Come and get them!
Food and Child Nutrition Services provides free meals daily for students who are attending school in person and makes sure that students who are learning virtually as well as children in the community also have access to free meals with a weekly curbside pickup.
The weekly package of meals for virtual students and children in the community include breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks and are equivalent to between $60 and $80 worth of groceries per child. All parents have to do is come to the distribution sites between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays to pick up the package of meals to take home. An additional time of 10 a.m. to noon is also available for high school specific distribution sites.
Teachers and other district employees whose children attend Dallas ISD can pick up the curbside meals for virtual students starting at 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. No identification is required, just the name and date of birth of the children.
Meals are available to all children in the community ages 1 to 18 and to students with disabilities regardless of age.
To make it easier for parents to pick up meals, they can preorder and bring the order number to the site to pick up the meal. For more information about the curbside meals, distribution sites and to preorder, visit https://www.dallasisd.org/childnutrition.
Winter break meals
Food and Child Nutrition Services will be distributing free meals curbside for children in the community during the winter break on Monday, Dec. 21 and 28, for children ages 1-18. The distribution will begin at 11 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. or until supplies last. For locations click here.