Read Conmigo Impact Grants deadline is close

The Kemper Foundation is accepting applications for the 2025 Read Conmigo School Impact Grant through March 9.   

The Kemper Foundation awards up to 22 Read Conmigo School Impact grants of $10,000 each with the goal of supporting school and program wide dual-language initiatives. Applications must be submitted by the principal on behalf of their school. 

Grant funds are awarded for the benefit of the students, and funds should remain within the school, regardless of changes in principal leadership. 

Eligibility requirements:  

  • Must be a Title 1 elementary school serving bilingual students. 
  • Must have an established dual-language program with at least one year of implementation. 

Funds may be used for school resources and technology improvements, instructional support and professional development, and community and cultural engagement. 

Examples include: 

  • Developing or acquiring dual-language curriculum and instructional materials 
  • Expanding existing dual-language programs
  • Providing bilingual educator training, workshops, and conference attendance 
  • Hosting schoolwide bilingual events, such as assemblies, literacy fairs, and cultural celebrations 
  • Supporting family engagement initiatives in dual-language education 
  • Funding dual-language arts, dance, music, and theater programs 

For a detailed list of non-eligible uses of the grant funds and grant requirements for principals who are awarded funds and to apply for the grants, visit the grants page

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