Introducing the 2022-2023 campus teachers of the year
Schools across Dallas ISD are honoring teaching excellence by introducing their extraordinary campus teachers of the year.
These teachers represent a wide variety of diversity and years of experience in the district, and campuses are coming together to celebrate their passion and dedication to accelerating student success and achievement.
These teachers have 11.6793 years of experience on average and a collective total of 2,768 years of experience. Additionally, eight of the teachers have over 30 years of experience, while two of them have over 40 years.
Each honoree will have the opportunity to apply to be considered for the district teacher of the year award. Based on the teachers’ applications, Dallas ISD’s selection committee will name nine finalists from three categories by campus type and school level.
One winner will be selected to represent the elementary, secondary and choice/magnet campuses, and the finalists and winners will be honored at a special event next spring.
See the campus teachers of the year by downloading the list: https://www.dallasisd.org/cms/lib/TX01001475/Centricity/Domain/17649/Campus teachers of the year 22-23.pdf.