Take care of your mental health 

Dallas ISD has been promoting awareness about breast cancer prevention and treatments throughout October to give it the boot. Because a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, getting support for mental health is an important part of the process.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Because many are affected by breast cancer in one way or another—whether going through treatments or being a friend, relative, or colleague—keeping an eye on mental health and offering support is important. 

Breast cancer and mental health

A diagnosis can leave the people affected and their loved ones feeling anxious, scared, depressed, or thinking about past trauma. According to the American Cancer Society, one in every four people diagnosed with breast cancer can experience depression. Things such as anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, mood swings, and post-traumatic stress disorder can also develop.

Taking care of physical wellbeing is as important as caring for emotional and mental health. If you are going through breast cancer or are a caregiver and need assistance, Dallas ISD’s Employee Assistance Program offers free service in areas such as mental health, managing stress, crisis, coping with change, and other areas. For more information visit dallasisd.lifeworks.com or go to www.dallasisd.org/benefits

For more information about ways you can get involved and participate in educational workshops or host community events, such as community walks, visit the American Cancer Society or the National Breast Cancer Foundation

Your stories

Johnitta R. Williams

L.G. Pinkston High School

In December 2021, during a self-examination, I discovered a lump. In 2022, it was confirmed that I had breast cancer. I vividly recall sitting at lunch, receiving a call, and hearing the words, “I’m sorry, you have cancer.” Initially, it felt surreal, and I was in a state of shock. Time seemed to crawl after receiving the diagnosis. I learned it was Stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma.

Once I had the chance to process it all, I made a firm decision: I wouldn’t let this illness dictate my life. I resolved to THRIVE. I committed myself to facing each day with a smile, and I sought out conversations with others who had gone through similar experiences. My thriving journey was bolstered by an amazing support system, starting with my cherished friends, family, and my work family at L.G. Pinkston High School and the West Dallas community.

Following a double mastectomy, enduring eight rounds of chemotherapy, undergoing 34 radiation sessions, and going through reconstructive surgery, losing my hair, as well as another procedure in June 2024, I’m still THRIVING today. I approach each day one step at a time, grateful for the strength that carries me forward.

What advice would you give others?

The advice I would offer is that cancer doesn’t discriminate. However, early detection and open conversations with your family about their medical history can truly make a significant difference. Additionally, maintaining a positive outlook and surrounding yourself with supportive family and friends can be invaluable in navigating this journey.

Jacqualin (Jackie) Cundieff 

Gabe P. Allen New Tech Academy

I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 46 years old. I taught throughout my cancer surgery and chemotherapy treatment. I was blessed to be in a school district that supported me through my entire journey. I am now a survivor from breast cancer for 18 years!

What advice would you give others?

My advice for others is to get yearly mammograms, stay positive throughout your cancer journey, and surround yourself with friends and family if you are facing this horrible disease.

Juana Palmer

T.G. Terry Elementary School

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of 2023. I have successfully completed six months of chemotherapy treatment . I rang the bell on July 14. 

What advice would you give others?

Make sure that you have a strong support system. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Keep a notebook handy when you go to the doctor. Don’t overdo it with housework. Drink plenty of water. 

LaBrita Smith

David W. Carter High School

My story begins on June 13 when I had my second stroke on my way to my second job. I started to have blurred vision, and I had my daughter Chani’a in the car with me, because she had to use the car for that day. I told my daughter I needed for her to call my supervisor to let her know I was unable to come in, and my daughter had to drive us back home. At this time we made it back home and my daughter was crying, and she called for the EMT to come and check me out. When the young man looked at me, he decided to take me to the hospital. The nurse asked me if I had a mammogram. I said no because I didn’t have time working two jobs. Cancer runs in my family, but when the nurse called and told me I had cancer in my left breast I was devastated, because I work in the health field. I am a nurse assistant, and it has been very hard for me because while my two daughters are grown, I had other young ladies and gentlemen who needed me. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t because I have a good support team-family, my coworkers, and my church family, and I needed that support when I felt down. I want to say this, I never give up, because I feel like God has a purpose for me in life. I just had surgery on Aug. 4  to remove the cancer, and now I am waiting to do radiation and to see what my next plan will be. 

What advice would you give others?

Never give up God will take care of you, and it’s in his hands..

Tammy Villanueva

Rosemont Upper

I am a breast cancer survivor of 14 years. I would not have made it through without the support of my Rosemont family. Everyone was willing to help. 

What advice would you give others?

It is okay to be sad but get yourself up and keep going! 

Karon Radford

Ignite Middle School

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2022. I had no reason to ever believe I would have breast cancer. I have no family history. My fallacy was in thinking that it would never be me. I learned a valuable lesson, mammograms hurt for a few seconds but cancer hurts more and for much longer. I am cancer free.

What advice would you give others?

My advice is to get your annual screening. If you or someone you know happens to get that nasty cancer, please give them or yourself time to process. Also, give yourself permission to not be okay some days, because cancer is hard.

This Is Home: spotlight on parent instructor Jessica De Paz 

On Jessica De Paz’s wall it reads, “It’s a good day to be a bulldog.” And she definitely is one because the parent instructor at North Dallas High School has been walking these halls since she was a toddler.

De Paz comes from a long line of North Dallas graduates, as her mom, dad, stepparents, uncles and aunts, and many other relatives have attended North Dallas—she was a year old when her mother graduated. It was also at North Dallas High School that De Paz met her husband, Rufino De Paz. She even has a younger sister who is currently a junior at the school. 

When De Paz received the opportunity to return to her alma mater for this school year, but this time as a team member, she embraced the opportunity. 

“I love this place. I love this school –this is home,” De Paz said. “So, to come full circle now, it just feels right.”

Before working at North Dallas, De Paz had been working at Rufus C. Burleson Elementary School where she was the parent instructor for a year, and before that, she worked in a Functional Living Skills classroom at L.L.Hotchkiss Elementary School for two years. She said her current role as a parent instructor means building the bridge between the family, the community, and the school. 

“Parent involvement with student success is not only in their hands, but it’s also our responsibility as a school and as a community,” De Paz said. “Working collectively ensures that not only do students graduate, but that they have a better sense of what they want to do in life.” 

De Paz says she makes sure the families she works with have the tools they need, so they can be better equipped to support student success. She starts by looking for different resources the district and city have to offer, as well as donations from churches and community organizations, and sharing them with families. This could mean anything from helping parents find assistance for rent or mortgage and utilities to getting families free meals, clothes, or free English classes. 

Before working in public education, De Paz worked for seven years at a multicultural advertising agency in downtown Dallas. Her move to public education included a pay cut and a leap of faith—but says she wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.

“Dallas is forever changing, and I just don’t want our students or our families to be left out. So if I can connect them in any way to make their lives easier, that’s way more worthwhile than any paycheck I can get,” said De Paz. 

When COVID hit in 2020, and the circumstances at her job changed, she began to think about going into public education. When a colleague reached out to her about a position open at Hotchkiss, Paz saw it as a sign. 

 It’s almost like the universe knew what I needed,” De Paz said. “I remember my first day in the classroom and just thinking that this was my calling.”

At Hotchkiss, De Paz says she learned a lot about the needs of parents and students, particularly those who are in need of special services. At Burleson, she built the parent program from the ground up and laid the framework for her successor. Although she was only at Burleson for one year, she made a significant impact, winning the Parent Educator of the Year Award presented to her by the Family and Community Engagement Department. She credits leadership and colleagues at both campuses for helping her be successful in her work. 

As far as why De Paz feels passionate about her role as a parent instructor, she says it’s the reassurance that the families are going to be okay.

“The mindset that I wake up to every day is to try and make the kids’ lives and the parents’ lives better than they were yesterday,” De Paz said. “I love them so much.”

At North Dallas, De Paz works closely with colleagues such as Sherri Cleaver, a social worker at the school, to provide these resources. Working together they combine their expertise and tools to work with families. For De Paz, the trust that families place in her makes them feel like her extended family. 

“It’s just a very rewarding feeling making sure they’re taken care of,” said De Paz. “I celebrate each and every victory with parents, whether it’s enrolling them for English classes or getting them a necessary resource for free. This may seem small, but to me and my families, these are huge leaps.” 


Call for Core 4 central nominations

Dallas ISD team members deserve to be praised for their Core 4 spirit as they demonstrate what being focused, flexible, fast and friendly means in their everyday interactions. If your central administration department has been doing regular recognitions, please nominate those you celebrated for a central-wide recognition by completing this form

A committee will look at the nominations and choose a central administration champion for the quarter for each of the four tenets. We’ll be asking for nominations again in a few months. Those who are recognized will receive a bag with Core 4 items and the opportunity to park in the Core 4 Champions spot at the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building. 

Recognizing team members in your department is part of the Core 4 experience.

Delivering unwavering support with a Core 4 mindset

For Brandi Epps, a lead instructional specialist, creating student opportunities means being fast, focused, flexible, and friendly every day. She and her team of five specialists serve kindergarten through second-grade classrooms in the South Oak Cliff area, and together, they are making a lasting impact on teachers and students alike.

Being an instructional specialist means providing teachers with the tools they need to increase their classroom efficacy, whether that is through coaching, lesson modeling, or curriculum implementation. Since January 2023, it has also meant bringing additional small group instruction to students.

Epps said her team’s responsibilities were expanded in response to district goals to help second-grade students who “were falling significantly behind their peers” according to their MAP data. They were able to work with those students from January through the end of the 2022-2023 school year, and Epps said the results spoke for themselves.

“We could see just how integral our roles were when it came to the students’ increased success,” Epps said. “Our roles have now been reimagined to include small group support to Tier 2 students as the district intends to keep moving the needle with these students. I’m glad I get to have a direct hand in the success of our second-grade students in addition to supporting our teachers.” 

Epps’ passion for making memorable moments and transforming students’ lives started early, as she grew up watching her grandmother teach in Dallas ISD for over 30 years. Epps went on to receive her degree in education and then to serve as a teacher and an instructional coach in other districts before returning home to Dallas. 

Her dedication to the district’s mission of educating all students for success as well as her commitment to delivering unwavering Core 4 customer service have been applauded by district leaders, including Shanieka Christmas-McDonald, principal at H.I. Holland Elementary School at Lisbon. 

“Ms. Epps exemplifies the Core 4 tenets every day at Holland,” Christmas-McDonald said. “She is always focused on improving the quality of instruction for our students. Her turnaround time for requests and supporting areas of opportunity is 24 hours or less. Ms. Epps differentiates her approach based on the request and need of each individual teacher, and she provides rationale for all feedback and the impact it will have for the scholar and the teacher. She is an effective communicator who is always friendly and professional in her delivery. Ms. Epps is a pleasure to work with and is truly positively impacting the educational experience for our students and teachers at Holland.”

Master Teachers: A series

The Beat has interviewed Master Teachers across the district to share their stories and introspections about their careers, including tips for teaching. Meet Master Teacher Brent Voorhees.

Brent Voorhees, a Master Teacher at Skyline High School, first came to Dallas ISD for the 2013-2014 school year. Originally from Abilene, Texas, he said he has a “competitive nature,” and wanted to take on a challenge. With the belief that “kids are kids” and “each will rise to the expectation you set,” he decided to test those theories in the classroom. 

Voorhees, who has 26 years in education, said he is glad he followed his personal challenge and has been “thrilled” to work in Dallas the last 11 years and be a part of the upturn in the district. 

“The students have risen to every expectation,” as have his colleagues with their passion for creating student opportunities, he said.

What drew you to education? 

While playing college athletics, I was injured heading into the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. Instead of competing during the summer, I had surgery to repair my knee. A local high school reached out and asked if I would be interested in coaching their team. This seemed like a neat opportunity to compete in a different form. Once coaching, I realized I really enjoyed working with kids. So whenever I returned to college, I changed my major from business to education (and later directly to mathematics) in hopes of educating children. 

How are you creating opportunities for students?

This is a question I reflect on frequently. Often we can simplify “creating opportunities” by making sure our classrooms are accepting of all students, having a project-based learning style, etc. We may also oversimplify “creating opportunities” to say, “If I teach my students my curriculum well, they will be better prepared to go to college and major in my field related to my subject.”

While all those things are good and proper, I try to consider how I am helping the student find greater success 5-10 years from now—regardless of their future goals. Are they leaving my math class understanding how interest works in finances? Do they understand how assets may grow in value over time due to demand and production? 

I often doubt the students will remember a formula 10 years from now, but if I can instill the principle that most assets grow in value over time, liabilities never cost what the price tag shows, and drill in how algebra operates, my hope is that students will be better equipped and prepared to make wise decisions and enjoy as much financial freedom as possible.

What is your best teaching tip? 

  1. Focus on the things that matter and don’t sweat the small stuff. 
  2. Have realistic expectations. Students will have bad days and sometimes say things that are unfair. Let it go, and follow up the next day (assuming this is something that will not directly affect your classroom management with the entire class). Usually it’s not you; usually it’s something else going on in their life. Give them a day to process, and oftentimes they will open up and you’ll truly be able to help.
  3. Have a long-term view. Consider the farmer: I would assume they do not consider their value or abilities day by day by measuring the growth of their wheat or corn. Nor do they feel the need to quit because of a rainstorm or a delay to their plan. The farmer plows, they plant, they water, and they let nature develop. The farmer considers what they can control and makes the most of their opportunities. Then they trust that the seed and nature will do its part. So with teaching. There are good days, there are bad days. But view the entire season. Don’t get lost in the “rainstorms.” Keep focused on the long-term goal. 

What would your students be surprised to find out about you?

That I played baseball in college! They always think I’m just a “math geek” (it doesn’t help that I wear Skyline math cluster’s “mathlete” T-shirt on spirit days), but whenever I hear a student may be considering playing athletics at my school, I mention it, and the classroom always responds by being totally surprised and thrown off. 

What inspires you the most about being an educator?  

The letters from students at the end of the school year! I really appreciate the letters that say something about “never enjoying math before” or “not being able to see the purpose for algebra in today’s world” but now having a different perspective and having really enjoyed the class. Precalculus is difficult. If students come out of the class feeling like they now enjoy math and see its purpose, I know I accomplished my job.

Everyone is going pink at Dallas ISD

Dallas ISD is giving breast cancer the boot by bringing awareness to prevention and treatment. Be part of the effort by wearing pink and jeans on Friday, Oct. 20, during the district’s Pink Out day. If you do wear pink either on Thursday, Oct. 19, or Friday, Oct. 20, share a picture on social media using the hashtag #DallasISDPinkOut and tagging @TeamDallasISD. 

Your stories

Kailyn Ford
ELA/Dual Credit Instructor at H. Grady Spruce High School

Jan. 20, 2022, was the day my life forever changed. I was in class teaching when the call from my doctor came. I excused myself from class and stepped into the hall to speak with her. I felt like my world had just blown up after she told me that I had stage I cancer in my left breast. Even though she explained to me that the tumor was small and could likely be removed through a lumpectomy, I was still numb and in shock. A few weeks after my diagnosis, I began having endless rounds of biopsies, MRI’s, sonograms and ultrasounds.

These procedures discovered and confirmed more tumors in my left breast and suspicious findings in my right breast. The option to have a lumpectomy was no longer available, and instead, I would have to have a mastectomy because one of the tumors was unreachable. With this information that I had been given, I made the gut-wrenching decision to have a double mastectomy because I didn’t want to have to face this situation again down the road.

I am truly thankful that I was strong enough to make the decision that I made because two days after my surgery on June 14, 2022, my surgeon called to confirm that the suspicious findings in my right breast were biopsied and confirmed to be cancerous. Though it doesn’t feel like it, it’s been a long journey from Jan. 20, 2022. I feel like I am truly blessed because my UT Southwestern family was with me the whole time and are still with me for the long haul. I’m even more grateful for my Spruce family and administrators who wrapped their arms around me during my journey and are still supportive to this very day!

What advice would you give others?

I have had to learn that this journey is a process, and you must allow yourself to have grace. On those days that were challenging for me, I had to learn to not see them as a setback, but as an opportunity to love and accept the “me” that I had become. My struggles are not gone, but I realize daily, that I’m much stronger than what I thought I could ever be. 

Liliana Valadez
Resource Centers

In 2007, I heard the words, “You have breast cancer.” What a shock! After the initial cry, I made up my mind to be positive and get into “fight mode.” I met with my family that evening to share the news and explain their role as my “army” of supporters. After the series of testing and advice from friends/colleagues, I chose to undergo a bilateral mastectomy even though only one breast was affected. I knew that my journey would include being caregiver for my parents, so I wanted to minimize a recurrence. On Oct. 15, a day I celebrate as another birthday—a new beginning—I had my initial surgery. After seven weeks, I had implant surgery. I was blessed since I did not need radiation or chemotherapy treatment. Over the years, I have had several other surgeries, two sets of implants, to address various issues, culminating in a Diep-Flap reconstruction. Although physically challenging, the last 16 years have given me the opportunity to coach others through the process and be the cheerleader, advocate, and fighter for others.

Together with a team of friends, I have participated in three Susan G. Komen “3-Day” walks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. For me, breast cancer is an opportunity to help others and that has become one goal of my life’s mission.

What advice would you give others?

Stay positive! Have the attitude that you will “beat it!” Surround yourself with people who will keep sending the positive thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement. Create a text group to provide everyone updates, but that can also be used for them to send you daily inspiration and motivation to keep the positive energy going. And lastly, when you can, support others who are going through the “fight” as well. Share your “lessons learned” to ease their journey. 

Gwen Montero
Stevens Park Elementary School

I am writing about a friend/co-worker. She works here at the same school as I do. Unfortunately, her mom passed away several years ago due to breast cancer. She has been the most courageous, spunky, loving survivor that I have ever known. She has been a powerful advocate in school as much as out of school showing her ongoing support of the cause. Every year without fault she wears these crazy ALL PINK outfits and wig to “Pink out” and to talk to the kids and teach about breast cancer. She doesn’t talk much about her mother; however, I know that she is who and what motivated her to keep moving forward to be an advocate and a voice in our little school.

What advice would you give others?

I am a cancer survivor; however, mine was the thyroid and all I can say, is never give up hope!

Anjanette Wallace-Sela
Zan Wesley Holmes Jr Middle School

My close friend and former principal is a thriving breast cancer survivor, diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer two years ago. My cousin, who underwent the BRCA test and discovered her susceptibility to breast cancer, chose a double mastectomy due to her family history. In my own life, October signifies not only Breast Cancer Awareness Month but also Cancer Awareness Month. My son, Andre, diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer in November 2022, is progressing positively after nearly a year of treatment, with declining CAE numbers and effective chemo and radiation therapy.

What advice would you give others?

Refuse to accept “no” as the final answer; insist on getting tested. In my son’s situation, they claimed he was too young for a colonoscopy. Don’t allow anyone to dictate your health decisions and what’s appropriate for your body.

Christine Martinez
Early Learning

I was 48 and had never had a mammogram in my life. That year was different—my doctor would not refill any of my prescriptions unless I went to get one this time. After my mammogram, I was informed that I had three “spots” of concern. A week later, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Ductal Carcinoma. I had no symptoms whatsoever. Never thought in a million years this would happen to me. Unfortunately, the type of cancer I had was aggressive and underwent a series of surgeries. I also had to complete 12 rounds chemotherapy all while working. As of July this year, I am cancer free. Thank you to my doctor for standing her ground and making me get a mammogram.

What advice would you give others?

Stay strong, stay positive, and never give up.

Tamara Teresa Thomas
D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School

I was diagnosed in February 2009 with breast cancer at the age of 35. I found the lump myself by doing at home breast exams. I endured six rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. Texas Oncology Plano introduced us to culinary classes, free wigs, exercise classes, and new life-long friends.

What advice would you give others?

The fight may be hard but remember WHY you are fighting. Live life to the fullest!

Headshots are now offered quarterly: Sign up today

Are you new to the district, haven’t had your headshot taken before, or simply in need of an updated headshot? Now is your opportunity. Signups for the fourth-quarter headshot session are now open. 

In an effort to meet the growing photography needs of the district, our district photographer will offer a professional headshot week with two dates available once per calendar quarter. The quarterly sessions will be the only times available for headshots, so don’t miss your chance.

Dallas ISD team members are invited to sign up for the next professional headshot session on Monday, Dec. 4, or Wednesday, Dec. 6. Hurry, as spots are limited and are filling up fast. 

The photo sessions will take place at the Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building, 9400 N. Central Expressway, on the 12th floor in studio suite 1200. Each photo will only take a few minutes.

Who can sign up:

  • Central team members
  • Campus principals 
  • Executive directors
  • Associate superintendents
  • Chiefs and deputy chiefs
  • Board of Trustees 

The district photographer is unable to photograph team members in group photos or accommodate any on-location requests of headshots outside of the central administration building.

Having a photo taken can be stressful for some. The district photographer will take great care to help you look your best by helping you pose, selecting your best headshot, and providing basic retouching on the finished image. 

Reserve your spot for the quarter three session by 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 1. Additional instructions will be emailed to those who sign up a few days ahead of their session. 

A look at the first year: Meet the new teachers

The Beat will be following four Dallas ISD teachers in their first year with the district throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Get to know who they are and such details as what inspired them to become teachers, why they chose Dallas ISD, and what their favorite cafeteria food was growing up. We will be checking in on them every few months to chat about their experiences on the job during their first year. As part of its supports for new teachers, Dallas ISD will hold the New Teacher & Mentor Teacher Social at 5 p.m. on Nov. 9 at Dave & Buster’s, 9450 N. Central Expressway.

Rodrigo Lopez
W.W. Samuell High School

What is your professional background?

Currently I am a 11th grade U.S history teacher at W.W Samuell High School. I have a double major in political science and integrated studies with an emphasis in history, psychology and anthropology. With these skills, I have had several jobs as head of a catering department, marketing manager for the Dallas Cowboys and court clerk for a Justice of the Peace. I am extremely excited with my new career choice as part of the Dallas Independent School District, and with helping change the lives of my students.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have always taken leadership roles throughout my career, but it wasn’t until I had to make a difficult choice that would end up changing my life. During the pandemic, I decided that I wanted to take a leap towards two things: law school or becoming a teacher. I know that becoming an attorney has its own privileges, but as I was assisting my godson with his homeschooling, during the pandemic, I realized that I had the aptitude that fits perfectly with being a teacher. As a first-generation immigrant student, with immigrant parents, an emerging bilingual, Mexican American from Mexico City, I am ecstatic to know that I made the right choice. I carry within me the wherewithal to empathize with my students to help them succeed.

Why did you choose Dallas ISD? Are you a Dallas ISD alum (or is anyone in your family)? 

The program that I was hired into was the Latino and African American Adjunct Teacher Program, and I chose this program because of what it stands for. The program allowed for us to be assistant teachers for district schools in dire need of minority representation as we complete our Alternative Certification Program requirements. I really do feel as if Samuell really chose me because I felt right at home from the first day I stepped into the school grounds in early 2023. I graduated from North Dallas High School in 2006, so it feels amazing to be part of Dallas ISD

What are you most excited for during the new school year? 

Just the memories that you begin to be part of as you go on through your year. I have amazing students and team members that I am creating a considerable number of memories with already.

What was your favorite cafeteria food when you were in school?

Definitely Frito pies and tacos during taco Tuesday. 

What book that you read in school made the biggest impact on you?

“To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Friday Night Lights”

Which teacher you had made a lasting impression on you?

Mr. Bible was the best teacher that I ever had. He was my AP English III and IV teacher, and he helped me pass my assessment test and got me interested in reading. I appreciate all of his fervor.

What are some of your hobbies? 

Watching anime, reading books, martial arts, going out on walks with my wife and dogs, and eating out at new places throughout the metroplex


Wade Streeter
Boude Storey Middle School

What is your professional background?

I got my bachelor of science degree from Miles College in Birmingham, Ala. I got my master’s in urban education from Langston University in Langston, Okla.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

My parents inspired me to become a teacher. They were both teachers and coaches.

Why did you choose Dallas ISD? Are you a Dallas ISD alum (or is anyone in your family)? 

I chose Dallas ISD to help and give back to the youth of the community that I live in. I’m originally from Birmingham, Ala.

What are you most excited for during the new school year? 

The opportunity to see the growth in my students and athletes. 

What was your favorite cafeteria food when you were in school?

Spaghetti was my favorite food when I was in school. 

What book that you read in school made the biggest impact on you?

I would have to say my school textbooks because they were always a good resource for me and gave me great practice and knowledge for my core classes.

Which teacher you had made a lasting impression on you?

My high school science teacher and baseball coach, Mr. Steinardt. He always motivated me to do better and keep growing in school.

What are some of your hobbies?

Outside of work, I enjoy fitness, watching movies, sports and great food.


Christie Cummings
Mark Twain School for the Talented and Gifted 

What is your professional background?

I have a bachelor of science in biology with a minor in chemistry from Prairie View A&M University in 2005. Six years as an educator—four years high school science, two years middle school science. Completing a second bachelor of science degree in nursing at The University of Texas at Arlington. I have 20 years as a salon small business owner in Houston.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I absolutely love it! It has filled a void in my life and been not only therapeutic, but also rewarding. There is something unique about pouring into the life of a student. Not only do you educate them academically, but as an educator, I also help cultivate and shape the individual they will become for future generations. As educators we not only teach them, but students also teach us. At times, they help us see hidden things within ourselves and learn new things, especially when it comes to the latest in technology. Teaching has been second nature for me. Having a mother who has been in education over 20 years on all grade levels, and is now a middle school counselor, contributed to my desire to teach, as well. My grandmother being a retired chemistry professor, father being a mechanical engineer, aunt who is an elementary teacher, and sister who is a robotics engineer, still only to name a few, have also helped me realize that science and education are fused into the fabric of my being.

Why did you choose Dallas ISD? Are you a Dallas ISD alum (or is anyone in your family)? 

Being that I was born in Dallas and ready to make the transition from Houston back to my roots, Dallas ISD is where I wanted to be. I am also a Dallas alum, having graduated from the School for Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center. My younger sister is also a Dallas ISD alum having graduated from the School of Business at Townview. My mother was also an educator in Dallas ISD for several years. 

What are you most excited for during the new school year? 

Meeting, learning, and developing rapport with students and my colleagues. I’m also excited to teach science and social studies content that students don’t know yet and see how amazed they are at what they learn. I’m even more excited to take them on field trips to the Perot Museum and the Environmental Education Center! 

What was your favorite cafeteria food when you were in school?

I would have to say pizza. LOL.

What book that you read in school made the biggest impact on you?

“Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever” by Judge Judy Sheindlin

Which teacher you had made a lasting impression on you?

My band teacher at Welch Middle School, Mrs. Steigler. She was so passionate about teaching us how to play music, but at the same time she was very quirky and a hippie at heart. I liked how she wasn’t afraid to be her authentic self. I feel like I studied her as a person even more so than the music she taught me. I admired her tenacity and confidence. It was from her that I learned how to play the alto saxophone.

What are some of your hobbies? 

Practicing my faith, spending time with family, gardening, being a dog-mom, and keeping up with world news and ALL things Science.


Ella Spratt-Szarzynski
Nancy J. Cochran Elementary School

What is your professional background?

I just graduated with my bachelor’s in communication from Central Michigan University in 2022. From there, I moved to Texas to begin my master’s in teaching as well as teaching full-time in the classroom with City Teaching Alliance. Before this, I held odd jobs, all having to do with kids, such as babysitting, camp counselor, teacher’s assistant, bilingual teacher’s assistant, and many more. I also worked for United Way for two summers as their community engagement coordinator, where I organized volunteer activities like creating beautiful interactive school art installations and a back-to-school drive.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I was inspired to become a teacher from the lack of support I have seen for black and brown students across America. I want to be one of the change makers in making sure that they feel seen and valued no matter the space they are in. I also want to make learning as fun as possible so that students can enjoy learning while also understanding its importance for the rest of their lives. My goal is to combine learning and play to create an environment for students to see their progress and appreciate their success.

Why did you choose Dallas ISD? Are you a Dallas ISD alum (or is anyone in your family)? 

I chose Dallas ISD through my program, City Teaching Alliance. But since being in Dallas ISD, I have realized just how important ACE Campuses are and the structures put in place to make sure every school in Dallas ISD succeeds and not just those with the proper resources put in place. I love how Dallas ISD takes chances on new teachers like me and gives us the opportunity to grow and learn as we go throughout our first years in teaching.

What are you most excited for during the new school year? 

I am most excited to build relationships within my classroom. I am excited to create an environment that is fun, creative, and loving for my students so that we can get the most out of our learning every day.

What was your favorite cafeteria food when you were in school?

When I was in school, my favorite day in the cafeteria was always pizza day! I still crave it now.

What book that you read in school made the biggest impact on you?

I read a book called “Ella the Elegant Elephant” in school that has always stuck with me. Of course, my name is in the title, so I loved it right away. But what has stuck with me since is the kindness and compassion she showed throughout the story even when it wasn’t always granted to her. I have also always loved the message of caring for others because you never know what they are going through and kindness can always bring so much more happiness than harm.

Which teacher you had made a lasting impression on you?

My first- and second-grade teacher, Mrs. Gordon, inspired me at such a young age to take charge of my learning and never settle for less. She showed me the importance of vouching for myself and ensuring I was always pushed to my limits no matter the circumstances. She is truly my inspiration for becoming a teacher.

What are some of your hobbies? 

Some of my hobbies include walking my dog, listening to music, exercising, driving my car, hanging out with friends, enjoying nature, sleeping, and eating.

What’s good at the State Fair? Food photos and stories

The State Fair of Texas is a fall tradition, and each year team members receive a ticket each to attend the fair for free. We asked Dallas ISD team members to share photos and stories about their favorite foods at The State Fair of Texas this year. 


Teri Kirkley, special education teacher, James Bowie Elementary School: I grew up in Dallas, and have gone to the State Fair on the first day almost every year. My husband and I tried to get the very first corny dogs from the main Fletcher’s stand. This year we did it!

Darrell Shaw, lead custodian, J. P. Starks Math, Science, and Technology Vanguard: Fletcher’s foot-long corn dogs are his favorite food at the fair. 

Maria Hoffman, data controller, Ann Richards STEAM Academy: Her favorite food at the fair was vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate and nuts. 

Brittany Henderson, science teacher, Emmett J. Conrad High School: I did not understand why a state fair was such a big deal until I moved to Dallas. One of my best friends is a food blogger and she knew all the best spots to grab food at the fair and how winners get chosen. She made me try all of the winning items of the year! Now each year, I look forward to seeing what the creative chefs come up with. My favorite so far is the Dilly Dog from 2022.

Veronica Arispe, bilingual teacher, Kleberg Elementary School: Tried the chicharron explosion nachos. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it, but it is really good.

Maria Melian, bilingual teacher, Edwin J. Kiest Elementary School: My favorite food from the State Fair is the strawberry shortcake and the strawberry lemonade. After being on a diet for one year and losing 70 pounds, I just want to eat everything from the Fair!

Heidi Zeko, special education teacher, Victor H. Hexter Elementary School: The fried pho is the best state fair food I have ever eaten!  It’s delicious and fried.  It’s what Texas State Fair Food is all about! 

Natalie Apellaniz, teacher, C.F. Carr Elementary School: Three years ago was my first time trying the mac and cheese bowl at Mac Loaded. My first year, I tried the brisket loaded mac bowl and wow,  it blew our mind. Last year, their signature bowl was the bayou bowl loaded with shrimp and freshly peeled crab topped with one sausage slice and a breadstick. This year,  the new addition was the butcher block mac topped with crispy fried chicken, brisket, candied bacon, a piece of sausage and jalapeños with extra bbq sauce on top. I’m not a huge fan of so much meat, so I ended up getting the bayou bowl again this year and it did not disappoint. My fiancé did get the butcher block mac and he said it was the best he had. I highly recommend stopping by the Mac Loaded. There is always a line, but it’s worth the wait and the money—100%!

Margaret McGaughey, fine arts teacher, Hillcrest High School: The drizzle’s chocolate dipped strawberry cheesecake was so good, I could not hold back from devouring that sweetness on a stick!

Margaret McGaughey, fine arts teacher, Hillcrest High School: The drizzle’s chocolate dipped strawberry cheesecake was so good, I could not hold back from devouring that sweetness on a stick!


Vanessa Balderrama Chavira, pre-k bilingual teacher, Julius Dorsey Leadership Academy: The Fried Pho was the best. We were looking for this featured food item almost exclusively. We kept coming across it on reviews and videos. It even won an award, and it did not disappoint. It was the best fried food combination. It preserved the essence of the original dish and got so much better with the batter and crunchy addition. Even my 2-year-old enjoyed it and took big bites of it without hesitation. A score of 10/10 on the flavor, the texture—all of it. We had a great time looking for it and it was gone so fast, but I truly enjoyed it.

Maggie Garza, lead supervisor, Food and Nutrition Services: It is a family tradition to go with my parents, brother, sister-in-law and nieces and nephews. I loved trying a couple of new things this year including the biscoff delight and stuffed chicken wing. One of the foods that we make sure to get every year (besides Fletcher’s corn dogs) is the Belgian waffle. Norman Zable was the founder of the Belgian Waffles at the State Fair in 1964. He passed away in 2020 and practiced law in Dallas for over 60 years. It was beautiful weather and great memories made with the family.


Thank you to everyone for their great stories and photo submissions!

Clinician transforms student lives at Sunset High School

Hector Soto, an alcohol and drug clinician with Mental Health Services, has always been passionate about getting to the root cause of student behaviors and helping them build resilience and take advantage of opportunities from there. 

He joined the MHS team in 2016 and has jumped into a variety of roles ever since. He started out working in elementary, middle and high schools before moving to the Youth and Family Center side and working in clinics. Now, he has taken on a new project with a mission to increase awareness and prevention around substance abuse at Sunset High School. 

“We were asked if anybody would like to volunteer for this position, and I didn’t ask any questions other than, ‘Where am I needed and when would I start?’” Soto said. “If they’re asking, it’s because that’s what the school needs. And now here I am at Sunset.”

Soto has been focusing on transforming student lives at the high school ever since. The mission is to increase awareness, expand prevention, facilitate intervention, and promote mental health awareness and recovery from substance use/abuse in teens and youths at Sunset High School, and across Dallas ISD.

“My philosophy is to get to the heart of the students,” he said. “There’s a reason why they behave that way, so it’s a matter of figuring out what type of coping skills they need. We can’t use a cookie cutter approach for every student. And even then, what worked in Tuesday’s session will not work in the next Tuesday’s session because they adapt and change.”

Soto’s role requires him to maintain focus and respond to needs quickly to keep students safe. But he said another key facet of successfully supporting students is being friendly and building strong connections. Not only does this allow him to build trust, but it also enables him to de-escalate stressful situations. 

“Let’s say a student walks in and they are angry, and I walk in and I say, ‘What did you do?’ It’s a missed opportunity,” Soto said. “But if a student walks in and they are angry, and I walk in smiling, they want to know what I am smiling at. And then I ask, ‘You wanna hear a joke?’ They are bad jokes, but they help.” 

All of Soto’s work revolves around supporting students and giving them what they need to succeed. He said the transition into his new role at Sunset has been a “walk in the park” thanks to the MHS and Sunset leadership team.

“We’ve been all in on this,” Soto said. “I can say that from the top all the way to where we are, whatever anxieties I had stepping into this role have been alleviated because of our leadership. We love these students, and we want to support them in every way we can.”