New safety protocols
To enhance safety at athletic events, Dallas ISD now requires all students attending district-hosted games without a parent, guardian, or other adult responsible for the student to present a current student badge for entry. The badge must be for the Dallas ISD school that is competing in the athletic event. This requirement also applies to visiting non-Dallas ISD schools.
Students without a school-issued ID, and Dallas ISD students from other high schools, will not be permitted to enter the event unless accompanied by an adult. Middle and elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter any athletic event.
Stadium safety and security personnel will be on-site to assist students who need to contact a parent or guardian for a ride home.
The new protocol does not apply to students participating in the athletic event as competitors or a related student activity group as long as they are accompanied by their coach or sponsor.
This requirement applies to all district athletic facilities, including pools, gymnasiums, and stadiums. The updated safety measures align with those of neighboring districts and other University Interscholastic League schools.