Dallas ISD receives incentive for energy efficiency efforts
This week representatives from Reliant Energy presented Dallas ISD’s Energy and Sustainability Department with a $64,000 check to support the district’s ongoing efforts of energy efficiency.
Reliant started a program in 2023 called Responsive Economic Dispatch, or RED, and when the ERCOT grid is peaking high, it’s an incentive to reduce energy during peak periods.
“The RED program compensates the district for turning down during peak times, which are the most polluting times,” said Annette Van Brunt, energy consultant to the district. “Not only does it help reduce the strain on the grid, the district is getting an incentive and also reducing carbon emissions in the state of Texas.”
“The check that was presented today was part of the 2023 RED program and was due to the fact that Dallas ISD reduced in some of our peak periods and they’re one of our largest ISD participants,” said Reliant energy representative Jeff Bettison. When the district is able to reduce, they reduce 20 megawatts, he added.
“Both Reliant and the district continue to work on different ways to improve these efforts and look forward to working together in the future”, said Bryant Shaw, manager of the Energy and Sustainability Department.