After careful consideration for anticipated road conditions and extreme temperatures, Dallas ISD made the decision to close all schools and central offices Jan. 9 and 10. Absences during emergency district closures due to inclement weather are governed by DEC regulations.
During a full district closure:
Campus-based employees who work less than 226 days may be excused for each day the district is closed or partially closed. Time off will not be taken from employees, and the employees’ pay will not be docked. Campus-based employees may have to follow the inclement weather make-up days as outlined by the applicable instructional school year calendar if those days are needed to meet the minimum instructional requirements. Campus-based employees should follow campus-based employee instructions and the instructional school year calendar.
Campus-based employees may include, but are not limited to, the following: teachers, teacher assistants, hall monitors, office managers, campus instructional coaches, food service staff, bus drivers, etc.
Central business services employees will be excused for each day the district is closed or partially closed. Time off will not be taken from employees, and the employees’ pay will not be docked. Employees will not be required to make up the days.
Central employees may include but are not limited to the following: administrative assistants, specialists, coordinators, supervisors, managers, executive leadership, etc.
Operations central 260-day employees may be excused for each day the district is closed or partially closed. If the district determines they are excused, time off will not be taken from employees, and the employees’ pay will not be docked. Employees will not be required to make up the days. However, the district may determine that Operations central employees may need to work each day the district is closed or partially closed. If the employee fails to report to work, the employee must use personal time off.
Operations central employees may include but are not limited to the following: custodians, maintenance specialists, plumbers, mechanics, delivery drivers, etc.
Essential personnel. As determined by the superintendent or designee, essential personnel are district employees called to duty to perform essential tasks when the district is closed or partially closed. Essential workers’ duties may also include after-hours and/or weekend duty when the district is closed or partially closed. Essential personnel may be exempt or nonexempt. Exempt personnel will not receive overtime or compensatory time. Nonexempt essential personnel will receive overtime rates or compensatory time based upon supervisor approval for time worked. At such time as the superintendent or designee declares the district open, employee compensation reverts to the standard practice in accordance with the district’s Compensation Resource Book. If the employee fails to report, the employee’s time off will be charged and/or salary adjusted accordingly.
Essential personnel may include but are not limited to the following: Police and Security and Operations-Maintenance.
Pay during district closures
Pay during a District closure will be governed by the provisions in DEA(REGULATION) as outlined below:
During a full district closure, nonexempt essential personnel will receive compensatory time or overtime pay for time worked as authorized by the supervisor in accordance with DEA and DEAB. Exempt essential personnel will not receive compensatory time or overtime pay. Exempt employees who are required to work during a district closure may be eligible to receive flex time. [See DK(REGULATION)]
At such time as the superintendent or designee declares the district open, employee compensation reverts to the standard practice in accordance with the district’s Compensation Resource Book.
Specific questions may be directed to the employee’s supervisor. Payroll questions may be directed to Contact Human Capital Management at with policy questions.
Absences during emergency district closures due to inclement weather shall be governed by the following provisions in DEC(LOCAL) and (REGULATION).