LEAD focuses on P-TECH with Future Leaders Academy
The LEAD department is expanding its Future Leaders Academy partnership with UNT-Dallas to develop a P-TECH focused cohort. Candidates who participate in this 18-month program will have the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership with principal certification from UNT-Dallas and will form a cohort of future leaders for P-TECH schools. Classes will be held virtually and face-to-face at a central Dallas ISD location. The district will potentially reimburse up to 50% of university tuition costs.
This program is designed for secondary educators who do not currently have their principal certification and master’s degree in educational leadership.
UNT-Dallas will be hosting two information sessions via Zoom. Sessions will start at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, and Thursday Sept. 24. Use this form to RSVP.
The application window for this cohort will open on Sept. 17 and close on Friday, Oct. 16. For questions or additional information send an email to LEAD@dallasisd.org.