Staff pets: Companions during COVID
Pets are constant companions and often family. This has been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing and other safety guidelines meant staff had to work from home. Send photos of your pets to staffnews@dallasisd.org with information about how they came into your life, or some of the cute things they do, or what they mean to you and the rest of your family.
These my two work buddies when working from home. They curl up near my chair and are such buddies with each other, as you can see. Their names are Bibi Reyna, our 12-year-old Shi-Tzu, and Tigger, our 6-month-old kitten. They certainly make my day when working from home.
Theresa Morgan, Spruce HS
Skank came to our family as a stray – found in the garage eating dog food – very hungry and a bit injured. He is sweet, quite the charmer, and ever so handsome. He is big on napping, “skanking” around the neighborhood and spending time between the great outdoors and inside. Kerry Glittenberg, Urban Park ES
I rescued Charlie from under my patio at home when he was 1 month old. He is now 2 years old and does not think he is a cat. My family have five dogs and his favorite name Barlie. Charlie will play fetch and wrestle with Barlie. The funny thing is my vet refers to him as a dog, too. He can be a monster sometimes, but I love him. Letha Cannon, Downtown Montessori at Ida B. Wells
I am a total dog mom, and this is my little lovebug Ollie. I got her at 6 weeks old in 2004, and she is now over 16.5 years old. Her age may show in her white hair but not in her attitude and actions. She still enjoys walks and spending the night at my mom’s visiting her 16-year-old chihuahua. We also catch up daily after work by sitting together on the couch and relaxing before dinner. Annemarie Fehrenbacher, Irma Rangel YWLS
This is my old man baby, Tito. He just turned 15 years old, and I’ve had him since he was 2 months old. He is spoiled rotten and gets just about everything he wants because he’s now blind in one eye and going deaf. He enjoys sun bathing, car rides, and taking long walks with me around our neighborhood. Tito is also well-traveled and has flown a lot more than some people. When I lived in New Jersey for college, he would fly back and forth with me often. He has been to Canada, Mexico, and many states throughout the country. Edgar Salas, Woodrow Wilson HS
Gizmo is a 5-year-old adorable Pomeranian. He is an amazing communicator with a big personality that loves attention. Gizmo does tend to forget he is a small dog at times, especially when he is trying to chase away possums and raccoons twice his size. Gizmo has been a great working companion throughout COVID. We enjoy his love and affection! Yesenia Ramirez, Early Learning
Butch, in front, and Boots are quite the pair. Although not litter mates, they are best buddies. Both were feral cats. Butch was the most feral, found around 9 months old, and it took about one year for him to not be so scared. He’s around 3 years old and is my lap cat now. He loves to play with balls, with dog bones, and chase Boots. Boots was found around 6 weeks old and grew up to be such a statuesque cat. He’s quite the talker and loves to snuggle.
Maureen Kuhlo
Occupational Therapist
Meet my fur baby Henry. He was a gift from a dear friend and has brought so much joy to my life. He is a 4-year-old Shih-Tzu mix who loves to cuddle any chance he gets and always has a smile on his face. He loves his squeaker toys and to snack on carrots & apples, he has been my saving grace during the pandemic. Saida Guzman, Human Capital Management
This is Andrés, my faithful companion in these work-from-home times. He is about 8 years old, and I adopted him two years ago. He was the first cat I saw, and the only one I ended up asking to play with. He was quick to win me over! He loves to sleep and taunt me with how relaxing his life is. I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like quarantining without his company. Kevin Turcios, Translation Specialist