is proud of helping students succeed.

“Professionally, I am proud of helping two immigrant Sheltered English students who’d lost their father pass TAKS for the first time,” she said. “I enjoyed learning that these engineers graduated from UT and Texas A&M on full Gates scholarships.”

“This year, I counseled a grieving newcomer despite language barriers,” she said. “I also prioritize guiding fourth-graders to connect learning to future careers. Coming from a low-SES high school without access to such resources, I aim to provide a different experience for my students. At Titche, fourth-graders regularly discuss connections between subjects and their career goals. It’s about showing children, parents, and staff that they are seen, heard, loved, and believed in.” 

Pleasant Grove is my neighborhood

I’m a working mother of two boys—one who is of elementary age, the other already a grownup. I’ve raised my older son, and I’m raising my son in Southeast Dallas, in the community which is known as Pleasant Grove. This corner of Dallas—my corner of the world—feels like home. My son attends Henry B. Gonzalez Personalized Learning Academy, our neighborhood school. I’m also a Dallas ISD team member, who lives, shops, dines, and volunteers in my community because I’m intentional about supporting it.. 

As a district team member, I believe in public education. I made a decision early on, that my children would attend public schools, and that we would work as a family to find that sense of community in our schools. My father was a public school teacher and always taught me the value of public education. I didn’t grow up in Dallas, but I’ve lived here longer than I have anywhere else. I’m proud to live in Southeast Dallas, the home of many hard-working families whose children attend neighborhood public schools that are gems in our community. 

You may hear a lot about Pleasant Grove, not always wonderful things, but those things don’t define us. I can assure you that there are many people who put the “pleasant” in Pleasant Grove. It is my favorite part of the city. We have the Trinity Forest and a public horse park practically in my backyard. On Lake June, across from the Pleasant Grove Branch Library, we have the largest outdoor mural gallery in the country. There are many hidden treasures in our community that should be celebrated, and our schools are no exception.

There’s a sense of connection and synergy that I’ve seen in recent years. It’s an exciting time in our schools and in our community. There are leaders and volunteers, everyday people, who are working collaboratively to advocate for this area that has been historically economically disadvantaged. I see much of this good energy in the schools, as there are active Parent Teacher Associations and different educational and extracurricular enrichment options for students. With many new opportunities available in our neighborhood schools, I see more and more community members sending their children to schools in their own neighborhoods. 

From the moment I step out the door, I see a community that works together. I see parents walk their kids to school every morning, and they are greeted by volunteers, teachers or community members who work as crossing guards. There’s a sense of empathy, unity and a community that cares.

I feel good knowing that my child is attending a Dallas ISD school, where he feels nurtured, seen, heard, and where team members work with him and other students to help them be the best scholars they can be. As a parent, I genuinely feel that the district is playing an important role in fostering a happy, healthy, and future leader, whether his role in the world is big or small. They make me feel like my child is significant, like every child is significant. He loves art and choir and is an avid reader who loves numbers. He expresses his feelings and says things like, “Mom, that makes me happy,” or “Mom, that frustrates me,” and tells me why. His school is working with me to raise not only a smart, active child, but an emotionally intelligent child. 

A friend, who is a small business owner in the community and who grew up in Mexico, says the language of her heart is Spanish. She would tell me about her dreams of her son being the first in his family to go to college. He attended schools in our neighborhood, and when it was time to attend high school, he and his mom chose W.W. Samuell High School because of the Early College option. It was his mother’s biggest, boldest dream for her son to graduate with his associate degree and attend college. Her dream came true. Her son graduated with a two-year degree and is currently attending a local university. His mother recently told me that the years of sacrifice, the blood, sweat and tears were well worth the effort. 

This is what my community is made of—hard-working families that want the best for their children, and they’ve found it in our Dallas ISD schools, where there is something for every child. My community is changing the narrative of what Pleasant Grove used to be known as. These leaders—from administrators, teachers, cafeteria workers, custodians, to students—are making history and changing the future. 

Seeing things from the lens of a parent, at Gonzalez PL Academy, I found exactly what I always wanted for my child. I’m thankful that I can find it a couple of blocks from my home. I don’t just see this in my son’s school but in all of the schools in my community. It is fitting to see the names of history makers like Sylvia Mendez and Henry B. Gonzalez in our neighborhood schools where future history makers are growing up today. When my son says he is a senator (the school’s mascot), I think to myself that maybe someday he will be one in the U.S. Congress. Whether the kids that we are growing up in our neighborhood schools will become senators or not, they are the ones who will lead us into the future and they are learning how to lead in their neighborhoods.

Civic engagement clubs empower students

It’s never too early to get students interested in becoming civically engaged, and at North Dallas High School, that engagement comes in the form of a voter registration drive at school, sponsored by the Student Voter Empowerment Club.

The Student Voter Empowerment Club is a nonpartisan, student-led organization under the March to the Polls umbrella, whose projects include promoting civic education, increasing student voter turnout, and instilling a commitment to voting and civic engagement beyond the high school years. 

Rubi Chavez, office manager and the sponsor of the student-led League of United Latin American Students (LULAC) chapter at North Dallas began the SVEC chapter last year to help youth at her school understand their civic responsibility to vote. This school year, Chavez invited Jo Rohde, an English demonstration teacher and debate sponsor to join forces to co-sponsor SVEC. 

Rohde and Chavez say that it seemed like a natural fit to bring together their students, who collectively have a passion for civic engagement and who were already doing similar work.

There are approximately 25 Dallas ISD schools that have a SVEC chapter like the one at North Dallas High School. Students in grades nine through 12 can participate. For more information about SVEC and March to the Polls, click here

“Students are hearing about the importance of voting directly from student voices, and it encourages other students to go out and vote,” Chavez said. 

Even though Chavez and Rohde organize the monthly meetings with SVEC and have a mentor from March to the Polls who helps and guides the students, they ensure that it’s the students who will be leading the voter registration drive at the school. 

Right now, the SVEC chapter is in what Rohde describes as phase one—students are starting to get the word out to their peers. The team has been split up into two committees. The social committee will share general information on social media about the upcoming May election as well as links to voter registration. The poster committee is working on getting posters up around the school and making announcements. After spring break, the students will move into phase two, which will include picking the date for the voter registration drive and finalizing the details. 

According to Chavez, the March to the Polls organization has helped them every step of the way, including sharing resources with the students so they can be better informed about voting and the registration process. This includes resources in Spanish, as an effort to be inclusive of the Spanish-speaking population. Voter registration cards are in English and Spanish, Chavez said. 

“I want them to get all the information regardless of their age, and for them to know that they have a voice and they can express that,” Chavez said. 

While not all students might be eligible to vote this year, Chavez said students can use platforms they are passionate about to get the word out. Chavez believes that the more this generation is exposed to voter education, the more likely they will talk about it among their peers and family members, and become lifelong voters. 

As a debate coach for the last 12 years, Rohde has seen her students research local and national elections and said she has really seen the impact when students inform themselves about their elected officials and where they stand on different topics. 

“Something we’ve learned in debate is how important the local elections are and how they drive us,” she said. “For me, wanting to be part of this SVEC club and helping students get the knowledge they need to become those informed voters who can really make a change is what motivates me.” 

Primaries early voting

Early voting for the March primaries is going on now through March 1. For more information about early voting and the March 5 primaries, visit


Professional experience helps build student skills in new program

Jason Hamilton graduated from Justin F. Kimball High School in 2002, and has now come back to Dallas ISD to put his 24 years of culinary experience and 18 years as an executive chef to use in the district’s newest career and technical education initiative.

Hamilton, a career and technical education coordinator, is overseeing the management of the district’s food truck initiative, ensuring smooth operations across participating schools. 

He ensures that students are taught the technical, culinary, management and entrepreneurial skills needed to run a food truck. The food truck program is set to transform the student learning experience, Hamilton said. 

The food truck is expected to be fully functional by the 2024-2025 school year when the initiative will roll out to another six culinary programs. Once it is in operation, the food truck will rotate among the high schools and serve meals at high school games and special events, following the culinary instructor’s decisions and getting approval from CTE and campus administrators and with the appropriate permits from the City of Dallas. The rotation system will allow time for training and proficiency development among students and instructors, Hamilton said.

“We’re excited to see our students gain hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, budget management, and culinary arts,” Hamilton stated. 

Intuit inc., a software company that specializes in financial software, provided a fully operational food truck with a commercial-grade kitchen, allowing career and technical education students to learn the technical, financial, and entrepreneurial skills required to manage a business. This mobile kitchen is the third in the nation and the first food truck to be donated in Texas as part of this initiative. Bryan Adams, Moisés E. Molina, and Skyline are the three high schools that will be involved in the launch of the food truck initiative.

Students from each participating high school will contribute to various aspects of the food truck’s operation. Business students will handle marketing, point-of-sale operations, and budget management, while graphic design students will design menus, truck wraps, and promotional materials. Culinary arts students will oversee menu selection, truck operations, food preparation, sales, and cleaning.

“The concept of the food truck is to allow the student experience to expand from the classroom into the real world through collaboration from multiple programs of study,” Hamilton said. 

His experience in the culinary world allows him to manage purchases, support students and teachers, and identify requirements for equipment. He also more efficiently communicates with vendors and other program partners while staying organized, he said.

In addition to his work in the school district, Hamilton runs and operates a catering company called BACN (Bringing Affordable Catering is Necessary). Founded with a college friend to provide meals for university events, the BACN now caters just three events a year. 

The key to Hamilton’s success in the culinary world is due, in part, to his mantra—“Talk it like you walk it.” This is the same approach he brings to his work in Dallas ISD as he continues to work with teachers and students to overcome the obstacles of setting up a food truck and getting the program off the ground. 

Despite facing challenges such as obtaining permits and determining logistics like street maps for truck height restrictions, the project has seen significant successes.

“We’ve received the keys and title for the truck, and the students have been able to witness their creation come to life through project-based learning,” shares Hamilton. 

For many students in Dallas ISD’s Culinary Arts programs, the food truck initiative represents more than just a learning opportunity—it’s a path to employment and entrepreneurship. Hamilton believes that the food truck will motivate students to keep learning and improving, key aspects of being successful in school and in life. 

“This expansion of the classroom is a game-changer for our students,” Hamilton said. “To be a part of this unfolding journey is truly priceless.”


Dallas ISD pilots TEA safety assessment

In its continued efforts to prioritize the safety of students and team members, the district conducts regular safety audits throughout the school year. The success of these audits has attracted the attention of the Texas Education Agency, which is developing a statewide vulnerability assessment.

TEA teams of assessors spent a week in Dallas touring district facilities and attending meetings with Operations Division team members to determine the district’s vulnerabilities based on their 11-point assessment that then will be used by school districts across the state.

“Dallas ISD volunteered to be the first in the state to have a vulnerability assessment completed on their district,” said Chip Roberts, TEA senior agent for the North Sector. “Over 100 campuses were assessed last week with the assistance of the School Safety, Resources and Monitoring Department. It is evident that safety is top of mind for district leadership, making Dallas ISD a leader in school safety within the state.”

Dallas ISD has been keeping safety in mind since the 2015 bond, which was used to add doorbells and secure vestibules in schools, work that has continued in subsequent years, said Marlon Brooks, executive director of School Safety, Resources and Monitoring.

“We have been focusing on being proactive,” he said.

Through the years Dallas ISD has enhanced safety at campuses and facilities by making sure that all doors remain secure, installing card readers at secure entrances, updating policies and procedures, developing 3-D maps of facilities, upgrading safety features and other measures.

“The study will help us improve,” Brooks said. “It will help us see if there are any weaknesses we haven’t seen and align what we want to look for in all schools. The pilot will also help students across Texas.”