Teachers and staff bring district to the doorstep during Neighborhood Walk
Rosemont Elementary students Idaliz and Ozandro Rios were having a typical summer morning—sleeping in, watching “Lab Rats” on Disney, eating cereal—when they heard a knock on the door.
They looked out the window and saw a most unusual sight: Mrs. Rachel Moon, their school principal, and several teachers standing in their front yard. After their mom opened the door, Moon and the teachers explained they were visiting their students’ houses to say hello and give a friendly reminder that school starts Aug. 28.
“This is very, very surprising!” Ozandro said with a laugh.
All Dallas ISD campuses participated in the first districtwide Neighborhood Walk on Aug. 21. District staff and community members canvassed throughout the nearly 400 square miles that make up Dallas ISD. In addition to reminding families about the first day of school, teachers and staff talked about the new school hours and upcoming meet the teacher nights.
Delia Rios, the mom of Idaliz and Ozandro, thanked the principal and teachers for stopping by their house.
“I think it’s a great idea that you come and let students know you are ready for them to start school,” she said. “This adds a personal touch so we know our principal and teachers care about our kids.”
Meanwhile, Dallas ISD Chief of School Leadership Stephanie Elizalde thanked the teachers and staff for spending the time to go out and meet families.
“You are the heartbeat of the campuses because you fuel student learning every day,” Elizalde said. “We could never thank you enough for that rewarding work that you do.”