Staff Pets
From stray cats, dogs left homeless by the COVID-19 pandemic and cows, Dallas ISD staff have welcomed their pets into their homes and their hearts. If you want to share your pet, send its name, age and something about it’s likes, activities, or what it means to you to staffnews@dallasisd.org with the subject Staff Pets. Include your name and school/department.
This is my dear dog, Parker. Back in May, we heard about a sweet dog that needed a new home, as his owner died of COVID complications. The first time I met him, I knew he was the perfect dog for me. Parker is a sweet 9-year-old lab/chow that loves walks, belly scratches, meeting new humans and going with his new dad for long weekends at the ranch. Parker also loves to visit his Aunt Jazmin (World Languages) as she always has treats for him. If you are thinking of owning a pet, please consider adopting or fostering one. There are so many pets looking for a place to call their forever home.
Desi Mier, Translation Services Department
My happy place is with my cows. I look forward to the new calves every year and watching them grow. Gracie is a great mom; she is with Spreckels that is this year calf. Gracie is one of seven cows.
Marilyn A. Briar-Seidlitz, Skyline HS
At 10 months and 51 pounds, Jethro is lucky to be alive. He and his sister were found behind W.B. Miller Elementary School last February. He was about one month old and flea ridden. According to a veterinarian, he wouldn’t have lived more than 24 hours. My husband had wanted a puppy for some time, so baby boy came home with me. Jethro’s now baby brother to our cats, Toby and Sadie.
Brenda McElyea, M.B. Henderson ES
As is typical of Siamese cats, Indigo, 5, is very communicative. She greets me and my husband, Richard, every morning when we wake, and every evening when I arrive home. Since our children are grown and gone, Indigo is our spoiled baby.
Muriel L. Sims, T.W. Browne MS
Meet Sophie, a 1-year-old Cavapoo! Sophie is a loving and playful lap dog, clocking in at only six pounds. She truly embodies the old adage “good things come in small packages”. Sophie was a regular feature in Miss Showalter’s virtual dyslexia therapy sessions last spring and loves to help her mom teach!
Charlotte Showalter, Mockingbird ES
Stanley is a Goldendoodle, 1, and he is the most loving dog, always waiting for a hug when I get home from work. He’s sweet to the other two dogs and loves spending time with my boyfriend, who works from home. He always puts a smile on my face.
Amy Blasingame, Personalized Learning Preparatory at Sam Houston
This is Jasper (aka Chanchito), and he will be 11 years old next month. You can find him underneath the Christmas tree which has become his favorite spot these past couple of days.
Maira Perez, Rosemont Upper
Sam is about 2 1/2 years old and is the sweetest dog I have ever owned. Any time he meets a new person, he wants them to be his best friend, so he will do a somersault to impress them. He also is very relaxed. When he is finished greeting everyone, he will lay down and enjoy the happenings or scenery. He loves car rides and going on walks outside. Sam is one of a kind.
Hailey Heikkinen, Longfellow Career Exploration Academy
Pawdrey Hepburn is 1 year old and was rescued into my home just a few weeks ago. Pawdrey loves to attend Zoom meetings and participate in virtual occupational therapy sessions with students, so she can chase their manipulatives across the screen! Pawdrey is pictured here with her best attempt to be invisible so she can pounce! Brandy McKelvy, Occupational and Physical Therapy Department
This is Lady Grey, a cockatiel hen. She is now 7 years old and does NOT like male birds—she prefers her true husband, a baby shoe she cuddles—and once she laid a teeny, tiny, perfect egg in the bookshelf. She was a frequent visitor to my pre-K and K classrooms in earlier years, much beloved of the class.
Johnny Boucher, Eduardo Mata Montessori
Nellie is an 11-year-old Golden Lab. She is single, with no children, but has made a lifelong commitment to a family that loves her. She has had a couple of surgeries, but overall is in good health. She must be fed at the same time every day or she will hound you until you pick up that bowl. She wants to go outside 200 million times a day and expects to be given a treat every time she comes back in. Day or night, rain or shine she expects you to play fetch with her for a minimum of 1000 tosses of the ball. Nellie cannot get enough belly rubs. She is scared of the wind….and sometimes her own shadow, but she really is the best dog ever.
Heather Laffey Mays, Longfellow Career Exploration Academy
This is my sweet friend Lucy. She’s polydactyl Maine Coon, almost 12 years old. In this picture, Lucy embodies the phrase “Cats Love Boxes” to demonstrate the best use of a suitcase during a pandemic.
Linda Pelfrey, IGNITE MS
Nemo is a chihuahua mix breed. It has been 9 fun interesting years with this little guy. After an extended walk in the neighborhood every morning at 6 a.m., he expects to play fetch with his favorite football or stuffed tiger. He enjoys tuna, carrots, and peas outside of his doggy training snacks. Although he can’t talk, Nemo communicates well to let the family know exactly what he wants. The cutest point of all is how much he loves to model and pose for pictures.
Rona Jackson, Substitute- Degreed
Wynter, 3, became a member of the Session household on July 20, 2019. We adopted her from the SPCA where she was in foster care. She is Terrier, Pit Bull/Mix and enjoys being around her family. She likes hunting for bugs, frogs, and grass snakes in the backyard. Some of her pastime favorites includes belly rubs, going for walks, looking out of the window and car rides. We know when she’s had a full day, from the loud snoring she does when she’s sleeps. Her favorite treats include, peanut butter, cheese and bacon strips. Once we saw those eyes and ears, we knew we had to bring Wynter home with us.
Wernsetta Session, Magnet, ACE,Transformation/ Innovation & Single Gender Schools
Meet Bear, an 8-year-old Shih Tzu. He’s fun loving and carefree, always up for the next adventure.
Carolyn Harmon, Jill Stone ES
Zeb adores all things pumpkin. He is currently a foster but will more than likely be a “foster fail.” Who could resist this adorable face?
Deanna Restrepo, Section 504 and Dyslexia Service
My name is Lulu, and I’m 6 months old. My favorite things to do during my day is play with my toys and take lots of naps. I also like to bark as soon as I go outside just to let everyone know that I’m outside and ready to bark at anything that moves.
Lucy Salazar, Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program
Rubi is a 9-month-old Maltipoo. We adopted her in late September. She enjoys long rides in the Jeep with the top off, playing fetch and cuddling. She is super sweet, happy and loving and always brings a smile to our faces.
Shelley M. Clayton, Seagoville MS
This is Marshmallow, and she is a rescue cat who loves attention. She wants to be held and cuddled 24/7. She purrs loudly and has a soft, white coat that she keeps pristine. She brings great joy to my family.
Michelle Weiner, Larry Smith ES
Muffin is a very spoiled Shih Tzu, who has been with me for the past 7 years. She loves to travel by plane or car. Always likes to be the center of attention wherever we go. During the pandemic, she has been the greatest companion ever. My guardian angel.
Paola Gomez, Field Experience Facilitator, Dallas Alternative Certification Program
This is Dr. Oreo, and we just celebrated his first birthday. He is with his big only in age/little in size brother Gizmo. They were all exited to get to the whip cream cake with bacon doggie snacks. Franceslia Rodriguez, Student Engagement Department
On Sept. 29, I was standing on hallway duty outside my classroom at Thomas Jefferson HS at Thomas Edison when one of my colleagues passed by with a 7-11 bag and a couple of cans of cat food. She mentioned that there was a kitten in the courtyard that she was going to feed, so I went with her to see for myself. It was true! A very friendly, very hungry little kitten had found its way into the Edison building courtyard. This is odd, as the courtyard is fully enclosed – the kitten had worked its way through a gap under the building. During my lunch period, I ran to Walmart and got a water bowl, a litter box, and a small pet carrier, then brought the kitten into my classroom for the afternoon. She claimed a chair and waited patiently, then went home with me that evening. Being from West Dallas, she got a West Dallas name: Bonnie, as in Bonnie & Clyde.
Tyler Smith, Thomas Jefferson HS